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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. I was reviewing the flight 3 footage and thought the interior of the ship looked kind of like a hollowed out zeppelin:
  2. I was struck by that too, though I don't see it as a good or bad thing, more so that there's at least more to say than "Everything is perfectly fine but don't expect that colonies update anytime soon, not that anything is wrong with our impressive two person development team".
  3. Worth listening to, interestingly Matt reached out to Nate to ask if he could say anything and he more or less just said what the others have been saying; "Can't talk now, maybe later".
  4. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/05/nasa-wants-a-cheaper-mars-sample-return-boeing-proposes-most-expensive-rocket/ Yeah I don't know about this, this doesn't reduce the cost by much (the SLS costs more than half the original plan lmao) it just wraps it up into a neater and Boeing manufactured bow. Would still be interesting to see unfold though.
  5. Hopefully not too exciting given how Boeing's been lately.
  6. Can't get much bigger than this. Still, you do have a point. Mostly in how much they want to bother keeping a sense of normalcy or if they really have just left us all high and dry.
  7. Regardless of what will come of this I think the community needs to come together and show support for this series, it's probably our last shot to at least be heard.
  8. Uhm... you may want to check the general chat. Maybe get a tub of ice cream first
  9. Does anyone know any KSP alternatives other than Juno? I never enjoyed it.
  10. Only two years? Lucky, we waited three and a half for a game that was arguably worse at release. We're coming up on four years of public development and we get this. Not to be inflammatory but I think we've been more then patient in comparison to other communities for a result like this.
  11. This is going to be a somewhat emotional response more then a logical one. Feel free to merge this into another thread, I have a feeling I'm not the only one who's going to make one of these. I remember first watching the trailer for KSP2 in 2019. I don't know if I knew KSP even existed at the time, and if I did I only ever knew it as the simulator I'd watch people doing heavily modded missions in on YouTube. I still remember watching a video someone made on a crewed flight to Pluto in RSS. I remember finally being able to play the first game on a work laptop, when exactly I can't remember but I remember becoming hooked to it. Through the pandemic years I would play it instead of attending most of my online classes, probably not good for my education but I have no regrets. All the while I, like many others, waited for any good news on the second games development. The trailer also introduced me to M83, now a favorite band of mine. To say the current situation hit hard is an understatement. Especially since it seemed like there may have been hope for the game to recover from its launch. As corny as it sounds Kerbal really did help me through a hard time in my life and many others through a low period in our history. I wanted and still want this series and this game to survive and give us all a chance to keep having new experiences for years to come. Not to mention introducing new fans to the games. I still want to believe so badly that this will somehow pan out but with almost no proper communication and the writing seemingly on the wall I think this is the end of the road for Kerbal 2. Maybe I'll be proven wrong and I definitely want to be but I don't think I will. I just wanted to make this post to say how much this world means to me. That being the community that grew around this game. Speculating on the game and all the things we'll be able to do when it finally releases (and becomes playable) has genuinely been some of the most fun I've had online. I just wanted to get my feelings on this out, I seems I'm not the only frustrated one. But I love this community that we've all become a part of and it's a good feeling to know that through all this we've (mostly) had each other's backs. I look forward to all our usual tomfoolery in the first game if push really has come to shove here.
  12. Can't post the image for some reason but I just saw a chart on the games reviews. It's.. hard to look at I don't like the feel of the "response" beyond being purposefully vague it gives off "break up" language.
  13. Some notes from Dakota in the Discord: -Server and Forum are fine for now. -They don't know or can't give an answer to the *cough* questions *cough* people have asked.
  14. That's not all dead, just "mostly" dead. If it was all dead we'd be going through its pockets for loose change The first stage of grief is denial
  15. I'm not sure what to think. I want to have confidence that they'll finish the game or at least make it playable but community trust is still quite low. I don't think it will be totally canceled, they're in too deep and they have the chance to recoup losses if they actually release it. That being said I doubt we'll get much of the planned features past maybe a buggy version of colonies. I would love to be proven wrong but I'll believe it when I see it. https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/1785788809613082732
  16. Oh boy here we go again, he's in charge of SpaceX only because he's got the money and not because he has any good ideas. Other then that he has no bearing on the operations of SpaceX, the only time I think he's ever influenced a design is when he insisted Starships nose "needed to be pointy", and do you really think that would have gone ahead if it was actually a big deal? Can we please stop finding ways to rope an argument about Elon Musk into this thread?
  17. Created some basic graphs based on the information from the linked forum showing the exact location of the candidate site:
  18. Image seems to be working now, interesting, it really doesn't look like a proper crash site to me. What I see is a crater, a bright spherical object (probably the lander) and some other debris. Assuming this is in fact Mars 6 is it possible it hard-landed but just slow enough for the probe's structure to remain intact? It was designed to be dropped after all. We'd also need to look at the general area for signs of the heatshield and parachute since the lander had already jettisoned those, which would require re-finding the candidate object.
  19. Very interesting, though it seems that none of the links provided loaded properly. Are there any other sources you are aware of?
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