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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Obviously this still depends on luck a lot of the time but I was wondering if there any specific locations that a particularly good at keeping the people inside safe. One that I'm particularly interested in is subway stations and if the shock wave would still be lethal on the bottommost level. Also I heard that just lying down could allow most of the blast to pass over you. Could this work? Are there any better options for protection?

  2. The aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, and Yorktown have been surveyed. Yorktown was discovered by Robert Ballard years ago but hadn't been seen since and Kaga was located recently in 2019. Akagi was also located that year but only via sonar and is just now being dived on. The two other Japanese carriers, Soryu and Hiryu, have not been found.

    USS Yorktown:


    USS Yorktown was located by Dr. Robert Ballard in 1998. She's lying intact on the sea bed perfectly preserved at a depth of 5074 Meters. She's listing onto her starboard side but mostly intact. The recent survey found her in much the same condition as when she was first identified.


    The Yorktown's superstructure.


    The Yorktown's Stern

    IJN Kaga:


    While light debris from the ship was found in 1999 the wreck of the Kaga wasn't located until 2019. Her wreck is in far worse shape then her American counterpart. She's lying at a depth of around 5400 Meters and is totally destroyed. Kaga was hit by multiple bombs which ignited her hanger decks causing explosions so massive that men from other ships thought it must have killed everyone on board. Everything above her original Battlecruiser hull has broken up and is lying around the ship. The ships is almost totally buried with the bow of the ship being covered in silt. The devastation is so widespread that many points don't resemble a ship at all, let alone an aircraft carrier.


    A recognizable section of Kaga's hull.


    A surviving turret, a rare sight on Kaga's mangled wreck.


    A strangely unsettling images of the wreck.

    IJN Akagi:


    IJN Akagi was found the same year as her fleetmate in 5490 Meters of water but was not surveyed until this year. She's more intact then her sister (though it's sadly a low bar), the former flagship of the Japanese force that day is in a sorry state on the bottom. She sustained slightly less severe damage then Kaga but still suffered the same violent end to internal explosions. The recent survey found that the ship has some damage but still has recognizable features unlike the Kaga.


    The Bow of Akagi, with the intact seal of the emperor still on her bow.


    A damaged portion of the Akagi's superstructure


    Possibly an anchor off Akagi's stern

    And here's the video these images were taken from:


  3. 4 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    There is no single word in his speech about the navigation system. He just told about the engine which hadn't stopped in time.

    Well a cyclogram would probably be part of the navigation system right? If there was an issue of some kind then the engine would default to the shutdown time mentioned in the article. It also makes sense they didn't mention it given that it was probably the results of not having ESA's planned landing equipment and having to rework the lander.

  4. 37 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    The head of Roscosmos Yuri Borisov said that the Luna-25 abnormal mission termination was caused by the engine malfunction.

    Instead of the cyclogram, it worked until shutdown, 127 s instead of 84.


    So an issue with the navigation system caused the engine to overburn? Would make sense considering they removed the ESA nav components and didn't test it afterwards.

  5. I'm gonna talk about the possible human remains found in the sub. I'll put it in a spoiler box since it will probably be upsetting to some;


    DNA testing is being done on the remains found, no details of the condition of the remains were given obviously but we can infer based off some of what they said. I get the impression the remains are just a mass of viscera belonging to multiple people. Yikes.



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