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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Cricket 3 was supposed to be a Munar landing and return flight, at least it managed the first part. Tim C was chosen for this flight since Jeb is stranded in orbit, Val might be dead(?) and Tim, being a new default character, was the subject of my morbid curiosity. After several attempts involving kraken attacks I went in for a direct landing to get on the ground as fast as possible. The landing stage had it's fuel eaten by the kraken so the return stage was used for the touchdown.  Tim got out and planted the flag but due to a bug he is unable to reenter at this moment.







    Loving this game (minus the bugs and performance problems). It's nice there are actually flat areas on other planets you can land on that still look interesting.

  2. My first missions in KSP2!

    Cricket 1 was a simple orbital rocket which got Jeb into LKO. It sadly wasn't as lucky getting him back though. I accidently decoupled the upper stage while experimenting with timewarp. Jeb was then flung out into the void after a kraken while trying to push his capsule on his own.





    Cricket 2 was an attempted repeat mission with SRBs and a nice paintjob but a bug made the rocket impossible to steer leading to a failure to orbit. However Valentina was brought home in one piece. Though it seems now that due to a glitch she may have died during recovery somehow.




    Edit: Wow, I'm the first here? Cool!

  3. 5 minutes ago, Entr8899 said:

    Ah, so it's just wishful thinking and choosing to ignore all criticism?

    Ignore? I don't ignore the games (many) issues and hope they get fixed. But I also think that this game is fun and is a good continuation of the first games ideas assuming that it becomes stable by final release. I just wanted to highlight what was good about about what's there and not comment on the technical aspects, because frankly I wouldn't know what I was talking about. I understand the frustration and I am a little let down that the game is in this state myself but all I can do is have fun with what I have and hope it gets better. And I'm not saying this as an owner of a NASA supercomputer. I run KSP2 on an 8GB laptop and I'm just happy I get to experiment with it while it develops.

  4. Just now, Entr8899 said:

    Are you sure you're playing the same game as everyone else?

    I'm judging it by what's in it's heart to stay positive. No point saying what's already been said about performance and bugs (though I do hope they work on that soon :/). And frankly I wasn't expecting to to run on my potato and it did and that's all I needed from it today. I've had closure after 3 years, my soul can rest easy tonight :) 

  5. 1. There one where I think an object may have somehow passed through Kerbin instead of impacting it.

    2. I don't know if this was a bug but I could not manually control my second rocket and the mission couldn't make it into orbit, SAS controls worked but I couldn't steer it outside of that.

  6. I'm gonna cut to the chase here. Kerbal Space Program 2 isn't a good game or even an OK game. It's THE BEST FRICKING GAME EVER MADE. PERIOD.

    Il put my full thoughts in a spoiler tab, go play the game and form your own opinion before having other people make it for you.


    I launched a basic orbital rocket called Cricket 1 to see if my potato could even run anything on the game and that mission was one of the most beautiful experiences I've had playing a game. Everything went wrong with the mission itself, once I got to orbit I accidently decoupled the capsule from the upper stage and Jeb was hurled into the void trying to push the capsule down himself. But I don't even care, I had a blast during the flight testing the limits of my poor computer and seeing all the weird kraken attacks unfold before my eyes. This game may have it's problems but at it's core it's just GETS what makes KSP such a beautiful series. From Jeb smiling through his eternal solace in LKO to actually beautiful moments where you see the (incredible) new skybox as the ( also incredible) soundtrack plays. I could gush on and on and this was just my FIRST mission. I hope this game overcomes the challenges that it faces now because hidden under the bugs and bad performance there is something truly magical in this games spirit. Ok, enough rambling from me, have some pics of Jeb's doom;






    How are you finding the game?

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