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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. My first live Falcon Heavy launch, this should be fun :) 

    Weird to see the center booster without any of the landing equipment, was it built for this mission or modified?

    One minute, lets light this candle :D


    BECO and boostback.

    Gospeed core booster, second stage is away!

  2. 6 hours ago, TheTennesseeFireman said:

    On the topic of HYPE, which planet/moon are you most excited to see revamped? Pol’s textures look incredible, and Eve looks like a worthy place to explore now, but there’s always something to be said for the Mun experience in HD. 

    Looking forward to that new planet they added in between Duna and Jool. Curious to see how the less popular locations are improved (Moho, Eeloo, Bop, ETC). Also can't wait to see the atmospheric bodies with clouds finally. Kerbins moons are also something I hope to check out on day 1, Minmus looks the same and yet is so different in awesome ways! Can't wait to live up to my username and take a scoop of minty green glass. and The Mun is a totally new beast now, the seas must beautiful from Kerbin. :D 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Kerbal123_Furry said:


    According to my datamining, the lamps mean: Kerbol(big yellow lamp), Eve(purple one), Duna(yellow smaller one) and one buried into the rocks(big green lamp with 5 small lamps) which means Jool.

    They skipped moho kerbin dres and eeloo. 1 skip 1 count.


    And give me the link of it!

    At the end of this video

  4. Just now, Kerbal123_Furry said:


    坎巴拉太空计划-Mun彩蛋(疑似1.12.5新增)_坎巴拉太空计划 (bilibili.com)

    By folling the coordinates (12.5N, 39.15E) shown in the comments, I found this.

    It seems like a broken mun arch.

    Same marks appeared on it. Is it a portal????

    Anyway it must be related to KSP2. 

    I will do some datamining to show further information!

    You may want to put that in a spoiler box ;) that arch has been making the rounds in the community as of late. It was added after the "something more?" sections in the KSP2 dev videos ended with a lander hitting the arch. Probably a map of the main system judging by the objects files.

  5. I think the others will break and reveal various different parts of the arch as KSP2 is released and developed, if there is a reveal of some kind (say another planet or aliens) then it will be be revealed through the arches before being added to the second game.

    Wow it's like the whole community just came alive all at once, so many things happened today and it's awesome to finally see the second game get some much needed buildup. The hype train has never had so much steam to work with before. Powering ahead to our final stop! :D 

  6. 9 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

    Reasons against it being a heatshield:

    It is possibly too small depending on the re-entry physics

    Aero forces aren't slowing down a skyscraper at safe altitudes, and if the skyscraper ends up very low in the atmosphere, said skyscraper will flex and will snap somewhere around the thin Girder-noodle section

    The dV saved from an aerobrake maneuver will be negligible compared to the dV provided by the ship itself. By the time it's travelling slow enough to not disintegrate at altitudes drag becomes useful, it would take barely a fraction of a percent of the starting dV to burn into an orbit.

    Reasons for it being a heatshield: well clearly if it's brown and patchy then it could only be a heatshield, right?

    Sorry for the necro, but this line of discussion is too interesting to pass up.

    That wasn't my argument though, I was talking about how it could be a debris shield of some kind. And I only called it a "heatshield" for simplicities sake (though at that speed the particles your traveling through might actually cause dangerous heating).

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