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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Conceptually they're a cool idea but what's the point of implementing one let alone several of them if they're so small and isolated. KSP2 seems to have prioritized making locations interesting and worth visiting and a player would probably rather go to a new star system than a single planet. Also there isn't any light so what would you even be seeing? I could imagine there being a planet 9 analogue in orbit of one of the stars but beyond that rogue objects would be fairly pointless at least in my opinion.

    EDIT; I misspelled "Rogue" didn't I? :/ 

    The Search for Planet Nine | UCLA Library

  2. Less than two months to go, at this point I almost don't care about the stuff coming after the first release (minus fixing the inevitable bugs). I just want the game to be out in some form so I can be sure it actually exists and wasn't just pandemic-induced shared psychosis.

  3. 12 hours ago, lrd.Helmet said:

    Pluto ain't a planet

    Get em' boys

    Personally I gotta go with Neptune as of voting, beyond being scientifically interesting it's absolutely stunning and I really love that shade of blue. Saturn comes in a close second look-wise but I'm not into the colors as much. From the moment I became interested in space I always thought the ice giants were the coolest, one mission for the planets and we found so much there sitting just out of reach in terms of missions. I always loved picking up books from the early 2000's in my school library and flipping through them while my class was there, not because I didn't already know the books contents, I just loved seeing the pictures. When I saw those grainy old photo's taken in the 80's every planet had some dramatic new color scheme leaving me bursting with curiosity. And as you got to the end of the book after all that beauty you see Uranus and Neptune, two faintly lit blue orbs, I could almost feel how cold and remote they were. They seemed different from the rest of the planets, they were less "dramatic" so to speak, it was like they were sleeping giants. They continue to fill me with wonder to this day and Neptune especially will always have a special place in my heart.

    No photo description available.

  4. "On Dec. 18, 2022,  InSight did not respond to communications from Earth. As expected, the lander’s power has been declining for months, and it’s assumed InSight may have reached its end of operations. NASA will declare the mission over when InSight misses two consecutive communication sessions with the spacecraft orbiting Mars, part of the Mars Relay Network – but only if the cause of the missed communication is the lander itself. After that, NASA’s Deep Space Network will listen for a time, just in case."


    She's gone :valsob:




  5. 4 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

    Most people attribute the liquid oceans to tidal heating similar to Io. You would expect some big volcanism though. 

    It's been a sort of hopeless-hope that they'll add volcanism to Laythe in the new game. I just realized that this impact means there is a large crater on most of the atmospheric planets in the Kerbolar system, interesting.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Vl3d said:

    @Ghostii_Spaceare we getting a new KSP2 trailer for Christmas? You're the only person who can quell the rumors.

    Rumors keep the community alive, if she left the hint at "something happening this December" then she's probably not saying more.

    On the topic of sneak peeks though;

    Easily the most stunning look we've had at the game via twitter, this game is gonna pretty that's for sure! It's really cool to see all the locations in the first game getting a facelift like this. Also anyone notice the big impact crater on Laythe? There were craters in KSP1 and even a sort of basin but this is extreme, perhaps this could explain the moons habitability?


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