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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Obviously it's early access so it's bound to be less friendly to big vessels but I can't help but wonder if you'll be able to make bigger ships in the game early on. Also as more of a general question I have about KSP 2; what about debris? In the first game there was a very annoying point where the amount of junk in my save made it unplayable. This would be a crippling issue for the second game since you're inevitably going to create many times the junk you do in KSP 1

  2. The KSP twitter account is showing a list of randomly generated Kerbals for December, seems to be a daily thing!

    December 1st:



    I feel you Adrick 

    December 2nd:



    December 3rd:



    You are gazing into the eyes of the damned.

    Additionally we have another meme, not sure what engine that's supposed to be or if it's a totally new one, Mainsail perhaps?


  3. 1 hour ago, darthgently said:

    I thought Lapat was supposed to be younger than Kerbin.  Not sure where I got that.  Like maybe there is cellular life in the oceans, but nothing on land phase

    Maybe I'm thinking of the other that stays with "G"


    That's also possible but that's what Gurdamma is doing, I got my dying Kerbin theory from this picture which does kind of look like Lapat;


  4. 8 hours ago, Catto said:

    lapat should have like rainforest music, like birds chirping and bongos

    I doubt Lapat is gonna have anything in common with a rainforest considering what we have seen of it, wouldn't make sense to have just another Kerbin, that would be too easy. It's probably a desert-like planet given this shot of it from the air;


    I imagine it having a theme with some elements of Kerbins theme (like made with similar instruments) but with a different vibe, perhaps something somber considering it's probably in the second system which is theorized to be an older one.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Zaffre said:

    I suspected a layout like this would be the case for some time now.

    However... We may not see all of these worlds make it into the game. The known development time of KSP2 has already been decently lengthy given the schedule they had initially planned on. With game development being a fickle, difficult, and very time-consuming thing where a lot can change it would not surprise me to find that some objects get cut.

    Another thing to consider is that Debdeb may be our Epsilon Eridani analogue. I don't see Debdeb being even a distant binary system.

    I would assume everything they have shown even in passing is getting in, that late in development why would you just quit on already shownplanets? for example something like Lapat; the supposedly habitable exoplanet. Sure we haven't seen much of it but it's probably still in the game. Many people think it's gone but why would that be the case? of course some planets were cut early on but once they've actually shown them and named them why would they remove them? Development for KSP2 has been rough but only because of a contract shuffle and a pandemic, the game doesn't seem to be going that bad, it's just been slowed down by unfortunate events.

  6. I really love the idea of planets getting themes but I doubt it will happen in stock for at least a bit. There was a mod for the first game that did this to an extent and it's incredible, just imagine what KSP2 could do if it did something like this at some point. Additionally moons could get something like a small tune, like if you go to Mun you'd hear a bit a Kerbins music but with some new stuff to mix into the new theme (because trying to make a theme for everything down to asteroid moons would be insane).

    I'd Imagine Kerbin having a soft-familiar tone until you go to Minmus or go into a distant orbit where it gets distorted and fractured until it's just a sad backround tun mixing into the music for solar orbit which would be a cold unfamiliar tune that gives you a sense of the distances your traveling, like the spaced out notes you hear in the soundtrack for Interstellar. Speaking of interstellar I'd imagine that that would just be a drone to communicate the complete void the player is currently inside.

  7. 24 minutes ago, intelliCom said:

    Given how unpredictable solar flares are, is gateway even a slightly good idea? If there's an incident of the first death in space, that'll cut off all travel to the moon for decades.

    NASA can't be THAT stupid, there must be some sort of way to shield the crew or abort for Earth. To think they could get that negligent would be actually sickening.

  8. OK so I don't use Steam for ksp but why is this being so blown out of proportion? I get why people are mad, it's not a good change and sort of makes Steam pointless. But people are acting like the game was just ruined, it's just a dumb launcher and the game is mostly the same since the last update. And yes sadly yes, if it isn't changed ksp2 will probably be like this but who cares? Just don't buy it off Steam and have to deal with the second launcher.

  9. 20 hours ago, Xelo said:

    Apparently gurdamma has a second moon that briefly flashes its name in one of the episodes called Gop. :0

    I noticed Gop quite awhile ago, probably a "proto minmus" of some sort. 

    As for the end of the video I think that the SOI's of the moon system he found were too large to actually be connected by gravity (also the symbols involved were something not used on planets). I think that this could be the new star system map and the bubbles were the new stars SOI's. I noticed that there were four bubbles though which could be a fatal flaw in the theory. But the third one could just be Kerbol and the fourth could just be another system which is either kept secret and planned for later or cancelled.

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