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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. 2 hours ago, Rutabaga22 said:

    It looks like dream chaser mixed with starhip and hermes.

    It also looks like one of the doctors dropped the poor thing when it was born.

    But if it works it works, it is pretty cool that might actually make a crew launch vehicle in the near future :)

  2. 1 minute ago, Beccab said:

    Especially if someone starts comparing it with the Saturn V, that one had nearly no scrubs over a dozen launches. Not even Apollo 4, the first Saturn V launched

    The Saturn V comparisons have existed for years, not much more they could do to dig the rockets reputation into the ground other than blowing it up on Artemis 2 or 3.

    Honestly I'd rather they scrub it if there's an issue, it's better then watching the thing R.U.D and then having a repeat of Constellation.

  3. That title gave me a freaking heart attack!

    10 minutes ago, Fullmetal Analyst said:

    where is it? plz show some details about actually interesting features!

    and why was the release date again delayed now until 2023? why couldn't u just be honest with us from start and tell us its 2023 right away?

    They've remained vague about features like multiplayer on purpose and the date changed from 2020 down to 23' because plans just changed.

  4. On 8/3/2022 at 8:27 AM, Stephensan said:

    Watched the video a couple of times, and if those "dots" that are colored more brightly than the "background space" for the introduction with the yellow and silver spaceship, and the green planet in the background i counted at least 90~ or so brightly shining objects.. some of those can be planets but if thats not the case, and if all are those are stars, (which some was easily a binary star system) it could be a huge logical reason why they needed extra time, they kept on talking about you are this like pea size thing, but then it is a huge area, that could be the reason why, just not due to the vastness of space in the game, but due to the game just being that large.. those can easily be either placeholders for new solar systems, or IS already implemented solar systems.

    I doubt that there are that many stars in the game it's probably way too much to implement in the timeframe of development, also with that many stars what are you gonna put around them? they'd probably become boring and identical with around 90 systems to fill out.

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