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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. On 10/9/2022 at 9:32 AM, Strawberry said:

    UY Scuti has a radius of 8 AU, meaning that all planets that orbit it would have to be at least 8 AU away from the center. Your planets will still generally be faster though due to the higher mass necessitating greater speeds to orbit around the star. 

    Actually they would be incredibly slow due to the stars mass being so low, a larger star doesn't equate too more massive and giants would be a prime example of this having expanded almost to the point of falling apart and blowing half of they're mass into space.

    Anyways I don't think there should be a "final boss" star system, it would be jarring to have a system that was somehow totally different then the other systems and would feel forced, also the game doesn't have linear progression so what if someone chooses to fly to the final boss first?

  2. Dude if this mad lad is right either by his crazy theory or sheer luck then I think we owe them a moment of thought when we finally get the date confirmed:


    Also can anyone tell what the text on the folder says here, I know I'm probably going a little too deep in on this but it clearly does say something.


  3. Honestly comparing an unfinished game to a laggy mod is just a stupid thing to do, I'm really starting to get sick of people looking at development footage and saying that it doesn't look as good as Parallax, at least the vast majority of us will probably be able to actually RUN ksp 2.

  4. 15 hours ago, The Aziz said:

    We're getting Dev diaries and S&T (and feature video rarely) interchangeably every month, since January. with one exception of May. Let's see if that keeps happening at the end of October with new Dev diary I guess.

    The feature video schedule is once around every 5 months, so we may actually get one soon, there is also a a surge of new footage and news before one, so fingers crossed for October!

    18 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

    Absolutely gorge. :wub: How deep can we go? 

    If I had to make an educated Guess you could probably go into the clouds but not MUCH deeper, sort of like the Galileo probe.

    NASA — Falling Into Jupiter

  5. 2 minutes ago, ExtremeSquared said:

    Guy on the Dart Livestream:

    You don't want to blow up an asteroid. The pieces will still hit earth. You don't want to miss a thing.

    I refuse to believe this wasn't an overt reference to that awful scene in Armageddon with the animal crackers.

    That one scene is probably the reason I refuse to watch that film.

    You can sort of make out Dimorphos as a little dot.

    2 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

    Isn't that what they're livestreaming? Hopefully nobody was ... negligent? ... enough to put a camera on the craft that's about to be smashed to bits.

    I think they're livestreaming DART's camera

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