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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. 1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

    Bluedog Design Bureau v1.10.0 "Луна"

    (Click image to see update album)




    New Content and features






    - New Apollo capsule with multiple variants including Skylab and Boilerplate variants
    - Official PBR support for Apollo capsule via Textures Unlimited with custom PBR textures (Thanks to Truthful Gnome)
    - New block II SM with realistic SIM-bay and alternate bay interiors
    - Apollo CM terrestrial landing heatshield with legs and retro motors
    - New SIM-bay experiments and revamped sub satellite
    - New LM with independent legs and silver MLI variant
    - New LM and CSM engines
    - 16 new surface experiment parts based on the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP). Requires Breaking Ground DLC.
    - Multiple R4D rcs variant blocks
    - LM MESA experiment, goo experiment based on RTG cask, and cosmic ray detector
    - Revamped ETS advanced Apollo service modules and mission modules
    - revamped AARDVARK block I and block II, plus unpressurised segment.
    - new accurate CADS docking port in passive and active models (1.25m)
    - Apollo Boilerplate CM and SM
    - New Apollo SM Doppler Antenna (used on ASTP mission)





    - All new Saturn V at correct real world to KSP scale ( S1C and SII now 6.25m, SIVB 4.25m).
    - Multiple variant lengths for S1C including various stretches for MLV as well as common bulkhead variant.
    - Variants for S1C engine mount
    - Multiple mounting truss options for the SLA. Wide SLA variant with straight walls for larger payloads
    - Multiple variant lengths, 5x and 7x engine mount variants for SII.
    - SII to 3.75m Generic mount and dedicated 3.75m M1 engine mount.
    - Multiple variant lengths, SOFI texture variant and LASS mount option for the S4B
    - Variants for Saturn V engine mount
    - S1D Atlas style half staging mount and vernier engine
    - New inline and radial AJ260 solid rocket motor in multiple length variants
    - Revamped and resized Saturn I (first stage 4.25m, S4 3.75m) with multiple length switches
    - 6.25m (MLV) and 4.25m (Skylab style), and 3.75m SAF fairings.
    - 2.5m Saturn I fairing variant
    - Truss adapter for AARDV and Centaur
    - New E-1 engine
    - New sustainer variant for the F1
    - New H2 variant (subtype on the H1)





    - All new historical Skylab with Breaking Ground based robotics truss for the ATM
    - Jettisonable shielding for the orbital workshop with custom PBR texture support via Textures Unlimited for the bare workshop
    - Skylab external experiments
    - New wet workshop model
    - New Venus flyby wet workshop with expanded shielding and 12x solar panels
    - New Venus flyby mission module with unpressurised cargo bay, experiments and reentry probes.
    - New ETS Spacelab parts
    - Aft MDA based on EOSS proposals for expanding Skylab derived from the back





    - parts for Big Gemini conical service module (4.25m S4B diameter)
    - Abort tower for Big Gemini


    - New Saturn I-based Pegasus micrometeorite satellite
    - Replaced old APAS (0.9375m) with new model by Benjee10. Compatible without conflict with Benjees own mods (Habtech, SOCK etc)
    - Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) docking adapter and experiment
    - APAS 75 docking port from ASTP. Compatible with corresponding Soyuz base counterpart being added to Tantares.
    - New Agena Horizon Sensor part (definitely apollo related)




    Updates and Enhancements

    - Update bundled Waterfall to 0.8.1
    - Some solar panel EC output balancing
    - Minor science balancing
    - New Agena Avionics Unit 'split' paint variant
    - DCSS 2.5m Fairing Base paint variants (white, black, and gray)

    Bug fixes

    - Fix more typos
    - Minor tag fixes
    - Fix Delta IV engine shroud texture



    It's Beautiful I've Looked At This For Five Hours Now | Know Your Meme

  2. 10 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

    Kerbin is almost done. I've made some huge optimizations to how the geometry is rendered and now I've managed to get a much better density of objects. Technical stuff below, but the picture first!


    Ironically, I was limited by draw calls which this scatter system is supposed to reduce. Before the above optimizations, foliage was being rendered on a per-quad basis - each quad being its own draw call. Now I've rewritten part of the compute shader responsible for culling so that it combines every object's position from every quad and writes them to a single buffer which is used to render from. This took a scene with much less foliage than the one above from ~110 FPS to 160+ with a significant CPU usage reduction. Safe to say, it was worth the effort!

    My PC's fan went faster just from looking at this, it looks stunning.

  3. 45 minutes ago, PDCWolf said:

    Camera vs eye chicanery, anecdotals as source (specially since everyone seemingly has super eyes and lives in the middle of the Niue pacific dark spot when arguing what they can see). All of that has been gladly debunked, and we know (thanks to hard source chasing and original investigation work through simulation software) what a camera is capable of doing, and what the sky would look like in a myriad of situations. We've beaten that horse into jelly on what still is the most replied to single-idea thread on the suggestions forum.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and those are to be respected, but opinions are not facts, and we've worked hard enough on the facts already.

    For example, this is an opinion (which I don't agree with):

    This image depicts a fact, that no matter how high you crank up the exposure (even to perfectly see nebulae), stars alone will not light your ship up:


    And to dispel further chicanery, even with the human eye, you'd need a perfectly bright white ship to discern its silhouette in starlight alone, mathematically calculated:

    https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/25901/how-bright-is-starlight-in-deep-space#:~:text=So let us say that,discern it even in starlight.

    Just for the record, is that the Roci in space engine?

  4. 17 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    I zoomed in - think its an "o".  If you look at the 'u' in Altitude it has a different shape -assuming the same font.


    Gop it is...


    ...now, what is it?

    It seems to have a large SOI so it's at the very least a moon, probably smaller than Donk.

    The idea of Gurdamma and Donk is to give an idea of What Kerbin & Mun looked like after forming, Gop could be a sort of Proto-Minmus.

    It may have a larger SOI due to it being father away from Gurdamma.

  5. On 4/1/2022 at 10:45 PM, Gameslinx said:

    Hey all, back with another small update on the next update, along with some things I'm looking into. First up, I've been working on creating alien flora for Laythe. I've not finished all the objects I want to yet, but this screenshot was too good to pass up on!


    Once the scatters are mostly done, I want to look into optimizing the tessellation performance - potentially moving some of it to a compute shader to free up some CPU speed and reduce how many times per frame the GPU needs to tessellate. I'll be posting more updates as development continues. As always, I'm really looking forward to being able to share this with you all when it's done :) 


    Never seen Laythe look so alive, looks more like a beachy Pandora then a grey/brown mesh.

  6. On 3/18/2022 at 2:45 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

    It took me a while to a) find this thread and b) get the right screenshots, but to expand on this point a little:


    Note the two Kerbals for scale here, and the cuboid-shaped girder they're floating beside. There are four segments in the girder, each of which looks about as long as two Kerbals are tall.

    Now look a couple of seconds earlier in the trailer to see the full ship:


    See those tiny structural bits on that ship? Those are the same girders!

    It's only by having these two images side by side that I really realised just how


    that ship actually is. If Kerbals are just one metre tall including their helmets, that engine is fifty metres across, minimum; the radiation shield in front of it, probably over 100m wide.


    Assuming that engine is in fact 50 metres in diameter, I'd estimate the ship's total length is at least 300 metres.

    So to conclude: How big will ships get in KSP2? Very, very, VERY big!

    I wonder how big you can actually make them, I'm guessing at least twice that.

  7. 4 hours ago, Invaderchaos said:


    Bluedog Design Bureau v1.10.0 "тролл"
    I'm excited to announce the BDB v1.10 update! Over the last two weeks I have been secretly working behind the scenes to make never before seen highly requested sets of parts! I tried my best to keep this under wraps to surprise everyone, I hope y'all enjoy this update!!

    Image credit: Araym



    DOWNLOAD [GitHub]

    DOWNLOAD [SpaceDock]

    v1.10.0 "тролл"

    New Content and Features
    - Saturn Nova Rocket
    - Pegasus Upper Stage (ETS)
    - Pioneer Venus (finally)
    - KH-11
    - Big Apollo
    - Small Gemini
    - Bigger Gemini
    - Rogallo Gemini
    - Added Soyuz Parts
    - 15 new single part satellites that no one has ever heard of before
    - New delta blue paint variants for Saturn V parts

    Updates and Enhancements
    58 additional texture variants for agena to represent every single flown and unflown variant of Agena
    - A new, sorely needed science part called a "magnetometer"! BDB has never featured this sort of experiment and we are excited to feature one after all this time
    - All part descriptions and titles have been converted to the cyrillic alphabet for 'authenticity'.
    - All tags have been removed to encourage creativity and exploration of our parts. Good luck trying to make historical craft!
    - DDS compressed each texture file 3 times over to save 12 MB in file space. Hope you like your textures with a hefty side of green and purple pixels.

    Bug fixes
    Removed Delta IV (it is not a true Delta)
    - Removed Herobrine

    Never before have I been so offended by something that I thought was 100% hilarious XD

  8. 15 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

    It's not uncommon to have millennials be grand parents now. 

    Bruh Kongregate's updates are garbage" | Fandom
    When you get old enough is it just living past the warranty? isn't the "warranty" in question your mid/late 20's since that was a humans average lifespan back before civilization?

    Or is your warranty when you can't reproduce? I've heard of some animals who's groups abandoned them to die after they could no longer have children.

    And is there a warranty on your mind? of course your brain rots over time but the mind inside of it could probably last longer if your aging brain didn't destroy it.


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