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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. 9 hours ago, GoldForest said:

    Decided to complete the set, I give to you, Saturn IB Long Boi and Saturn V Long Boi!


    Saturn IB Long Boi has a measly 1.02 TWR... and that's with the H-1C '73s AND the H-2 300ks! It's so slow that it was able to cook off the Saturn IB launch mount!




    Saturn V Long Boi doesn't fair too good either. 1.03 TWR at liftoff... with F-1Bs... at least the launch platform survived. 

    Longcat gives this Her blessing:

     Futhead on Twitter: "Me trying to keep up with all the puns in the FH  comments https://t.co/1rtZqgHQAl" / Twitter

  2. I'm sure some of you have heard of Gas Planet 2 and 3, two giant planets never added to KSP:

    Gas planet 2

    Above: Test image of Gas planet 2 (no image of Gas Planet 3)

    But what if one or more were added in KSP2 as rouge planets? It would certainly be a very neat challenge and could lead to some very interesting finds and could fit in with the rest of KSP2's lore, for instance Gas Planet 2 and 3 could have been thrown out of the system by Jool or some other event that could have something to do with the systems around Kerbol  but Eeloo (which was meant to be a moon of Gas Planet 2) was spared and is now a leftover of what was once there.

    This would also fit with the devs plan to never change the layout of the Kerbol system itself but could instead add to the intrigue of places like Eeloo, and could also give players the chance to learn about rouge planets and system-disrupting events, like planets being ejected due to violent events like planetary or stellar encounters.

  3. 20 hours ago, Beale said:

    Pretty incredible stuff, keep at it!

    Very nice, happy to see it working :cool:, hopefully I will patch it soon.





    Want to be clear recent events really sicken me, so I will be returning to modding to do a one-off project of the rocket Tsyklon.

    If you are in the United Kingdom, you can donate for humanitarian aid at:


    I can't promise the same kind of pace as old Tantares updates, but I will see what I can do, patches and the 2MV may finally be fortchcoming too.


    Create meme "cat salutes, cats , cat salutes" - Pictures - Meme-arsenal.com

  4. 8 minutes ago, Ahres said:

    While I see what you're saying, I know Intercept is trying to make planetary science as realistic as possible (think Minmus being glassy instead of icy). So with that in mind, would one expect Rask and Rusk to be vastly different? Besides, this feels like a complaint that you can't make until you've played the game and landed on both of them. From orbit they look similar, but who knows what we'll find on the surface.

    Good point, But I still hope that there's some sort of tidal bulging on them since that is pretty accurate anyways from my knowledge on the subject.

    Like with what you see with the death star Mimas in orbit of Saturn:

    Saturn's innermost moon could be a 'stealth ocean world'

  5. 9 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

    you ever tried to orbit a binary system?

    I have not, I was never questioning the interesting orbital challenge, they are very interesting and I'm looking forward to messing around at that system, I'm saying that from an exploration standpoint both of them are basically the same which might de-motivate people from spending to much time trying to explore both of them.

  6. Overall Rask & Rusk should be a really interesting place to visit but I think there's a slight misstep with the design presented in 2021.

    For the record this is not any sort of attack on the dev's, they've done an amazing job with the game and Rask & Rusk are already spectacular examples of the stuff they've done.

    But there's something about Rask & Rusk that may be a detriment to that system overall in my opinion, this is based of pre-alpha footage of course and this might already be invalid but let me ask you this question, do you know is this Rask or Rusk?


    If you answered "I have no clue" you'd be correct, to be fair the devs have yet to clarify which planet is which and this makes sense considering the games not even close to being out.

    But if you are actually playing the game and you want to land on Rusk for example, other than the names on the map view how are you supposed to know which planet is which? and why should you care in the first, both planets seem to look mostly the same.

    Lets look at Rask & Rusk during their reveal in game at PAX east 2019:


    This may or may-not just be me, but Rask & Rusk look visually different from the tidal forces acting on each-other, lets assume that Rask is the top one and Rask is the bottom in this image for this post, from this angle Rask looks like a madness combat head, and Rusk looks like a cracked egg.

    It might seem like a small change but this helps us to visually distinguish the two from each other, and it's also a great example of tidal distortion for the player.

    This is the more modern design of Rask & Rusk from Episode 4 of the KSP2 feature video's:


    For the most part it looks stunning and for the most part it's a huge improvement from when we first saw them, but now there's a small issue, I have no idea which is which now.

    The only thing I can tell them apart is that Rusk seems to have more lava than Rask, and in my opinion that's not enough to make them unique, why would you want to explore both of them other than necessity to do so for a contract or colony supply mission.

    So I guess my point after all that is that Rask & Rusk just don't have interesting enough individual identity to explore each of them in detail like what seems to be the goal with the planets in the game, and I'm even going to make the bold claim here that aside from the cool lava, both of them kind of look like boring rocks compared to the stuff the devs put on other planets in terms of actually exploring their surfaces.

    It's a cool system, but not very cool planets.

    And with that I now set you free from my rant, thank you for getting through the whole thing, I of course don't know anything about Rask & Rusk other than the pictures I've seen and might be totally wrong of course, have a great day :)

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