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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Even without multiplayer, it would be very easy to simulate the formation of new nations and even a form of interplanetary or even interstellar conflict.

    Using the knowledge we have so far on colony building and making those colonies self-sustaining, you could quite easily form an entire sovereign nation and have the two nations crash ships into one another, like playing yourself in a chess game, with multiplayer you could go into battle with other players even and shooting missiles at each other & causing mass death and committing war crimes on a scale which even real life modern humans have never seen before.

    You could start a revolution on another planet & decimate everyone who tries attacking you with some sick & inhuman Kerbal-flown fusion missile that someone like Danny2462 would create on mass, or you could build a huge fleet and dispatch it to other planets to conquer.

    And that's just WITHOUT some mad-lad inevitably adding guns into the game with a mod pack though even with all of those idea's in mind I've always seen KSP as a pretty anti-gun game overall.

  2. 9 hours ago, Bosun said:

    Sadly it is not April Fools.  

    The original launch date was even earlier than that.  The initial trailer hit in 2017.    That was, I believe, almost a year and a half, to two years into development already.  The game has been 'in official development' of some sort, since 2015, really.  

    I've said it other places, but most games take 6-10 years to fully develop from public announcement to public release, nowadays.  Don't know why.  Just is.  

    Kerbal 2 will likely launch sometime *actual* year 2023/4.  If they release it before 2025, they're above the curve for normal game development timelines in our modern age.   Due to to the complex nature of computing and modeling, and higher customer expectations for graphics and representation by modelling, game development just take significantly longer.    
    There isn's a single game I've waited on in the last decade and a half, that has been publicly announced, and then released, in less than 6 years.    It has been worth the wait every time, and I highly doubt Private Division wants to rush things.    I would estimate, when they say '2022' release, that they will release sometime in the actual year 2023, possibly fiscal year 2024.   The fact that we've seen so little of the game in renders, there have been no firmer timelines set, and there have been very few development updates lately, would render that they are behind schedule, and have no further news to update at this time. 

    Wait, if you subtract a few years so the timeline is correct that means...

    Overconfident Alcoholic | Know Your Meme


  3. 3 hours ago, themaster401 said:


    Update v4.12


    • Redone scatterer configs for the latest scatterer version.
    • Enabled TUFX SMAA (Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing), with less performance impact than the ingame AA. Turn off the ingame antialiasing, it will be redundant.
      • For those who don't mind smearing artifacts in the background while time warping, I personally recommend changing the antialiasing mode in TUFX to Temporal Antialiasing (TAA). 
      •   Reveal hidden contents


        The above is with TAA.


        The above is with SMAA.

    • Added auto exposure and eye adaptation TUFX effects. Now you should be able to see your craft in all its glory under low light.
    • Enabled TUFX HDR to accommodate higher exposure scenes.
    • Disabled TUFX ambient occlusion (still bugged).
    • Decreased lightning on Laythe.
    • Tuned Neidon and Urlum aurora coloration.
    • Reduced Thatmo atmosphere and clouds to a more realistic level.
    • Lessened lightning on Urlum and Tekto.
    • Adjusted Tekto's ocean to better reflect the composition of the oceans.
    • New loading screens.
    • General atmosphere look changes.

    Download by clicking below.


    When I see the hidden banner text | Flight Rising Discussion | Flight Rising

  4. Just now, RealKerbal3x said:

    They probably painted them for rust protection, I don't think any conclusions about B4's fate can really be drawn from painting the bells.


    Also Ship 22 is mostly stacked, or Ship 21.5, or Frankenship, I know it's still S22 but that's not fun.


  5. 2 hours ago, tater said:

    Ship 21 going to get a nose.



    I'm afraid that nose is for S22, looks like 21's going to be scrapped.


    It will live on through the reused nosecone XD


    Just now, RCgothic said:

    No sense in risking the ship. 

    Considering they painted the engines over I'd say that there may not be a static fire from B4 at all.

  6. 23 hours ago, Beccab said:

    Important news: Isaacman booked two more inspiration 4-like flights but going to the highest earth orbit ever plus with spacewalks (!) with a SpaceX-designed EVA suit, and on top of that a flight on a crewed Starship later on




  7. 5 minutes ago, Wizard Kerbal said:

    Just want to check - will I get banned for making fun of the refueling . . . position?


    2 minutes ago, Rakaydos said:

    "I mean, it's a fluid transfer, y'know?

    It worked well for me when I did it, but I'd keep it subtle just to be safe ;) 

    TDH to help convey our thoughts on that whole thing.

    And as long as we're talking about TDH:


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