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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. 15 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

    It's not uncommon to have millennials be grand parents now. 

    Bruh Kongregate's updates are garbage" | Fandom
    When you get old enough is it just living past the warranty? isn't the "warranty" in question your mid/late 20's since that was a humans average lifespan back before civilization?

    Or is your warranty when you can't reproduce? I've heard of some animals who's groups abandoned them to die after they could no longer have children.

    And is there a warranty on your mind? of course your brain rots over time but the mind inside of it could probably last longer if your aging brain didn't destroy it.


  2. 30 minutes ago, Kapitalizing Every Word said:

    I seem to remember it was announced for mid 2022

    Apparently it's fiscal 2023 now (now to early 2023).

    Not a great sign but we will have to see, I've predicted that the next feature video will be out tomorrow in the past, I bet you a shred of my dignity on if it will happen.

  3. 13 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

    It would seem it's their university colors. No one get excited. <_<


    IDK they positioned themselves in a very interesting way, could still just be because it DOES look better with yellow in front but it just feels off in some way.

    9 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    It may get exciting for them after they land... 

    Depending on how carefully they chose they're words (and how much they care) the trip after their spaceflight might be just as interesting.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Odyseus2 said:

    I really think that ksp2 development and postponing is following nasa's sls postponing.

    There may be a collaboration between ksp2 and NASA, to display sls content in the game, that cannot be released before the first launch of the sls.


    Or else, they want the game to be better than ksp1, which is incredibly hard and needs a lot of time.

    I can't tell if this is sarcasm, I love this either way.

    17 hours ago, VictoriaBay said:

    Compare all things happened - this game died long ago. But in case of damage control, publisher decide to feed us with "promises".
    First preview was at GC2019 with release date on march 2020. Then delay.
    How much updates since then? Very few. At the bottom level.
    ZERO serious news or previews. Still no clear release date.
    So even after ~2 years delay they still no have serious stuff to show.
    If extrapolate this to initial release date i can conclude that game was not even close to be ready EVEN if no COVID strikes(which was been formal reason of delay).

    I bet on next major "news" will be another delay to 2023 and then - project closing.

    Rest in peace, KSP2.

    Welcome to the forums :)

    It's important to recognize that KSP2 has had a hard time, mostly surrounding the chaos of Star Theory getting killed off and then the pandemic which would lead to a lot of changes in release time to begin with.

    But even beyond THAT the game's scope apparently changed quite a bit after the mess that was early 2020, and for all practical purposes it may as well be a restart for the game.

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