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Minmus Taster

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Posts posted by Minmus Taster

  1. 4 hours ago, GoldForest said:

    Blow off that date you had with your girlfriend/boyfriend! We're launching soon!

    What date? :) I'm too busy playing the first game. Il be lucky to still have a family by the time I finally take a break from this thing. T-13 days, all systems remain nominal. Forums primed for liftoff!

  2. ANOTHER leak? I hate to sound conspiratorial but this isn't a coincidence. It's either gross misconduct while building the two craft or it's a sabotage. Also by a depressurization do they mean the cabins atmosphere was lost or are they talking about the loss of coolant in the tanks? What if one of those things just pops open completely next time? The crew would all die and the station would be lost.

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