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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Huh, made it further then I thought it would. I wonder where it crashed, probably not on the far side since they probably wouldn't want to preform one of the burns out of range from earth. Probably near one of the poles if I had to guess.
  2. Hmm, digging into their old soviet roots a little too much there.
  3. I must say I really like the design of the new Luna program probes, Scott Manley had a good infographic on his video on the lander (dates are of course prior to delays);
  4. I was expecting Fregat to fail within a day and leave it to fall out of orbit. Huh. So NASA delays a project for 20 years and we get James Webb and Roscosmos does it and gives us a 90's era lander?
  5. Probe is away Weird they cut away so soon
  6. Cursed cartoon character so that I can feel bad when this goes up in smoke
  7. Wow. They're actually going to launch it. I'm not even sure I want to bet on this one, I'd just be wasting money : P
  8. What of the sizable dents in the tank farm? Wouldn't those need to be replaced and reenforced before another launch?
  9. Perhaps we should be reflecting a little before the sequel eh?
  10. I'm gonna talk about the possible human remains found in the sub. I'll put it in a spoiler box since it will probably be upsetting to some;
  11. Finally, something different! I'll be watching this for sure!
  12. I'm really rooting for this mission! Do either the lander/rover have names?
  13. What happened to capsule reuse? Wasn't that part of the point of Orion to begin with?
  14. Alright place your bets folks! I'm going with it making to orbit or even a transfer trajectory but then it will fail. Like their previous mars missions.
  15. Payload deployment, off she goes! Glad the Falcon 9 is so reliable, even so this launch was one of it's more nail biting ones. Still not as scary as James Webb's launch
  16. Second stage startup Shutdown Really loving the views of earth this time around
  17. Stage sep, great views! It could be that they want a better signal for this flight considering the payload. Landing and orbit insertion.
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