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Everything posted by IronHide4

  1. I have an issue with some of the science experiments. After running them once and getting partial science, I cannot run them again on new vessels even though it shows faded bars and [X] Science! Continued says they can still be run. The keep and transmit bars are equal, so it's not a matter of having transmitted all that is allowed.
  2. KSP installation folder\GameData\Trajectories\Plugin only contains Trajectories.DLL. I can't find any xml files, though there is a .cfg called Trajectories that only contains @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FOR[Trajectories] { MODULE { name = TrajectoriesVesselSettings } }
  3. what change did you make and where do you make it? I would like to fix this too.
  4. I have an issue with one of the science experiments. I'm playing RSS/RO/RP-1 and im trying to do supersonic science with the bell-1 cockpit. It has 7 science completed out of 16 or so, but says "depleted" every time I launch the plane. Even a newly built plane has the same issue. Im flying at the altitude and speed required. How do I refresh the science experiment?
  5. is this compatible with Realistic Overhaul, Real Solar System and RP-1? I can't find the parts in the research tree.
  6. Is this compatible with Realism Overhaul and RP-1? I can't find the parts in the VAB, SPH or research lab.
  7. I think RGV Aerial Photography @RGVaerialphotos would disagree with that but it makes sense game-wise. Thanks for the answers, I have been launching biological and photography on high flying sounding rockets to get science since those had value.
  8. I have recently started a new play-through on RO and just flew a plane over the grasslands and shores with four science experiments running. Thermometer, barometer crew report and telemetry i think was the last one. however after watching all the timers hit zero in both zones for all experiments and coming back to land, I got zero science after recovery. I had no new science after being back at the KSC and the archives show that almost all the experiments i've done so far are worth zero science. My game settings were set to normal and I didn't add any mods that alter science payout. Is it supposed to be this way so you have to use science from rocket stuff early on, or did I do something wrong during setup?
  9. Does FMRS work on 1.10.1, even if it says 1.9.X? some mods still work and some don't so I just haven't tried yet. CKAN still has it listed as 1.8.1
  10. is there a way to make Stage Recovery recover the vessel to VAB or SPH storage instead of normal? I use a lot of Falcon 9 rockets and have to rebuild the recovered boosters each time
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