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Everything posted by DaveyJ576

  1. Please help! I upgraded from to so that I could download BDB. I couldn't get it to download using CKAN for either version because one or more add-ons/plug-ins were not compatible. I am a newbie. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to get 1.10.99? If so how do I get it. This stuff is as clear as mud.
  2. Hi Raidernick! This is a great looking Skylab model. I just finished downloading and building but haven't launched yet. One question: the RCS pack seems wonky. I attached to the bottom like you instructed, and the thrusters engaged the node and turned green. However, the thrusters seem to be detached and floating far to the outside of the OWS. Did I do something wrong on the placement? Thanks!
  3. Perhaps this is a question directly for CobaltWolf, but I would like to know if BDB will conflict with FASA? Being new to the game I downloaded FASA first, before I discovered BDB! I kind of like BDB look better, but before I download it I would like to know if I should uninstall FASA first. Will the two mods fight each other or will they play nice? I Like elements of both and would like to keep FASA if I can. Thanks!
  4. Thanks! I really am a newbie and my learning curve is still quite steep. I figured out the docking issue and was finally successful. I really like the BDB designs and I think I will try it later once I have a better grip on gameplay.
  5. I am running Stock, MechJeb2, FASA, JSI, and KerbalJointReinforcement. I am trying to dock a Gemini and Agena. There is a problem designating the Agena docking collar as the target. The game is telling me that is not a docking target. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Second question: I really enjoy the historical spacecraft of FASA, but I have been reading up on BDB. In your opinion, which is better? Thank you for handling a noob question. I have not been playing long and am still learning.
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