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Everything posted by chris-kerbal

  1. The big solar truss is a bit buggy, ranging from explosions, to slowly wandering of the station and the overlord look by a big red version of it. Sadly there is no fix so far as the origin of this bugs seem to be quite peculiar.
  2. I am using cryoTanks, that adds a management for the selection of fuels. There might be other mods, but that is the one I know.
  3. Congratulations! I guess with all these awesome mods, benjee will now own the totm badge for the rest of 2021...
  4. I don't think you need permission. You are not changing his files, but just offering an add on. Within other mods benjee already stated, that he is even fine to add good patches to the mod, if you submit them to him. Also he is a good guy, so don't worry. ;-D
  5. It is hard to tell what is wrong. I would recommend doing a fresh install. Get the Habtech2 dependencies via CKAN and then only copy the sharedAssets, Habtech2 and the HabtechProps into GameData.
  6. That is the quest pod (ht2_quest_pod.cfg). But I am not sure what that error message tries to say. Probably worthwhile to check the ksp.log or check with B9PartSwitch ppl.
  7. It works in 1.11. But as mentioned, you better ask over at the B9PartSwitch thread for specific help on your installation
  8. Did you delete the old version of B9PartSwitch and all its dependencies in the GameData folder and then copied in the new release? If you did that, then you probably need to ask over in the B9PartSwitch thread. I do not know it well enough to figure what could be wrong.
  9. Yes, that is why I said you need to check the included mods for updates. B9PartSwitch is available in version 2.18 and as far as I know that fixes the error.
  10. You copied the full GameData folder out of the zip. You only need to copy the content, so the directories in the zips GameData folder in your KSP GameData folder...
  11. Then we need more information: - Are you playing career or sandbox? (In career parts will only be available after some research) - What KSP Version do you have? - Could you post a screenshot of your GameData Folder?
  12. 1. I am not sure what you mean with the extras in the Mods GameData folder? You have Extras in the .zip, with install instructions (see below). Within the zips GameData folder, there are several subdirectories, you need to copy all of them to your KSP GameData folder. 2. For using the mod only the stuff in the GameData Folder is relevant. You can put the Extras, if you want the Discovery wings and other names. If you copy the craft files over in your savegame (not GameData) you do not need to build the Shuttle in the VAB/SPH, but can just load one. The Manual you probably need on your PC, to check how things are working.
  13. You need to extract the zip and copy the contents of the zips GameData folder into your KSP GameData folder. Then recheck, if all dependencies (mentioned in the first post and in the zip) are up-to-date (you will need to visit their forum threads). If not I would advise to update them, especially if you are playing on the latest KSP versions.
  14. Do you have Parallax installed? Another user - having this problem - reported, that uninstalling Parallax helped.
  15. I could not find it here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Recommended-Extra-Mods And did you mean Habtech or Habtech2? But it is probably worthwhile to ask over in a Realism Overhaul thread, on how others solved it. As far as I know the files for Habtech2, there are no patches in there for RO.
  16. AFAIK: The APAS docking port will only dock to other APAS and not interact with regular docking ports. However as far as I know RO it is quite important to only use mods they tested. Did you upgrade in between the build of the station and the shuttle? As I know, the APAS port was changed and Benjee soft deprecated the old one. So it will still be in the game, but you can only build the new one. The old one should have "(DEPRECATED PART! REMOVE AND REPLACE)" in the title.
  17. Also check, that all parts of the reentry vehicle can withstand 2400K. As an example: I had it with Tantares parts, that the inline parachute on top of a capsule would burn off, even when being shielded. That is now fixed, but you should check the critical parts nevertheless.
  18. I guess you are on a version <1.11? If so, you could try the following patch: // Deletes stock cargo partmodule in KSP < 1.11 @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCargoPart],#manufacturer[HabTech?Consortium|Olympus?Spaceflight?Emporium]]:NEEDS[!Squad/Parts/Engine/Size2LFB_v2] { !MODULE[ModuleCargoPart] {} } Let me know if that helps.
  19. SOCK made it into the KSP official Twitter https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/1375115282230939661
  20. If you are not orbiting in atmosphere, probably not... ;-D The Shuttle has an offset in the center of thrust. It is not targeted through the center of mass throughout a flight (as you lose boosters and the big LH2 tank empties, the COM moves). Hence you need to manually correct it. You can see in the VAB how "bad" the COT is off target towards the COM, if you just add the orange tank and nearly empty it (payload will also play a role). With rotating the engines you might help this a bit, but it will only move the issue to another time in flight. So you always need to steer to balance this.
  21. Understandable. Was removing KIS as a dependency with my patches as well, as it would become optional (Although I miss the C4.... ;-) ) Regarding the pod and docking port functionality. It was always good to have that parts be attachable without an engineer or tools (in KIS), however understand, that this is a minor thing. Another question: Why did you set the cargo part definitions to -1 in volume, instead of leaving out the module completely?
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