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Everything posted by chris-kerbal

  1. So I tested this under 1.10 and 1.11 with having KIS alongside the inventory patch. It works in both versions with both inventory management systems available. You have both inventories, hence double capacity and KIS items will only go in the KIS inventory. The 1.10 had breaking ground installed, hence you only have the ground science part from stock inventory. They will only go in the stock system. Most of the items KIS adds are also available in the stock system, e.g. EVA fuel. For attaching and building, I can't really judge how the systems compare, as I have not played the 1.11 yet. @benjee10The question, that arises is now how a future version should/can look like. I see 3 Options: I can rewrite the patches so it would select KIS for <=1.10 and stock for >=1.11. One could also argue to keep both systems to have an upward compatibility, although I am not sure if that is important. Final option would be to maintain 2 versions: one KIS bases one using stock inventory. What do you think?
  2. Ok, thanks a lot! Must have missed that. EDIT: Maybe it is worthwhile to put that in the initial post?
  3. Ah, ok.... forgot to check that... just always looked for the updates. Thx a lot! BTW, for mods that are also available for 1.10 you can just pick the higher version in the versions tab. no need to change the settings if you fear it would otherwise update mods.
  4. All good, I absolutely see it that way! So thanks a lot, even though I am not the mod maintainer. ;-D
  5. Removing it just hurts backwards compatibility. I already asked over at the KIS thread, if someone has experience with having both in the config. Optimal version - for me - would be if you could use KIS in pre 1.11 versions and new stock system after that. But maybe it is also needed to split the Mod and create an "old" and "new" version. I might do some testing in the next days to figure this out.
  6. So I just saw a patch for HabTech2 to add stock inventory to the parts. It removed the KIS inventory modules from the configs. Having no experience, I ask myself, what would happen, if you keep the KIS inventory and stock inventory config in the parts config? I am thinking here in backwards compatibility, to use KIS in older versions and stock in newer versions. But does it work? Will old versions ignore stock modules and will KIS handle it correctly? Any experience?
  7. Nice work. Do you know if that interferes with KIS/KAS in older versions? Ok, just saw, that you removed the KIS Inventory. Not sure if that is the way to go?
  8. BTW: The update has not yet arrived on CKAN. Not sure who is maintaining that?
  9. Is there a way to attach/clip anything to the starrider/starwatcher? Everything I put on it will explode on reentry (JNSQ reentry), even if clipped inside.
  10. A little sidenote: KSP does not match the cubes to each animation, hence will only work for the 3rd radiator. I think this is ok for now, as atmospheric-flight-use for this triple radiator is quite limited ;-)
  11. So after discussing the drag cube issues (and my failed attempts to generate one) with @ValiZockt, he was so kind to use some magical tool to generate a drag cube for the triple radiator. I tested it in a new save in 1.10.1 and it seems to solve the SSTO problem. Thanks a lot! Could someone please test it as well and report back if anything unusual happens? The cube below needs to go into "ht2_radiatorTriple.cfg" DRAG_CUBE { cube = EXTENDED_A, 28.98,0.9633,2.026, 28.98,0.965,1.797, 16.19,0.9554,12.86, 16.19,0.9907,13.01, 1.324,0.7512,7.066, 1.324,0.8827,5.172, 0,6.289,-0.04859, 2.332,12.97,7.007 cube = EXTENDED_B, 26.83,0.9591,1.331, 26.83,0.9745,1.46, 16.6,0.9868,2.297, 16.6,0.9873,2.428, 3.346,0.7905,12.81, 3.346,0.9789,13.92, 0,0.1109,3.486, 2.332,2.358,13.88 cube = RETRACTED, 3.113,0.6206,2.036, 3.113,0.6577,1.738, 16,0.9764,1.214, 16,0.99,1.148, 3.678,0.9342,5.827, 3.678,0.9953,1.478, 0,0.04113,0, 2.332,2.219,6.91 }
  12. You could also check Breaking Grounds Mini Mods to use the servo controller. Haven't tested to combine it, but might be worth a shot. There is also a robot arm mod in there, however it was a bit buggy last time I used it. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/186546-breaking-ground-mini-mods/
  13. Sorry should have mentioned, that I am on 1.10.1. Yes, they do not do anything. Also weird, that the other RCS thrusters work...
  14. @Beale I just noticed, that the RCS are not working anymore. I checked with stock and other mods and the RCS is working without issues. Seems just to be the Tantares RCS. I deleted the mod and reinstalled (v23.2) via CKAN, but nothing changed. Checked the log when doing a test with a linear RCS and found the following when using Tantares RCS: [LOG 19:17:53.658] [FXModuleAnimateRCS]: Could not find animation linearRCSGlow in part's animation components. Check the animationName and model file. Module disabled. 2nd thing I noticed is a balancing question: The size 0 inline parachute heat tolerance is 2000K. Which is a lot lower than the tolerance for capsules (3400K). I think in stock you would not notice, however in JNSQ the parachute burns off when coming from anything higher than a very LKO, while heatshield and capsule are fine. Would it be an issue to change that?
  15. Short question from someone still on 1.9.1 with JNSQ: When exiting a game, my Main Menu is very slow and even sometimes stop loading. Within the logs I find a lot of EVE CloudsManager complaints that it can't find <planet x> to apply to main Menu! I am not sure if this is the reason for the weird main menu? Did anyone encounter similar problems?
  16. So I tried to see if I can do anything about the drag cube issue. @ValiZockt recommended to generate the cube by each ModuleDeployablePart. Trying that with the ht2_radiatorTriple I figured that not a single value is created in the parts database. No matter what I did so far, I always get the following exception: [LOG 22:57:04.190] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HabTech2/Parts/Trusses/ht2_radiatorTriple/ht2_radiatorTriple' [LOG 22:57:04.230] PartLoader: Part 'HabTech2/Parts/Trusses/ht2_radiatorTriple/ht2_radiatorTriple' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 22:57:04.230] [DragCubeSystem]: Drag cubes not found or cannot be read for part Part. Generating New drag cubes. [WRN 22:57:04.238] DragCubeSystem: Part 'ht2.radiatorTriple' has more than two IMultipleDragCube part modules. You should consider procedural drag cubes. [LOG 22:57:04.238] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'ht2.radiatorTriple' [EXC 22:57:04.339] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) (at <948fceea813942b7ac6b6d1b2dc2d0a3>:0) DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>d__34.MoveNext () (at <948fceea813942b7ac6b6d1b2dc2d0a3>:0) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <RenderDragCubesCoroutine>d__31:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <SetupDragCubeCoroutine>d__46:MoveNext() UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) <CompileParts>d__56:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) Searching, I figured that @Zorg had this exception with a solarAntenna and @RoverDude with some lights. I am not sure this is the same issue, however they both added drag cube information to the configs. I tried the procedural = True config with the triple radiator, it did not seem to help anything. As we found out before, defining a cube in the config would help, the question is now how I get the right one for it? Normally I would read it out of the parts database, which is empty (I suspect because of the exception).... So a bit catch-22...
  17. Small note on the part availability in the tech tree. I figured, that very small components like decouplers and fairings come at least a level after the main rocket components. E.g. building the Ariane 4 you have all components on 90 credits however the 2.5m fairing is only on 160 credits. Which somewhat feels weird. Had it similar with the Vega (Which by the way is only barely making it into Orbit on JNSQ). I am not sure if this is relevant to your balancing and if you can influence that or if it should be part of tech tree maintainers? UsingKNES 1.9.3 with community tech tree 3.4.3 and unkerballed start 1.1 on a 1.9.1 KSP
  18. Another small thing I found: The "Octans Linear RCS Port A + B" do not change colour when you select one in the part menu. Playing on 1.9.1
  19. Ah, ok. @Well apparently uses one of these, as I get the same error on one of his part. He might change it though to avoid the error.
  20. Yeah, similar ones are in the logs for Tantares. Reported it already over there. Let's see what he thinks.
  21. Hi there, while checking some other errors, I found the following in my logs: [LOG 14:19:23.218] Load(Model): Knes/Resources/Plumes/FX_Cora_Engine_1 [ERR 14:19:23.225] File error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: shader at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Material.CreateWithShader(UnityEngine.Material,UnityEngine.Shader) at UnityEngine.Material..ctor (UnityEngine.Shader shader) [0x00007] in <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0 at PartReader.ReadMaterial4 (System.IO.BinaryReader br) [0x0001f] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x005ca] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at PartReader.Read (UrlDir+UrlFile file) [0x000c1] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 [WRN 14:19:23.225] Model load error in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Knes\Resources\Plumes\FX_Cora_Engine_1.mu' Not sure if this is relevant, but thought I post it. Playing on 1.9.1 with Knes 1.9.3
  22. Hi there, while looking for some other errors, I found the following in my log file: [LOG 14:19:16.526] Load(Texture): TantaresLV/Parts/N1/LLV_V_Engine_1_Nozzle_psd [ERR 14:19:16.529] DDS: DXT3(256x256, MipMap=True) - DXT3 format is NOT supported. Use DXT5 [WRN 14:19:16.529] Texture load error in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TantaresLV\Parts\N1\LLV_V_Engine_1_Nozzle_psd.dds' and this one, which seems to happen for different items (so only that one example here) [LOG 14:19:36.200] Load(Model): Tantares/fx/FX_Alnair_Engine_1 [ERR 14:19:36.203] File error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: shader at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Material.CreateWithShader(UnityEngine.Material,UnityEngine.Shader) at UnityEngine.Material..ctor (UnityEngine.Shader shader) [0x00007] in <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0 at PartReader.ReadMaterial4 (System.IO.BinaryReader br) [0x0001f] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x005ca] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 at PartReader.Read (UrlDir+UrlFile file) [0x000c1] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 [WRN 14:19:36.204] Model load error in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Tantares\fx\FX_Alnair_Engine_1.mu' Not sure if it is relevant, but thought I post it. Playing on 1.9.1 with NewTantares v22.2 and NewTantaresLV v12.1.
  23. I created a save with the in which the problem also occurs. Zipped save and gamedata. Both is uploading now and I will send you the link later today, when it is done. The wobbling you experienced seems to be usual (for this built), it gets better with autostruts activated, however when using gravityturn for launch, it has way more difficulties to stabilize the rocket than I have when doing the launch manually.
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