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Everything posted by chris-kerbal

  1. I am using the engines on JNSQ and can't see any performance issues. Are you sure nothing else is wrong? I for example, regularly underestimate the tank size in comparison to liquid fuel. To make them more powerful you probably could write an easy patch to just multiply the thrust values for every engine (There are examples in the module manager wiki), however I guess that will also unbalance thrust curves, fuel consumption, etc.?
  2. I agree with the inventory. The stock inventory is working well and probably only need some additions/options on top, that KIS could provide (Like collapsing the Inventory slots, transportable containers or being able to add every part to a container). However the building mode is different and would actually love the KIS building mode back, as the stock one is easily deorbiting a station if you do eva work. But a question: Is actually the inventory part the hard one? I was testing to just remove the KIS inventory modules and allow everything into the regular Inventory, which worked. Guess it is the transition from the stock inventory to the KIS building mode?
  3. Ok, forgot that "not attaching to moving parts" in stock. @ValiZockt was creating the tracking of his simulated wind and orienting the windmills towards that in Planetside. Maybe that could be reused to orient towards Kerbol? Then relying on stock mechanisms would not be needed. However don't know if it improves drag cubes issues. Sorry Vali for tagging you here, but do not want to speculate :-D Benjee mentioned, that creating the solar panels was quite some work, so not sure if he has appetite to work over them again. Might be something to consider if there is interest and work for the new iROSA panels.
  4. Probably have to little knowledge of the tracking, but would have thought to track it independently. Box is turning so it is aiming the panels in 90° towards sun and the panels then only turn in their long axis. Also might be an option to have a plugin to do all of that... similar to windmills tracking wind ... wonder who could know about that... ;-)
  5. Might be, that you are looking for something like this: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/80225-19-110-hangar/
  6. I thought, it might be worth a try to cut the panel in three pieces: The box, cooling panel and solar panels. Then you would only have one tracking per part, right? Have no clue though how much work that is.
  7. If this still happens without having the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod installed, I would propose not using that part currently, until it has been fixed.
  8. Does anyone have an issue with the Fuji engine? I now had this on two crafts, that on a longer burn i get a spiral movement of the vessel, as if the thrust is off center. Beginning is fine and this only comes up after some time, so probably a very small offset?
  9. Probably be interesting, although I guess it is still something wrong with the drag cubes. Vali tried to explain it to me, that the multiple tracking thing and drag boxes not go well together. Think this and the overlord mode with the huge red copy might be related?
  10. Yes, you need the Stock SSMEs. They only get patched by reDIRECT, hence the base one must be there.
  11. Huh, I am using both of the mods and thought the stock one is the ~1000kN RS25 version, which runs on LF/Ox in my install. Whilst the ~800kN RS25B is the patched one to be used by the shuttle running on LH2/Ox. O_o
  12. I am not sure if he can. I guess they use LF/Ox and the tank only has LH2/Ox. So would need to change that as well. Are you actually using atmosphere autopilot? Without that I guess it will be quite hard. I agree with SpaceFace that it flies quite well (the landing actually works better than the launch :-D ). I just did a mission yesterday in JNSQ and only thing I can say: Enter with 30°. Then later you need to keep it on 120-140m/s by moving nose down and only pull up on the last few hundred meters. It is definitely not a plane for long flights. Reentry and atmospheric drag/braking have to be timed to land at / sink towards a specific place.
  13. It is not on CKAN yet, but Benjee is thinking about that. For now you need to manually install
  14. for regular robotics you need to lock servos and joints when not using them. Haven't used the Kerboarm, so can't say if it is the same.
  15. I know it for example from Internal RCS. They are named e.g. "EVR-WR LF1 - Liquid Fuel RCS" and the counterpart "EVR-WR MP1 - Monopropellant RCS"
  16. And another thing: Do the Andromeda Monopropellant tanks then still make sense, or should they be small LF/Ox tanks?
  17. Ah, ok... that makes sense... and would explain why my crafts still have that weird mix. So either it is old version for me... or revamping my crafts... Thanks for explaining! EDIT: Maybe a "LF thruster" in the title of each would make sense. At least other mods mark it like that. @Friznit That is probably relevant for you as well. I just used a Zarya craft file from you and it still has the Monoprop, e.g. in the RFT-D2 Tanks
  18. I see. However why then all the parts have huge mono propellant tanks included? Like the Soyus. All that would not be needed anymore?
  19. Just figured, why the Tantares RCS thruster are not working with my crafts. They use liquid fuel and oxidizer?! O_o Is that intended or do I have some mess on my install?
  20. So I checked effects and waterfall says that they are on and working. However they seem to be very faint, especially in comparison to the Ariane 4 main stage and the boosters. I made some screenshots so you can see: https://imgur.com/a/axqntIm Also added a shot from the KNES fairing not closing properly. Not a huge issue, but just saw it when creating the screenshots. Hope this helps.
  21. Does WHAT not include and in WHAT regards? Give a little context please. If you expect someone to put effort in an answer you should do the same for the question.
  22. At least the last one on CKAN. Will have some time later today, then I can check and provide some screenshots/info.
  23. I just tried 1.9.5 on a Ariane 44L. It seems that waterfall has some issues: - I have a crackling sound right away on the launch pad, like static noise out of a radio - Had a night start and would not see any effect on L-33 and HM7 So far just noting this, didn't have time to dig deeper to find causes for this.
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