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  1. I've downloaded it from CKAN(1.0.5 version if it's not fooling me) and the problem is present in the latest version
  2. After additional checks i can say that Human Spaceflight Pack brakes the inbuilt MechJeb cores from EVERY probe, especially modded, like BDB or Near Future Pack. I'am loading the same craft with HSP(No MechJeb icon) and without it( Mechjeb works )
  3. Yes, i know, but some mods, mainly BDB has an option to shutdown SRB for precise orbital insertion
  4. Also I've figured out that either Exploration Pack or Human Spaceflight pack is deleting MechJeb inbuilt cores from EVERY probe, so i'am using AR 202 case part
  5. Sad that you can't shut the fourth stage down, but still a great work
  6. Hello, can i use these mods with JNSQ or i need to use RO version ?
  7. Effects exist before engines ignition and after SRB burnouts sound continues to rope my ears https://imgur.com/a/7R6Z4Cy
  8. I have really strange problem. Inbuilt( in spacecrafts and probes) mechjeb controllers dissapeared.And i don't know how to get them back. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g6ued046oggxag3w3yqox/Player.log?rlkey=2yaj85as1m4vkitj79xc0g8xo&dl=0
  9. Looks like Deepspace Exploration Pack is not updated
  10. Update the CKAN versions please
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