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Everything posted by camacju

  1. @ralanboyle If a craft has RCS and no other engines, can it still be refurbished as long as I don't use the Puff engine? If not, I'll just use ion engines to do the same thing
  2. Not gonna lie I was hoping that using only rapiers would get some lateral thinking points. Alright, I'll redo the mission tomorrow
  3. @ralanboyle ok here is my submission. You're right that other ships built for cheap challenges won't work. However, just like in many other challenges where reusability is allowed, a SSTO and a lander will be pretty good at reducing cost. Launcher is a Mk2 SSTO. The four rapiers would be overkill but Mk2 cargo bays have a ridiculous amount of drag so the rapiers are actually needed to exceed the speed of sound. Even with four rapiers this craft accelerates more slowly than it should. The three Mk2 cargo bays are the three highest drag parts on the craft. This is why I prefer Mk1 planes. Additionally I only get up to 1560 m/s on the air breathing cycle of the rapiers. Normally I can get to 1650+ The plane pushes to orbit Once in orbit, the cargo is dropped off, and I aim for the KSC Approach to KSC Touched down Landed - 1500 funds worth of fuel used. Since the only engines are four rapiers I can get 100% recoverability Minmus transfer. I couldn't get a Mun assist to work for some reason, but I have enough fuel regardless Minmus orbital insertion Landing burn Landed on Minmus - this lander has four seats Minmus ascent Reunited with the fuel tank I do a few aerobraking passes because KSC isn't in the right place to directly land Aiming for KSC after a plane change Parachutes deployed 469 funds of fuel used on the lander. I brought the fuel tank back too In total, 1969 funds worth of fuel were used. This was definitely planned. The only engines used were rapiers which can be easily refurbished. The cost per ticket works out to 492.25 funds per kerbal
  4. Dang, I was gonna put in my entry in the Mun And Back Cheapskate Challenge, but then I looked a bit closer at the rules. I'll try to do something I guess
  5. @JacobJHC you might have pinged the wrong person (: Also the Tylo lander was supposed to have enough delta-v to reorbit Tylo by using the descent stage to take off. However I accidentally pressed space while on the surface which is why I had to use the jetpack.
  6. @JacobJHC Did you get the submission I sent? Should be on the previous page
  7. I wonder where they are now. Probably around some gas planet from some planet pack
  8. https://imgur.com/a/VSBd5Jc And here's my submission. The path was: Kerbin-Mun-Mun-Mun-Kerbin-Mun-Kerbin-Kerbin-Eve I spent 841 m/s total on this path
  9. This challenge was inspired by a post where someone got from Kerbin to Eve for 873 m/s. I thought I could improve on that with more judicious use of gravity assists, and I want to see what everyone else is capable of. The rules: You must start in low Kerbin orbit (under 90 km). This is where the delta-v counter starts. You are allowed to use cheats or hyperedit to get the craft into orbit but that is the only time that this is allowable. Mechjeb/autopilots are allowed. This is more of a maneuver planning challenge than a piloting challenge. Your score is the number of meters per second of delta-v used between Kerbin orbit and an Eve encounter. Showing delta-v readings at Kerbin and at the Eve encounter is required. Showing delta-v readings at points in between is recommended. You don't have to actually get to Eve - if you have one nonzero maneuver remaining before an encounter then you can add that to your current delta-v expenditure. Leaderboard: camacju - 841 m/s
  10. Here's a quick rapier+vector plane I made Here's a plane I made with just a rapier to see how fast I could go
  11. yeah... I can't really get the rescale to work. I tried reinstalling and the game just hangs before entering the menu screen with that extra cfg in the gamedata folder. I might have to drop out of this challenge
  12. I still can't get the config to work. What's the file path I need to put the rescale in?
  13. @jimmymcgoochie Yes I do I know that Kopernicus and beyond home are working because the planets have changed. I have sigma dimensions installed and I pasted the text from the rescale config into the settings.cfg file.
  14. Ok yeah the rescale definitely didn't work. What am I supposed to do to get the rescale working? p.s. this is another reason why I wanted to do a stock parts mission - I'm really bad at getting mods to work in ksp
  15. https://imgur.com/a/bOi9ap5 First mission - Hermes 1 With an almost empty flea booster the mission is over in 55 seconds Edit: I'm suspicious that the rescale didn't work since KER is reporting a higher TWR for my Hermes 2 rocket than I'm expecting. Is there a way to check? Also I'm just supposed to paste the config into Sigma/Dimensions/settings.cfg right?
  16. ok I'm getting an issue where Kerbin is re-colored but all the planets are still there like in stock. I'm in 1.10.1 and Kopernicus is throwing up an error saying that it doesn't work on that version. Do I need to download 1.9 and use that?
  17. Perhaps that could be a new challenge - make a SSTO that is as hard as possible to deorbit without massive overheating. I have a couple ideas for this tbh
  18. Is this too late for me to enter? I'd like to do the masochist option and do a completely stock parts run. No dlc either edit: How would I create one Beyond Home game and have the rest of my games be stock? I don't want to mess up the other saves that I have
  19. https://imgur.com/a/CMVSlfQ Okay, so... I have no idea what happened between Mun insertion and low Mun orbit - I obviously didn't have infinite fuel enabled but I somehow gained fuel. This mission cost me 159 funds but I feel bad about that glitch so I'll subtract another 200 m/s worth of fuel from my score, bringing mission costs to 160 funds even. Some more further thoughts: The lander uses 33 funds worth of fuel. If the remaining 300 m/s of margin is used for circularization, it would use 35 funds of fuel. Meanwhile the SSTO's rocket phase uses ~70 funds, and ~40 of that goes to circularization. I might be able to save a significant amount of funds by doing something like jinnantonix and not pushing all the way to orbit on the first stage. I will have to use some rocket on the booster however - otherwise the lander won't fit in the service bay anymore. Another possible way to absolutely crash the challenge is to make a magic wing heat shield prop plane. Then the entire cost of the mission would be 35-36 funds. Since I can't make a good stock prop for the life of me I'll leave that opening to someone else. @ManEatingApe
  20. Summary of a couple optimizations for the booster: Remove one of the elevons of the SSTO and one of the intakes; add a spark engine - cost of orbiting is now 131 funds compared to 146 Remove one of the liquid fuel tanks and replace the wings with basic fins, and remove 22 oxidizer from the fuel tank - cost of orbiting is now 127 funds with a *tiny* margin of fuel left. This is probably close to the cheapest SSTO booster possible In total I've shaved off 19 funds from the SSTO phase. Any more and I'll probably have to significantly change the design and/or the flight plan
  21. I only used it for plotting maneuvers and displaying delta-v @ManEatingApe
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