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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. I was summoned by @STORMPILOTkerbalkind. I guess @Nate Simpson
  2. When KSP2 release can it have achievements? I have some ideas for achvements and names. I can share them if you would like. Here are the list of achevements I cam upw tih (not official) Space, Space, Space : Launch your first vessel What A View: Orbit Kerbin Robotic Space: send your first probe A Hot Welcome: Reenter Kerbin’s Atmosphere The Right Kind of Pilot: Return safely to Kerbin! The Sideways Launchpad: Fly and launch your first plane from the runway! Mun, Mun, Fly: Complete a fly by of the Mun Mun Lander: Land on the Mun Acapello: Land on the Mun and return safely Mun Rover! Mun Rover! : Drive a rover on the Mun A Minty Moon: Do a flyby of Minmus A Minty Landing: Land on Minmus and return Deep Space! : Enter Interplanetary Space! A Red Wonder: Do a flyby of Duna A Chunky Moon: Do a flyby of Ike A Dunatian landing! : Land and return safely from Duna A Iketian landing! : Land and return from Ike A Purple Wonder: Do a flyby of Eve A Hellish and Purplish Return: Go and return from Eve Almost No Gravity!: Do a flyby of Gilly Little Trust is Needed! : Land and return from Gilly What a Hole on A Pole: Do a flyby of Moho A Bright World: Go and return from Moho A Untrustworthy Planet: Do a flyby of Dres Dres, more asteroids: Go and return from Dres A Green Wonder: Do a flyby of Jool A Bottomless World: Go and return from Jool Tylo, Tylo, of we go!: Visit Tylo and return back The Largest Moon in the Kerbal Sky: Do a flyby of Tylo The Moon with Livable Air: Do a flyby of Lyathe Tiny Kerbin: Go and return from Laythe Vall and Vall: Go and return from Vall Fly by Vall: do a flyby of Vall Bop-Doo-Bop: Do a flyby of Bob Gilly’s far cousin: Go and return from Bop and go back to Kerbin Pol, A grain of Sand: do a flyby of Pol Too Much RCS: Go and return from Pol to Kerbin Elloosive: Do a flyby of Eelloo Join and Leave Eeloo: Return from Eeloo! Astroid Redirect! : Redirect an attitude from hitting Kerbin! Another Moon! : Make an astroid orbit Kerbin! Space Ore!: Mine a astroid! Grabber of Space Rocks : Gran an astroid! Commet Catcher: Catch a comet! Deep Deep Space: Go Interstellar Burning Explsivly: Burn your first Metallic Hydrogen Engine! No... More? : Unlock the Techtree for the first time in Science mode! Millionare! : Have a million in funds Glory in Funds! : Reach 1,000,000,000 in Funds Thats some Reputation! : Have 200 in Reputation A Long....... .....Mission: Have a mission that extends over 5 years longs! A Repedadtive Accident: Crash a ship at least 20 times! A Kraken Attack! : Crash the game. Rask and Rusk: Visit the binary planet system Kerbal Habitants: Make your first colony! Ker-Delivery!: Complete your first delivery! The Blunderbids!: Rescue your crew from the perils of space! We Aren’t Alone: Play with someone on Multiplayer for the first time! Glumo a peach color world!: Do a fly by of Glumo! A Peachy world! : Go and Return from Glumo! A Cinematic Flyby! : Do a flyby of Alvin A Cinematic Mission! : Go and return from Ovin to Kerbin A Puffy World: Do a Flyby of Puf Round Lake Planet: Visit Puf! A New Kerbol: Visit another star! Here to stay! : Make a colony on the Mun! Menmen!: Make a level 4 colony on the Mun Eden Were Back! : Make a colony on Eve!
  3. Wait. Does KSP have a better solution to higher FPS even with 100s of parts???
  4. I think Kerbal Space Program could use an update where you can make parts from the ore. Like the convert o trans can make ore into fuel, there should be an options to produce parts from ore. I think this would be neat and put convert o trons a little more purpose. And maybe you could even biuld tiny VABs and a luandhpad!
  5. I think that the dvs should make an update that you can biuld small launch pads and make parts from ore.
  6. Yes. Someone didi summon me! I guess at @AlamoVampire
  7. No. Just somone call me. @HHhHhhHh111
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