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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Okay. We know that Kerbal need food to work. But. If KSP2 has food will they give in food names. And if there are names for Kerbal food what would they be? What would be some kerbal food the devs might add in KSP2? I’m not talking about micro managing but like a experiment like: Eating in space: We ate a burrito. It floated into bits ruining all the buttons and rounding my shirt. (Example). You know what I mean right?
  2. Hello my two followers. Hello.

  3. Okay. I have a memorial speech for this 200th page. (I guess I could do one for each page but I’m just to lazy). Okay. We are here. But we need. 1000 pages? Huh. I don’t know. Okay. I’m just a phycopath in KSP who launches rocket and blows up kerbals. You know. But. I don’t know what. Why? Why? Ah! Okay. Okay. I’m okay. (Brain Fart) What was my speech again. Never mind. I want a burrto.
  4. .im at 90 point! Thanks everyone!

  5. Eh. I could use that to make Jeb’s favorite soup. Metallic Soup! Yum! (To me really it’s more of a Yuck and Bar)
  6. Now only 3 points to go.

    1. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Okay. Now only 2 to go...

    2. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      Okay. Now only 1 to go.

  7. I don’t know. Anything about this stuff. I only know it’s going to be in KSP2 and I’m problem going to make sucjpha big rocket that it will.... Boom!
  8. I’m almost towards 90 point! Only 4 more to go! Thanks to whom who helped me!

  9. Hi! Um. I’m hungry. Why. Cause I am. Why. Ah!!!!!!!!!!! When the great Jeb he’s hungry you have to say why?! Yes. You fool! Ah! Okay fine. Go away. Why? Ah! Just go. Why? Why don’t you go now! This is my office. Oh. Okay. Then all go. Why? Ah! Why? Im leaving. (Door Slams) Why? .....
  10. The KSC Divepool? Well. I think there would be two. One at the Administarion like the old KSC. And a pool at the astronaut complex. Jeb needs a pool to swim in right?
  11. It’s been three moths since the last dev video. So... Where is the next one. When it coming out. Soon, far off. When. When will it be released. That’s all I have to ask.
  12. Yes! I played with it today and I got to play with new ways for kerbal to have fun! Geez! I love this update. However, I wish you could change the exact color. But I can’t download mods. I’m console player. They fixed how you can’t do physical timewarp when in burns. Or did they. Please tell me they did.
  13. Hi. I miss the old days when I was just talk here. The consoles got the ESA update. I got to play with new boosters and some kerbal fun... ESA UPDATE CAME TODAY TO CONOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. The cehat menu/ debug menu. Even though Ima PS4 player you ahve to plug in a keyboard with an adapter with is for sale on amazon. Then ypu hold ALT and F12 at the same time.
  15. I dont have an answer for that. i think that has to be a new update for the forums but I really dont know.
  16. Multiplayer for KSp2 is a great idea. But there is one problem. How will KSP2 multiplayer work? Is KSP2 multiplayer has server that could be bad for some servers. The older the server gets the more vulnerable it is. KSP@ servers would have a hard time. Loading 1000s of crafts and bases and parts of planets. The server may crash or have curppurpted files. Now. I do hope that the developers and coders of KSP2 take this too mind. Revamsp and other updates will affect the servers. If multiplayer is like 2 players that wont bring any orblems i dont think. If KSP2 has co-op. that great.
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