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Posts posted by Subcidal

  1. Hi, guys. I changed 'Planetarium.InverseScaleFactor' to 'ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor' in RemoteCore.cs and there is no more lag and the remote controls work. The only problem is that the map lanes are a little screwy (just turn it off). Here's the source and dll file. Hope it works!


    Giving it a try now, Will edit w/ the results.

    The signal still travels straight through the planet, And disregards antenna range. I have my pods edited to have internal antennas w/ a range of 250. Once you loose 'contact' the controls go crazy and the ship becomes uncontrollable in a kraken-like tumble, but still responds to input.

  2. Oh god it's amazing.

    Make some various sized heatshields. the .75 or .5 size (Like the size of the mk16 parachute) would be nice for certain probes and stuff. And add the ability to decouple and this mod is going to be one of the best ever.

    Edit : So I just came in at a steep angle to blow one up for you know... test reasons....

    Anyway, I can't end the flight, It did blow up though, The game isn't frozen i can still mouse around it's just fixed onto the area that I blew up at.

  3. As a user I'd rather not have it enabled by default, sometimes I don't want full realism for my ships, because after all this is a game, not a simulator, while at other times I do want the most realism possible, in which case I would use this mod.

    If you meant something else and I misunderstood you then sorry, but I'm just saying it would be nice if it was only enabled on ships we wanted it to be enabled on, similar to mechjeb, RC mod, carts, Spacebuilding, and docking.

    Then enable and disable the plugin on different saves or something.

    Don't discourage the man, That would be awesome. Please do apply it to all crafts.

  4. Figure out something for the downloads, or .18 is just going to be a huuuuuuuge headache.

    But past that, I'd really love to see you guys take out the left, right, up and down sensation you get from the auto stabilization whilve EVAing in space, I'd like .18 to kind of polish what you've already completed. You guys say you tend to work on what least developed, And at this point i'd say it's the place holders that are still all over. I'd really appreciate some polish most I think.

    Redo the VAB and SPH menus, Organize part menus for mod friendlyness, Expand upon the IVAs, Optimize the engine in general to fix things like being lit up on the dark side of a planet, or slightly falling through textures, and of course do your best to stomp out the kraken/cthulu for good. Make EVA's autodirection an option or something so it feels more like space, how the ships feel. Really expand on the parts list to prepare for the building of moon bases and orbital stations and what not, Some animated parts for doors, Telescopic lenses that let you zoom, There's so many parts you guys could make that would add a lot of flesh to the game and it would be great.

    I'd also love to see things like better optimized shadows and darker nights and completed terrain scatter. Make it feel a bit more spacey you know, being on a planet at night with just your little lander lit up would be a superb sight to see with some better shading effects. Possibly even some early implentations of weather and terrain variation. Give us some amazingly tall mountains or deep canyons and stuff that will dwarf any ship, Cool sights like that would be a lot more entertaining than the eastereggs you guys usually pop in, which are fun but I don't want to end up with a game full of random crap all over the entire solar system. I'd much rather see impressive terrain, Caves, Mountains, Cliffs, Valleys, Plains, Asteroid impacts, etc etc.

    And of course docking, I wouldn't really mind if the IVA portion wasn't done, That's a lot of work and i'd like to see it polished, probably .19 at the earliest. Overall I think you guys should kind of polish what you've already completed and get your servers running. And throw docking into the mix if you find the time.

  5. You should make a module that allows us to make parts drain energy, It would add a lot, And shouldn't be too hard no?

    Also, This doesn't at all work with Zoxygen anymore right? I haven't really been keeping up with it since they forced EPS on it, Seemed like such a headache when this great mod is already out.

    Basically I need something to use my power on =P, Other than that good stuff, Keep it coming.

    PS It would be nice if you set up a nice animated solar panel / energy / ion engine pack or something along those lines (Make sure its okay with the modelers of course), At the moment getting all the solar panels i like working is the biggest pain when I'm setting my mods up.

  6. yup, thats why you time accelerate. they stop getting all shaky. thats how i got mine to not do that. does it have enough fuel to de-orbit?

    I've noticed this only seems to lock in the numbers at the moment you hit time warp, Because it's different every time you do it.

  7. /\ .... The hell? Edit : somebody fixed it, was a post of just jibberish above, Not warshawkski, Trying to set me up mods!

    It's good to hear you guys are planning on reducing their thrust. I thought it was odd they doubled as a jetpack, and refuse to use them as one haha.

  8. Ok, I figured this out.... as-per readme this modified carts.dll is using the RCS translate keys, not the I/K/J/L keys that the original carts.dll use

    Yeah this kinda sucks, I would prefer the ijkl keys as my RCS keys are customly bound, and odd for driving.

    Edit: Also, I think you should add a module that's only able to communicate through a network, And can't relay a signal. I kind of figured that would of been the way all of the default ones are, as it just looks silly with an antenna sticking out of the side of your rocket that's been designed for aerodynamics, So i opted to make them antennas as well in the .cfgs

    Maybe even adding some sort of 1m part that's "full of technological equipment for communication" instead of just dishes and antennas (Keep them too though, to be the actual device to send/receive the signals) to give a little penalty and misc. structural parts to put comsats up and make them look neato at the same time. As it is you kind of have to go out of your way to add irrelevant stuff just to make them look spiffy, Well if you care that is. I think it would be a nice addition.

  9. How would you go about making other pods use this? I want to get the probebodobo kit's pods to be remote controlled pods, But I cant figure it out. I've tried setting their module as RemoteControlPod, RemoteTech and RemoteControl (Yes I added the config settings too) and they just don't show up in the selection screen as commands pods, Or they do show up but without the relay window, just as normal manned pods. With the ducks you needed to rename them ARCommandpod or something like that, Seems to be a bit more complex with this one.

    Edit: And I figured it out.... Pretty sure it was the lack of the internal settings that was causing the error. RemotePod works as the module.

  10. There's no reason for the devs to pay steam royalties to get a fanbase we all know is inevitable. If they do this they should do it when they game is 100% done, and that's just end of story.

    Putting it on steam now is just asking for a headache, When the game's done, sure, whatever. Just don't make it the only way to get the game. Many of us go out of our way to avoid steam just because its a PITA in general, Specially for mod friendly games *ugh the headaches i can feel them already*

    If you were to ask for my honest opinion : Oh god no, No, And then no.

  11. I\'m getting a weird bug, all the engines seem to have slightly smaller duplicate of their propellers on them.

    I suspect something went funky in downloading/installing it, but deleting and re-installing didn\'t help.

    I'm also getting this bug, Though i've only noticed it with the Rotary engine, not all of them, Granted I haven't used all of them yet.

  12. Oh, and a spaceplane would be reusable whereas rockets generally are not, making the spaceplane more economical, whereas in the game they both cease to exist as soon as you hit 'end flight,' so there\'s no savings on recycling.

    Not entirely true, This was the main fault of the Space Shuttle Program, You would think a re-usable plane is cheaper, But in reality it\'s more expensive.

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