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Posts posted by Subcidal

  1. Slow internet here, So I tend to distance myself as far away from steam as I can. Sometimes steam takes 30 minutes - an hour just to log in, meanwhile I'm cruising the web looking at large pictures, or watching youtube videos just fine.

    IMHO Steam is a terrible piece of software. It's like that Mitch Hedburg joke, "I don't like fancy bread because its packaged twice. When you open it, It still ain't open. I don't need another step between me and toast"

  2. Aerodynamics, Re-entry heat, Resources.

    All I really want. Clouds would be nice, along with making Kerbin appear like there's a space faring species on it instead of an empty world would also be nice. But these things are both eye candy really. I really do think a weather system would add a lot to the game though. Especially if it could actually effect your craft. (Flying through hurricanes and stuff). It would sure as hell make the world(s) seem a lot more eventful and alive.

  3. Well during a tragic copy & paste incident i somehow managed to loose my original craft file that was acting odd. So i did my best to recreate it and It seems to be functioning as I would expect this time around. Though my CoM icon is in a totally different spot in a near copy of my original creation. I think I may have had a bug with the CoM indicator. Though the SR-71 is still a pain to fly, the craft I build are behaving more as I would expect them to now.

    The wing placement on both my old and new recreation are damn near identical, Just my CoM icon changed and is a lot further back towards the CoL now. I'll keep messing around and see if I can't recreate the CoM being off like it was originally.

  4. Hm, It's been a while since I've played KSP, the last being .18.4, So excuse my absence. But FAR seems waaaaay different now.

    I just built a plane and I could not for the life of me get it to stop lifting up until i threw my wings quite a ways back behind the center of mass. My center of lift icon doesn't even touch my center of mass icon and it just barely keeps it level. It never use to be like this when building planes, I would always put them (CoL & CoM) fairly close togother else it would be impossible to control the thing.

    Is something bugged or have I just been away THAT long that i'm really that rusty? Hell I even modeled it after the Bell X-1 and my flaps on my wings just about touch the horizontal tail when looking at the plane from the top down, It doesn't look like it should fly without it's nose dropping like a brick in a matter of seconds but it's actually the only way to keep the thing level. If you look at pictures of the Bell X-1 the wings are obviously not anywhere near that far back. As far as i remember back in .18 and well... reality itself, planes are designed with the center of lift VERY close to the center of mass, (besides some modern jets) and it no longer seems to apply here. Am I just misinformed or is something a bit goofy going on with FAR ATM?

    I just did a test flying the SR-71 included in FAR in my .18 version modded of the game and it flew quite nice. In .20 I can barely get the SR-71 to pull it's nose above the horizion, the whole flight is a constant battle trying to keep the thing from plummiting into the ocean like the worlds most expensive dart. It just doesn't seem right to me.

    I can post pictures/upload crafts if you want.

  5. @Camacha To each his own, I'm dieing because nobodys made a fancy satellite that folds out so you don't have to spend 30 minutes making a design that covers up the satellite dishes so they don't look so goofy during takeoff.

    Just saying this so OP knows the both styles are appreciated. And because I have a little hope that somebody good at modeling/animation will see this and fulfill my long desired dream of a fold out satellite dish (Or even 2 or 3 at different sizes because you know, If you're gonna do it, go all in =P)

  6. Cool.

    Another question - in the next version, would it be possible to allow a third state for antennas and dishes? That state being 'receive only'? I modified all my antennas and dishes to include fairly steep power demands, as well as cloned and biggerfied a few of them to allow more antenna range tiers. While a steep power drain makes sense for a heavy broadcast satellite (you don't want to know what's required to power the bigass dish (which is now like 4x its original size), if I wanted to send a Voyager-style probe, it would be nice to be able to power up the dish to receive commands, but without intent to use it as a transmitter.

    This could also fix some silly issues I have where debris with antennas stuck to it are functioning as relay satellites.

    At any rate I do suggest a rebalance pass regarding size / weight / power drain for the next version - most of the antennas sip so little power that it almost feels like cheating. You could slap a pile of the Sat 9000s to a Kerbin polar station and never have to worry about comm range again, makes it a bit too easy.

    In my version those giant dishes weigh 18T and have a power drain of 2.25 a second. A single one of these dishes requires significant effort and a massive power generating facility to work.

    I second this. Transmit / Recieve buttons would be great, with each being tied to their own power usage.

  7. http://i.imgur.com/dCY7l.jpg


    Two pics to help you understand. And I don't know if you know this yet, It might just rock your world. But if you hit wasd while a part is on you cursor in the VAB it will flip the part around. Hold shift +wasd for more precise orientation.

    You can see in the second picture with the lifting stage still attached, The black command capsule (The lunar capsule from the NP pack) is the actual command pod. The white thing it seperates from in the first picture is the re-entry/orbital capsule. In the VAB it's upside down. The heatshield is mounted to the decoupler directly under (Or above) the White re-entry pod. Then a rockomax decoupler is attached to the heatshield, With the ZO2 System and folded up solar panels on it's sides attached to the rockomax decoupler. The heatshield is upside down between these two decouplers.

    I tried to take the re-entry capsule off orient it right side up and build it all rightside up, then flipping it upside down again and attaching it, but it seems to make no difference.

    If this didn't make sense then I'll be glad to pop open the VAB and take some more detailed pictures, But I think you should be able to get the idea.

  8. So I made a little station with docking nodes, The re-entry capsule is mounted ontop of the main capsule, upside down with the heatshield attached upside down to it.

    When I re-enter the capsule orients towards a prograde direction, instead of retrograde. Think you can make the orientation system detect which direction the heatshield is facing in the next version? My munar orbital/landing station works flawlessly besides this minor detail. Obviously it dosen't really effect anything but it looks silly as all hell.

  9. We're not talking about a slight drift. Besides your inclination has nothing to do with traveling 1009.1 m/s at a 2868.4 orbit, It simply didn't use to be that way.

    If it had anything to do with inclination than each of my satellites would be moving at different speeds because they're not all the same, But they don't drift relative to eachother, They just orbit to fast.

    Edit : After a little bit of trial and error it seems like geo-synchronous orbit is around 2869.7 KM @ 1,900.0 m/s. Atleast that's the closest i've been able to get, I was drifting 1 KM about every 30-40 seconds at the highest warp.

  10. Yeah it's inclination is like .00302 or something extremely minimal.I was figuring trying to just find an altitude that produced the correct speed but I don't think it's going to be that simple. Guess i'll just have to toy with it.

  11. Recently i put up a comsat network in geosynch orbit above kerbin, But I feel like it's been changed.

    with a near perfect orbit of something like 2868.420 to 2868.478 i can not get my satellites to go slower than 1009.1 m/s, As a result they ever so slowly orbit around the planet.

    Did something change with this in the latest update? I've done this before and I know it was never this hard to get them into orbit, They just go to fast, I feel like something had to of changed, And if so does anybody have the updated info to obtain a stable geosynchronous orbit?

  12. When does the auto-steer thing take over? seems like it dosen't kick in till your some ways in to your re-entry. Would be nice if it kicked on as soon as you enter the atmosphere. And the heatshield just kinda disappears after being decoupled, Thought that was kind of odd.

    Also, Just kinda dreaming here, But it would be cool to have a part that was shaped like the bottom of a capsule to attach the shield to, Possibly even having it double as a decoupler. I kind of used a pre-existing part in the Novapunch pack to make this http://i.imgur.com/tV3fAh.jpg?1 and it worked pretty good, But the part only attaches to that specific aeroshell, Something universal like that would be grand. And a series that would fit on the underside of stock plane shapes would be awesome too, Though I don't know if your current code could be carried over that easily to something with a different shape.

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