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Posts posted by Subcidal

  1. Just popped it in seems to work fine if you had no manned pods in flight in your save. Though i think i've found a bug you probably overlooked while prepping the file. Jrandom mentioned that the recylcers still say their oxygen consumption is 1/hr. But as far as I can tell, everything says that their consumption is 1/hr. And they indeed are all using 1/hr oxygen rate. Started it on a new save even just to make sure it wasn't something screwy with the old save.

    Can anyone else confirm?

    Edit : BTW not sure if intended but the .cfg file in plugin/plugindata/Ioncrosscrewsupport is just an empty text file.

    2nd Edit : You can fix the oxygen consumption rate manually via editing the .cfg file in Gamedata/Ioncrosscrewsupport/Config, changing the first two modules, Oxygen and CO2. Edit the ratePerKerbal = line and change the number to ratePerKerbal = 0.000138889. Make sure you keep the - in the CO2 text field, or You'll turn into a CO2 breathing monster. I must say all of the new stuff in the .cfg files looks rather exciting youngedevil =D Once you're done this mod will reign supreme as the must have life support mod, no doubt.

  2. The dev update won't break a save if you haven't got any manned pods/whatever in orbit thats using Ioncross right? I've got quite a few satellites in orbit but i have yet to do anything with manned pods besides build some planes that can only get to about 30 KM in altitude. I've never actually used the mod yet and have nothing in flight currently using it, So I should be fine right?

    I don't see why it would break a save like this, figure I should double check though.

  3. This is amazing, Though since I've deleted all the vanilla fuel tanks in favor of stretchy tanks I don't have much to paint ATM. So I'm going to wait until support for stretchy tanks and procedural fairings are in.

    Awesome work. Can you also put on logos with this? Or flags?

    Edit : Ok i lied I'm going to use it now because it's just that awesome. Still hoping for some more support for mods though =D KW and NP, Procedural mods would be my recommendations. B9 would be good as well but I've stopped using it (To many parts as is) I'm sure others would appreciate it though.

  4. This is something I always found kind of odd. The amount of charge in probe cores is TINY. For example, sputnik the first satellite ever placed into orbit had batteries onboard that lasted for 22 days. Explorer 1 lasted for nearly 4 months before running out of charge. Though in KSP if you don't slap 2 tons worth of batteries on your probe you'll run out in a matter of minutes.

    IMO each probe/capsule should be able to power itself for atleast 7-12 kerbal days (Realize that the MET is real time, and that kerbin has 4 days for every 1 counted on the ingame timers). With more advanced probes/capsules getting slightly bigger charges.

    Anybody else agree? Or am i just being nit picky?

    Edit : Also batteries should be scaled up alongside probes/capsules so their not rendered useless.

  5. With a probe core (Sputnik), two antennas (Remote tech =P) and a procedural fuel tanks with a engine on it in vanilla i needed a minimum of 4533 Dv with FAR i saved 721 Dv Ending up with an orbital Dv of around 3800 needed. for that specific craft.

    I was using MJ's limit acceleration feature so i'm sure that effected it some. Not in the mood to do a thorough test right now, I'll see if anybody else comments with the Dv amount they aim for.

    Edit : Just took another rocket I have and subtracted 720 from the 5410 Dv needed for a munar intercept. Ended up with 221 Dv to spare after the intercept burn, so 720 seems to be around the right amount as far as I can tell. I'm sure this isn't the same if you build a rocket using a pancake as your blueprints.

  6. The texture selection doesn't save when you reload a craft / subassembly. Not a major bug or anything but i'd figure i'd let you know. And for anybody updating it seems to refill the tanks you have in play already.

    Awesome job though, loving this mod it's really reduced my part count. All i really want is a few more texture selections for some variation between tanks (So you can identify an RCS apart from an fuel tank easier, to add some variation to the tanks and to make planes look less like rocket parts =P). Well done OP.

  7. No stargates, Please no stargates. I like the fact that I have to design something to get to where I want it to go. To be able to just walk through a stargate removes like 99% of the value of the game to me.

    Anyways, I have no problem with Eve's color, Though I do think it's mass and size should be tweaked to be a bit more venus like. I also don't see a problem with making it extremely hard to land on, despite how close it is. In general I think it should be a bit more Venus-y, But not too much. And having a planet that's extremely hard to land on that's further out doesn't necessarily make it all that much harder to get to for 'advanced' players. If you're trying to land on the hardest planet, travelling between/to them is the least of your worrys. It's the descent, landing, and ascent that's the challenge. Getting there and back is the easy part.

  8. Rendering quality and screen resolution seem to do the most. Most of my lag comes from looking at certain areas on Kerbin. I can look straight down over KSC and I'll lag like crazy, But on the other side of the planet or something it hardly lags me at all even though im looking down at the same angle.

  9. Except for the fact that multiplayer discussion is against the rules, which it clearly states. Also, why do you think that rule is in place? It's because multiplayer has been brought up over and over only to come back to the same "no, it's not coming any time soon" that the developers always give. There's just no point anymore.

    Nobodys asking for it, There isn't a single person this entire thread that doesn't realize it's not likely to come at all, muchless soon. If it irritates you that much then don't read the thread. It's really that simple, No reason to go all nazi on any thread discussing anything multiplayer related to KSP. It's not a suggestion, It's in the general discussion forum. If you don't care to partake in the discussion, don't discuss it.

    Plenty of other people enjoy talking about how it could be set up, what goals could be made and general problem solving. If it was in the suggestion forum I'd agree with you but it's just a topic that involves multiplayer in the general discussion forum. Let people discuss it. Besides putting up a rule isn't going to stop new people from asking, It's best to have a thread that talks about it so it's not a question you have to ask in the first place. Nobody reads forum rules, it's a formality to point somebody towards after their "Will there be multiplayer" thread gets locked.

    IMO it should be stickied with the original post stating the most common arguments. Then you don't get people constantly creating new threads about it. Work smart not hard type of deal.

  10. Sorry if it's already been stated but 92 pages is a bit much to sort through for a simple question.

    Anybody make the Prometheus solar rover use it's solar panels yet? Was going to figure out how to do it myself but looking at the solar panels i'm confused as to how they work now. Haven't messed with solar panel code since before squad made solar panels, and they did it quite a bit differently.

  11. Thats not what I meant, but I went ahead and did that anyway. ;)

    I was hoping to make the change to all parts with one config entry :)

    Earlier in the thread some people spoke of 'wildcards', it seems if they were implemented they would allow for this.

    Anyway I think that would be a nice feature... Change any parts with XXX in their name, or perhaps change any parts containing XXX module.

    This would be extremely useful when you've got mods like Deadly re-entry. I really want to use it but I just haven't summoned the willpower to chug through every single part. I would much rather set a base level and then tweak parts here and there that I want to fail at lower/higher temps. I'm sure theres many more mods to come in the future that this type of feature would really compliment as well, judging from the explosion of high quality mods recently.

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