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Posts posted by Subcidal

  1. Ok I took some pics.

    First pic is Dres with the normal RSS config, seems fine. http://i.imgur.com/NYBLOVB.png

    Second pic is dres with the RSS + PF config, as you can see pock is orbiting well within dres. http://i.imgur.com/RCy7oCc.png

    third pic, if you look closely at pocks orbit line you can see kethanes grid, which looks to be sized about right http://i.imgur.com/3GCuUVy.png

    Fourth pic, just a zoomed out pic showing where dres is. http://i.imgur.com/Lpc2W0i.png

  2. Pluto's Texture works fine for me. The Kethane grid is larger than it should be but that isn't limited to just Pluto. I noticed that even in the base RSS. Also, what version of EVE are you using?

    Here is what Pluto/Charon look for me.


    hm, I'm using EVE 7.3, and it works for some planets. But now I'm really confused as to how in the world my pluto texture is being resized. I'll take some pictures later today when i get the chance.

  3. Is the Kethane grid feature known to do the same thing as EVE as shown in the photo a few posts above me? I'm getting the improperly scaled size with Kethane and EVE, Thing is, their both improperly scaled to the same size, and it's seriously starting to make me wonder if the RSS + PF config isnt scaled correctly. Mostly because charon is orbiting inside pluto, and both EVE and Kethane show the proper size of pluto inside of the actual texture of pluto.

    They both screw up on the same planets, at the same incorrect sizes. How can you tell if it's scaled correctly? Does the information tabs in the map view always give correct information, or is it just pulling info from a premade text file?

  4. yeah same, also mars was still to small although, weirdly slightly larger than before :?

    I think the scale for a few planets might be messed up, Using eve some of the planets clouds display perfectly, but other planets are way off thousands of miles into space, mars being one of them. Some of the smaller moons with cloudlayers did the same thing. I can't be sure if it's EVE scaling improperly or the RSS config though.

  5. Anybody care to give a quick explanation as to how the techrequired thing works? Trying to customize it for my RSS campaign but i'm not grasping it apparently. Does the RSS modulemanager configuration multiply the values in the part.cfgs by .08? Is there anything else altering it?

    I want to be able to make size 0.5 from the start technode, right now I can only scale down to 1.128. If I update to heavyRocketry technode I can size it down to 0.944, but there's nothing in the config saying it can go smaller between these nodes. Confused a bit? yes I am. Is there an easier way to do this, or atleast a formula so i can tell how large the sizes will be without winging it?

    Better yet, Somebody who's already done this with a MM config that i can alter to my needs.

  6. Tweakable everything broke my install I had to reinstall the game, even when I tried to remove it it still caused issues. What other mods are you running?

    A lot.. haha. http://i.imgur.com/VCAg7t9.jpg

    I noticed removing tweakable everything fixed all of my engines using the stock models. But my b9 engines are still shooting out particles / have no engine module. Could it be from the .cfg i deleted due to the lack of hotrockets?

  7. removing tweakable everything seems to have made the particles coming out of the side go away, But still they particles coming out of the bottom are there. And I noticed that all my b9 engines don't show any engine module.

    Not reporting this as a bug or anything, just trying to figure out the incompatability the easy way.

    Edit : Ok, removing tweakable everything fixes all the stock model engines. The b9 engines are still acting odd.

  8. For those people who are having problems with the RSS with Planet Factory config, I've updated it to work with RSS v6.2. Redownload it and let me know if anyone is having any further problems with it.

    Pock seems to be orbiting inside of dres (pluto) in my game with your latest revision.

    Edit : I can't tell if some planets aren't being sized properly or if Enviromental visual enhancements is messing up. I have clouds thousands of miles above the moon (Better atmosphere pack), mars, mercury, etc. But dres (pluto)'s cloud cover thing is smaller and inside the planet, and looks to be about the size the planet itself should be. Pock's orbit around the cloud layer is pretty much perfect.

    So I can't tell if EVE is messing up and making larger cloud layers, or if RSS + PF config isnt scaling planets right. Earth is perfect though.

  9. Turns out my problem is related to an old Realfuels.cfg, specifically the one for ECLSS life support that I got from the realismoverhaul thread.

    Seems the same .cfg is still up now. I find it hard to believe that I'm the first one to notice it no longer works, can anybody else verify it's not working?

  10. Anybody know of a common problem that makes all tanks stop working with realfuels? I was just using it yesterday and now for some reason every single tank in the game wont allow me to add any type of fuel to them. They all say that you cant add resources to them. Ohhhh troubleshooting.

    the debug console says that it's unable to find tank definition for "tanktypehere' and reverts to default. I haven't messed with the RF .cfgs or even really touched it at all till now.

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