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Posts posted by Subcidal

  1. The overall forum experience is degrading severely because in almost every thread there is a bunch of fourteen year olds* discussing stuff they have no clue about. Like "64x" [sic] or how a shader mod will increase CPU load.

    It is cringeworthy. And to stay on topic: ENB: no me gusta.

    *(Age guessed from grammar and ductus of said persons).

    This post is full of irony. If anythings degrading the forums. It's posts like these.

  2. It isn't magic I assume you mean? Having a 64x system will make loading up a bunch of mods a lot smoother. That's the main thing everybody's having problems with and why it keeps coming up all over the forums. Obviously it won't help the game itself. Just the memory limit that's starting to become a brick wall for people using a lot of mods.

    64x would fix like 92% of my crashes.

  3. Version 1.1.5 released.

    Small change. I have split the single RealSpaceEnvironment.dll into two files: AudioTweaks.dll and VideoTweaks.dll.

    If you disliked the missing background, you can delete the VideoTweaks.dll-file and you will still have the audio effects. This is just a quick temporary workaround until I have the time to do a more longterm solution. From the feedback I have gotten so far this should satisfy most of you for the time being.

    Source code is now included in the download. Ideas and suggestions for improvements are welcome, in fact.

    It's really easy to uninstall in case you don't like it. Just delete the JeTi-folder from your [KSP]\GameData-folder. But a video would be welcome indeed.

    Good to hear. The audio effects I love but I almost get chills when looking at the empty black space while on the darkside of a planet =P

  4. Been playing with it a bit now, Loving the effect it gives KSP.

    I don't normally care much for ENB, I've only ever used it in skyrim. But it really makes KSP look good. Just from messing around with it without the intent of even keeping it I've quickly grown to find the game without ENB is amazingly bland. Downloading R2 now to see how it looks.

    Seriously if anybody reads this and is on the fence because ENB usually makes games meh, This is the first time I've ever considered it to be a serious improvement. And that's with using it with GTA 4 and Skyrim and whatnot before. KSP is so bland and you don't really notice it till you get some color.

    Anybody bashing this doesn't appreciate the little things.

  5. I've made a performance efficient - no bloom, color correction with my own custom enb palette I just made yesterday in the GTA Alien City.


    Seems brighter than normal. Anyone care to point me in the right direction just to bring the contrast and brightness down? I don't really care for all of the FPS killing effects. But a darker game would be more vibrant.

  6. I like the mod but at the same time it means that most of the time it's pointless to try to send a rescue mission - if something goes wrong that's it.

    That's part of the reason for creating the mod in the first place. **** usually hits the fan when life support systems go down. Being able to salvage that situation should be rare or there's no longer any point in having life support. It would just be vanilla with nifty gauges that actually affect nothing.

    BTW You can add the atmospheric intakes via just copying the module to whatever part(s) you want to have it. I have all my vanilla/b9 intakes working as LS intakes as well, though you do get two (enable intake) options in the GUI.

  7. Nah, it's just kind of absurd in general. Even Homeworld-esque skyboxes have an air of believability. The KSP starfield is like, just a **** ton of big blurry galaxy-shaped blobs scattered *extremely* closely together of fantastic colors, and an overly-exaggerated galactic plane. I've been hoping we'd get a new one at some point.

    There was a mod a long time ago that actually replaced the starfield with one featuring stars of considerably reduced size, density, and visibility.

    Simply playing with the levels a bit I was able to get a much better starfield - it's less "glowy" and more muted, but still retains the beauty elements: http://i.imgur.com/NW8RYqG.jpg

    You can really see just how much diffusion glow there is in the starfield which is probably what makes it seem so ridiculous.


    Here's another before / after shot. Imgur's compression kind of makes the darker shot look a bit crap with the banding, but still, the gist of it is there.

    These were done with the mod mentioned in your post? That's a rather impressive improvement, Doable in .20?

  8. This looks awesome. I always love anything that adds more immersion. Just a suggestion for something thats always bugged me. You should make the camera shake during liftoff when in IVA. At the moment it's way to peaceful. Some camera shake that got less as intense with elevation would be a great effect.

    Looking forward to a dynamic starfield, that would be pretty neat.

  9. Is there some way to add IonModuleCollectorAtmosphere to all parts that have ModuleResourceIntake IntakeAir

    Would also like to know this. Will just slapping the module in the .cfg's do the trick?

    Edit : Tested it myself, It does indeed do the trick. Just copy the Ioncross intake module and put it in at the end of the .cfg you want to change.

  10. Just noticed something. The Squad parts included in FAR and the parts that the module manager .cfg changes are slightly different. the FAR squad parts only adds FAR modules to the MK1-2 pod and MK 1 pod. Where as the modulemanager.cfg for FAR adds it to both those capsules and the MK1 - MK3 pods.

    Does it matter at all if command pods have the FAR module in their .cfg? Because I don't really see why it would seeing how it still works fine on the MK1-MK3 pods even though there is no FAR module enabled on them. And I don't see a difference with it enabled on the MK1-3 pods by using the modulemanager.cfg either. Just wondering as I was about to go through and add the FAR module onto all of my command pods, But this has confused me.

    Edit :: Also, Does the little FAR window you get inflight not apply to parts that aren't located in /Gamedata/? (I.E the ones loaded in the old /parts/ folder structure) And does it affect their aerodynamics or is it just the lack of that window?

  11. I wont lie. My biggest disappointment was the complete lack of mentioning clouds.

    I REALLY REALLY want clouds. Kerbin is weird looking when you really stop and look at it. Needs moar clouds! But that's just eye candy and I know that's not the type of stuff you add in early when developing a game, muchelss on the scale KSP is.

    Most happy about the crew management features. Should bring some life and character to the Kerbals.

  12. Actually, it's on ExsurgentEngineering's end (sort of). Actually, it's on Squad's end; but the TLDR is that there's a bug in how Squad handles adding new modules to a part, that only happens in certain unusual circumstances. ModuleManager happens to cause one of those circumstances, and because ExsurgentEngineering doesn't work around Squad's bug, ExsurgentEngineering causes ModuleManager to crash when ModuleManager tries to handle a SABRE.

    I've talked with careo and we have a fix that should be released soon.

    Good to hear, Thanks for the clearing it up for me.

  13. This is probably somewhere in this thread, But frankly I don't really want to go digging for it. How does one make a command module work as both a remote control and an antenna/dish?

    I tried adding both modules (ModuleRemoteTechSPU & RemoteTechAntennaCore). Maybe I've done something wrong with the code I'm not sure but I cant seem to get it to function as both a remote control and Antenna and/or Dish. I'm trying to make the LH Thor and Voyager probes work without slapping on extra stuff.

  14. For some bewildering reason 4.1 makes all of my vanilla pods not work with chatterer, while all my modded cockpits work fine with it. Yet their all listed in a modulemanager .cfg. It worked fine in 4.0. Bloody annoying, these types of problems (the ones that make absolutely no sense). Anybody else experiencing the same thing? Might just revert back to 4.0

    Edit : Nevermind, It was a conflict between B9 and ModuleManager. Euuugh so much time wasted.

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