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Posts posted by Subcidal

  1. Bit off topic, But does anybody have a more neptune-y looking laythe for the RSS + Planet factory config? ATM you can see the terrain of laythe and it looks rather odd. Is that the normal map?

    BTW Are you suppose to load the sentar pack with that .cfg or not?

  2. Do you have auto TF on? What gimbal are you using?

    MJ is really bad about KM_Gimbal, and with auto-TF it may be miscalculating the vessel's turning ability too. Try going into Attitude and checking "Use SAS" and see if that improves performance.

    Ahahaha! that's what it was!

    Good lord I spent way to much time digging around just to realize it was a single button in mechjeb. Oh KSP you're so realistic.

  3. Welp it's related to the reaction wheels but the problem isn't the lack of strength from them. Even with reaction wheels disabled my rockets follow their ascent path perfectly.

    For some reason with the reaction wheel alterations in Probes_Squad.cfg, Pods_Squad.cfg and Probes_Aies_new.cfg mess with mechjeb. If i disable the alterations the rocket works fine with or without reaction wheels enabled.

    If I leave the reaction wheel alterations enabled mechjeb doesn't seem to even attempt following its ascent path. But if i leave the .cfgs enabled and disable pod torque it does follow its ascent path (Wtttfffff?)

    Anybody have any ideas as to why? It's not a big deal i can just disable the reaction wheel alterations for now. But I'd really like to know why after spending a day and a half track this down.

    Edit : Discovered my problem. Mechjeb's Auto TF messes up certain pods. Switching to stock SAS fixes the problem completely.

  4. Alright it's definently something with the alterations to the reaction wheels. If i disable that part of the .cfg the rocket stops pulling to the side. Even with reaction wheels disabled it follows its course correctly (Just to show that the problem isn't related to the strength of the reaction wheels).

    With the reaction wheel alterations enabled the rocket pulls to the side and makes no attempt to follow its ascent path. If I leave the .cfgs enabled and disable pod torque then mechjeb DOES follow its ascent path (Wtf?)

    Any ideas as to why the alterations to modulereactionwheels would effect mechjeb? It's not that it doesn't have enough power to steer. It's just not steering correctly at all when the reaction wheels are enabled. If I disable them it follows it's ascent trajectory quite well. Strange as hell.

  5. Are you sure they don't remove the reaction wheel torque? I know BTSM did this on all the stock pods and probes.

    Yeah it's not the reaction wheels. I can disable them and rockets that aren't bugged still take off great. Even pods with an absurd amount of reaction wheel strength for the rocket perform the same. You can really tell because the pitch/yaw/roll indicators don't ever get past halfway despite being way off course. It's nothing to do with pods or gimbaling, its like mechjeb is putting in a half-hearted attempt to steer.

    IMO it seems like the pods that have been rescaled have a problem. I don't know how in the world that could cause a problem though. Going to dig deeper into it today.

    BTW Is it possible this could be happening from using an aftermarket mechjeb? Im using the bill.9000 because i've always disliked how the two MJ parts look. I tried going through the bill.9000 .cfg and i dont see anything that looks odd. Also don't see why that would effect only certain pods.

  6. Lol yeah the point of putting it at 9000KM was just to ensure it didnt cut the engine off. I wasn't planning on getting to orbit or anything, i'd be lucky to make it past 200 KM with that little rocket. Regardless I used the same settings the entire time i was testing and it caused no problems when MJ was working correctly.

    Going to play with those .cfgs tomorrow to see if i can find the actual line / module that's messing up mechjeb. Only thing I would think that could have an effect is the resizes. I find it very odd that I seem to be the only one who's ever experienced this bug.

  7. How do you judge that it's lack of steering? have you seen the three input indicators at the left-bottom corner of the screen standing still with no movement at all? or is it moving but your rocket is not turning to the appropriate direction?

    If it's moving but the rocket doesn't turn correctly, I would guess it's because: 1. the cfg reduces the reaction wheel's strength and 2. you didn't install any engine that has gimbal capability.

    If you look at the last two pics in my album I posted (http://imgur.com/a/gptfu) you can see the ascent profile target, Note how it's straight below (Navball is upside down) my crosshairs, and then take a look at the pitch indicator. You can see that it's not even halfway through the indicator when it should be doing everything it can to pull up towards the target.

    Also if you look at the indicators in the very first picture showing the ascent profile you'll see that the pitch & yaw indicators are slightly nudged already, yet my turn starts at 1.3 KM. I've come to find that this is a tale-tell sign that the pod is bugged with mechjeb. Every single one of them with this problem will attempt to pitch and yaw before liftoff. They all also seem to take a similar path after liftoff. Which is the one shown in the album. When i manually push it off of its bugged trajectory it makes no attempt to correct itself, It just keeps on flying wherever i left it or aerodynamic forces happen to take it.

    Now I can take that exact rocket and put on a different command module probe that isn't affected by this bizzare bug (Or delete the .cfg's i mentioned and re-create the rocket) and it will ascend perfectly. If i manually push it off course it will correct itself. It doesn't sway at all when it takes off it goes straight up. If I delete the .cfgs and load up a rocket i made with the .cfgs enabled the bug persists, must be saving to the ships save-file itself. If I recreate the exact same rocket it will work as it should. This had me running circles for an hour or two.

    The rocket in that album is very stable and easy to steer manually. It works fine when i delete those .cfg files with no alterations at all. It's not the rocket it's something to do with the pods, and it's not their reaction wheels either. I can disable reaction wheels and it does the same thing. I can also disable them on unaffected pods and they'll still take off perfectly.

    By the way it's not really a lack of steering, Mechjeb is steering, just not down the path it should be. It is by-far the most bizzare bug i've ever ran across in KSP. I have no idea how these .cfgs could in any way alter mechjeb.

  8. Odd problem. Been having problems with mechjeb instantly veering east/south/north right after takeoff. (Album here, http://imgur.com/a/gptfu) Spent all day trying to figure out what was causing this and i've narrowed it down to Realism Overhaul. Specifically the Pods_Squad, Pods_AIES, Probes_Squad, Probes_AIES, Probes_AIES_new. (Not all of these are involved, this is just the last 5 files i narrowed it down to.)

    With these .cfgs enabled mechjeb doesn't seem to attempt to steer during ascent. Or rather it attempts to steer down some absurd ascent trajectory, as it's surely trying to do something. When I remove these .cfgs and create a new ship mechjeb functions as normal. If i remove them and load up a ship i created with the .cfgs enabled the ship retains the lack of steering bug. I create pretty much the exact same rocket for these tests, the rockets themselves fly fine.

    I've looked through them and i don't see anything that would mess with mechjeb. TBH I have no idea how they are messing with mechjeb at all. All I know is that mechjeb works great without them, and doesn't work for certain pods/probes with them. The only thing I would think could even mess with mechjeb is the re-scales. But then I'd assume I wouldn't be the only one with this problem...

    Affected probes are all the squad probes plus the MK2 versions added by RPL. Manned pods effected by this are the MK1 & MK2 lander cans, the MK1 pod and the MK1-2 pod. I'm sure the cupola is too but i've removed it.

    For some reason the Gemini pod also experiences the same problem, which I think is related to another .cfg file somewhere as it continues to give me problems with these .cfgs removed.

    Pods that aren't being affected are the squad cockpits mk1-3, B9 cockpits/pods, AIES probes, except for the maxur pod which is also afflicted. And FASA pods/probes(explorer) except for the Gemini pod. The WAC nosecone added in RO also works fine.

    This is all with .23 and v3 of RO. I tried v4 RO .cfgs and have the same problem. Does anybody have any idea why in the world this is happening? Oddest bug I've ever ran across in KSP.

    Edit : Pods_AIES and Probes_AIES are cleared. Going to go through them 1 by 1, will edit when done.

  9. So after a long day of searching i've narrowed this problem down to some .cfgs in realism overhaul. Pods_Squad/AIES Probes_Squad/AIES/AIES_New to be precise. Without those .cfgs any NEW ship i make performs correctly. If i load up a ship i made with those .cfgs enabled it retains the old behavior of not steering.

    I have no idea why these configs would mess with mechjeb though. Nothing in them really pops out at me.

  10. Alright I dug a little deeper and my problems seems to be related to specific pods. I don't think it's mechjeb itself but rather some .cfg.

    AIES probes all work fine except for Maxur, B9 capsules work fine, FASA works fine except for Gemini pod, The bumper nosecone from RftS pack works fine. Stock Airplane cockpits work fine as well.

    All stock probes and pods (Spare MK1-2-3 cockpits) are affected and mechjeb has pretty much 0 control. They all do the same thing, launch, instantly veer to the east, south and occasionally north not following ascent path. Same exact rocket with a working pod (AIES, FASA Mercury, MK1 cockpit etc.) and the ascent is as smooth as butter. (Photo album of the problem http://imgur.com/a/gptfu )

    Has anybody ran into anything like this before? Like I said I don't think this problem is mechjeb itself, but whatever is causing it somehow is affecting mechjeb, so i guess this is semi-related to the thread.

  11. No problem, And to be fair it wasn't something I looked up until I became interested via KSP.

    This little rocket I was using has a TWR of 2.5 It's a bit extreme I know but I stopped messing with my design once i realized I had a mechjeb problem, Which was caused by AIES's Maxur pod for some reason that I still can't figure out.

    BTW thanks for the link to the RSS wiki, Missed that somehow.

  12. On MechJeb and FAR/RSS/RO/whatever

    Appreciate the thorough explanation I understand how gravity turns work in reality, but the rest of the info you gave here is really good. I'd suggest putting it on your RO thread.

    Edit :

    Figured i'd take a few screenshots of what i'm experiencing.


    The last two pictures have the ascent guidance target on, forgot to turn it on. Just showing which direction the target is and notice the lack of pitch input. It's like MJ isn't even trying to stay on course, just off doing it's own thing. Anybody have any clue what might cause this to happen? The rocket launches great manually, though looses a bit of control once passing mach 1. Nothing that should be causing this though.

    Also notice how it makes an extreme veer to the south east almost instantly. It's like mechjeb thinks vertical is somewhere to the south east at about a 78 degree pitch. It only takes 3 seconds of flight for the rocket to end up pointing south at a 75 degree pitch. And this is at 160 meters, my gravity turn is set to start at 1.3 KM... Something is wrong but I have no idea what.

    Edit #2: Just found that this problem seems to be exclusive to the AIES RC3 Maxur pod. Same rocket with different command pods works great. Maxur seems to not understand which way is 90* vertical. Just incase anybody else runs across the same problem.

  13. I don't know if you're experiencing the same issue, but I had some similar problems. It turned out my craft was simply top-heavy, and I didn't have enough reaction wheels/control surfaces to counter it. Try throwing on a couple reaction wheels and see if that helps?

    Well I made a larger rocket to see how it would react and it followed it's ascent path quite well. It twitched every now and then on the way up for some reason but it still flew alright.

    But I still feel as if something is off in my game ATM with mechjeb. The initial rocket I had problems with launched fine vertically with SAS on, and was able to perform a decent gravity turn if i did it manually, Could probably do it a lot better but I don't fly ascents. With MJ on it's all over the place though, It feels like mechjeb is making a half-hearted attempt to steer it. Though like I said that larger rocket I just launched seemed to ascend quite well along it's path.

    I've used MJ and FAR and whatnot for quite a while, Quite a few hours (hundereds) logged with both of them, New to RSS though. Something just feels off, I can't really put my finger on it. It feels like the ascent autopilot is being lazy or something. My original thought was that mechjeb didn't scale properly with RSS or something as it kind of seemed like it thought vertical was a 80-70 degree pitch to the east. It also rolls a lot more than I ever remember it doing before.

    Were you using RSS when you had this issue? It's the only mod I can think of that would really affect mechjeb. Though nobody else seems to be having problems with it. Maybe i've just become extremely rusty since .21 haha.

  14. I know I'm a bit outdated now but, In .23 with RSS and the realism overhaul compilation + a few mods here and there mechjeb's auto ascent pilot is screwy. It starts off with a rather sharp turn right after ignition then begins its gravity turn and i'm horizontal around 6-8 km. Giving it large winglets for extra control just causes it to wobble all over the place trying to go off and do whatever in the world it's trying to do. It dosen't really seem to make much of an attempt at following the ascent target, though it usually goes towards it's general direction, Like east or west. That's about as close as it gets to going where it's programmed to go. Sometimes it will go straight south instead of east, Seems random.

    Long story short, For some reason my ascent auto pilot has a mind of it's own, and I can't figure out why. It kind of seems like it's doing a mini ascent profile up to around 7KM in whatever direction it happens to end up heading. The ascent turn start/end settings seem to make no difference at all. Only saw one other person mention a similar problem and they were never answered. Hoping somebody knows a solution, Figuring somebody has ran into this problem before and I just can't find it.

  15. Not sure if it's been mentioned before but the fuel drop tanks in firespitter seem to cause some pretty crazy changes to CoL. If you place one on the bottom of a plane it will shift the CoL way down like you just put a wing down there. This results in your CoL being well below your CoM from a single drop tank. A bit of change to the CoL seems reasonable due to their size, but their causing waaaaay to much right now.

    This is with, Not sure if this is the same in your experimental version.

  16. I'm not sure what you mean? I'd understand a request to have a MM config to resize the RealChute parts to have RO sizes, but stock chutes?

    Well when you install RO, it creates some alternate sizes of the stock parachutes. 0.5m, 1m and 2m. Realchute doesn't effect these "copys" of the stock parachutes and i'm not entirely sure how to do it manually while keeping the balance respective to their sizes.

  17. Not sure if it's already been mentioned but Mechjeb seems to break after leaving a craft / switching crafts. Seems like whichever windows were open at the time are no longer even in the sidelist. For me its usually Ascent autopilot, Orbit info and Surface info. Smartass never seems to be affected by this odd bug. Happens seemingly every time i leave a craft and come back to it, or switch crafts. Could it be because im using modulemanager to add MJ to command pods? Doesn't make much sense to me...

  18. This mod appears to conflict with RCS build aid, The mod Dev for RCS Build aid said "Can't do much about it since Kerbcom replaces stock RCS modules when the game is loaded. Maybe you can poke ZRM about this? if Kerbcom replaced them only when the flight starts then there would be no conflict, I had the impression his plugin already did that so maybe is a bug in Kerbcom."

    I don't know if this is a bug or not, but it would be nice to have these two mods be compatible, ATM I'm switching and swapping them for whichever i need at the moment, which is a bit of a pain as you might imagine.

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