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Everything posted by Jeb_da_kerbal

  1. ah ok, ill try re exporting it as a DXT5_nm format and see how that works
  2. i didint use gimp for any of this, i used a website that turns images into normal maps, why? would that fix the problem or is that what you think is causing the error? EDIT: wait i just realized i left the normal map name as pabos_normal.dds, the normal map is a png file, ill fix that rn okay so that changed the hightmap but the lighting errors still there
  3. i am having errors with kopernicus body's and the lighting, the sunlight is not where its suppose to be (its on the other side that the suns facing) and its really annoying because the craft and kerbals have normal lighting and shadows but the planet doesn't. any way to fix it? the moons config (its still experimental and im going to change things in it because it has more then one bug. also i used the name of the moon as a placeholder for the description ) screenshots of the error:
  4. hello kopernicus modders! i have a question for you guys, its whats the largest planet (or any celestial body) you have made with kopernicus! This is my largest planet, it is in my work in progress planet pack, it has a radius of 9,980 km but thats not the main thing that makes it cool. Its rings are crazy masssive! its rings are so large, that you can see them from kerbin (even at day!) its gonna to have one massive moon but i haven't coded it yet. but yea, what's the largest planet you made?
  5. hundreds of hammer srbs attached to a mk1 command pod in career (i didn't know you could change game mode at the time) this is what i remember it looking like, just on a older version (and yes i built the og rocket in the SPH)
  6. ive been looking for a Soyuz and other Russian spacecraft part mod for some time, i have making history but the parts from it are more vostok parts, this is a amazing mod!
  7. my favorite stock moon is minmus, its small and easy to land on, you can build large bases with no super complex rockets, and it was a test ground for my Apollo style rockets
  8. I agree, but some textures look pretty nice when there just a image file, but most do look weird when flat, like my planet texture, it looks strange flat, but on a planet it looks ok EDIT: This is no longer the planet texture because it was not lined up right
  9. tried the same process with a different image editor for one of my gas giants, it turned out pretty nice and it was easy to create the texture.
  10. Hi, i am new to the KSP forums so I don't know if this is the right place to make this topic (add on development), but i am creating a planet pack with kopernicus and a continued kittopia tech mod. i know how to create Hight and color maps for planets/moons but not normal maps, I've seen someone say that you can create normal maps using kittopia tech but they didn't say how, is it possible and how?
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