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Everything posted by Kosmix1

  1. I wanna hear spooky and occasionally dramatic music when near a black hole, dark gas giant far away from its star, or interstellar space. That would be so cool.
  2. Roleplay different games and movies, interstellar, subnautica, wars etc, with my brother.
  3. In such a beautiful game it would be illegal not too. Even if it doesnt happen people would just make a mod for it.
  4. This will fit great in my KSP 2 playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPvDgAJnXecdZaQdGPEHDrB8jBoBeBmNn
  5. I think the way you do science should be completely different in the sequel, KSP makes no sense that checking a barometer in space will make it possible to create a new engine and the tech tree is unrealistic. What do you guys think it should be like in KSP 2?
  6. The rover wheel mount is completely bugged. When used in the SPH or VAB it multiplies extremely fast when you point your arrow over other parts while holding the Rover Mount Part. I will give further info if its only I that has this bug.
  7. Outer Planets Mod, unfortunately it only worked on 1.11 for me, but its not too bad because 1.12 doesnt add that much new anyways. Maybe it works for you.
  8. Where do I find this part in the VAB???? Ive literally been looking for an hour now and its probaly something stupid that I never saw, but please help me I feel like im going insane.
  9. I like that there are now multiple base mods. Now I can make different types of bases for different planets instead of using the same design. Thank you for this mod, it looks awesome.
  10. I think its likely that tech will continue to progress even after going interstellar because there are supposedly mulitple interstellar engines, some of which are more advanced than the others. In the trailer you see the daedalus engine, but the devs have said there is another engine in the very very late endgame. (possibly antimatter torchship)
  11. When I go in the VAB, almost all the parts are missing. I cant seem to install the mod correctly, which folders go where?
  12. There is also one that is sligthly less bright in the upper right corner. I assume that the stars you will be able to visit are gonna be the brightest since they are closer obviously.
  13. If there is gonna be colony building then it would be really cool to have different sorts of colony variants depending if there is breathable air, vacuum, underwater or flying in the air. Of course i wouldnt expect all of this to be immediately implemented during the launch, but it would be cool to have it as an update later on.
  14. Ive watched hours of interviews with the developers and i remember that they said it was gonna remain the same difficulty, but the tutorials will be better so in a way it will be easier, but it wont really matter. Also im pretty sure that take two knows that the community wont enjoy an oversimplified game, making fewer people buy the game and then it will be less popular. Which is because they have promised to not include any microtransactions (except possible future dlcs but thats already in ksp 1 so who cares) because the community didnt like it. edit: For those who are saying there is too little gameplay footage, this is all the pre - alpha footage so far
  15. I assume its gonna be something similar like building in the VAB except you need to harvest or bring certain materials as cargo to construct the part or module.
  16. There is a large shadow thingy in pufs ocean (one of the exoplanets in ksp2) in the show and tell video, and nate commented on my thread that its not a rendering bug or shadow, but its a feature in the game. So i think there is gonna be some pretty interesting features in the surface, underwater, underground and the athmosphere on the other planets.
  17. Would definitely be cool to explore super deep oceans and find giant leviathans, almost like the game Subnautica. Though unfortunately, i think its gonna be unlikely.
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