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Everything posted by Kosmix1

  1. I kinda agree with this, however your idea of moon sized stations is too far fetched in my opinion and there wouldnt be any reason to build a space station that huge. I think maybe 5 kilometer long stations could work but even that is pretty extreme. They could be used to make the giant torchships (not talking about the daedalus engine as seen in the trailer) in the very very late game.
  2. Wouldnt matter for me since my crappy planes only crash during landings.
  3. Im pretty sure black holes will be added in ksp 2, if not during the release then most likely as an update later on. Black holes will be very useful for interstellar gravity assists so it would make sense to add them into the game.
  4. Me and my friend has been discussing lately the various things we can do in multiplayer when ksp 2 comes out. Whats the first thing you will do in multiplayer?
  5. In an interview when Nate Simpson was asked if there was gonna be alien life he said there would be some pretty interesting stuff that you would find in the interstellar progression, so it wouldnt suprise me if there was an underwater planet inhabited by giant leviathans.
  6. On my second mun mission i encountered the mun arch for the first time. I was a newbie so i had never seen it before and got very excited.
  7. I noticed that If you look closely in the "show and tell" video you can see some sort of shadow in the middle of puf's ocean. Maybe it could be some sort of underwater alien structure or a natural formation, or maybe a deep ocean trench. It could also just be a rendering bug. What do you think?
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