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  1. Hey there! Someone else commented this before, but didn't get a response. I'm finding it quite hard to attach sideboosters for Falcon Heavy. It just doesn't snap to anything. Am I missing something? My sidebooster is made of these parts, top to bottom; - Nosecone - Golden control thingy - 'FH Side Booster Attach' - FT Main fuel tank - Octaweb with engines Also, unrelated, would anyone happen to have Waterfall configs for the engines?
  2. Hi there, Katniss! Do you think/know this might work on 1.10.1 using the 'Unified "Bleeding Edge" Branch' of Kopernicus?
  3. Is/will this (be) available for iPhone as well?
  4. Hi there! I'm currently having an issue modifying config files. I'm wondering how I can change the colour of the flames/plumes? I'm using the Vector engine, and I want it to be orange and firey, like SRB's, instead of the current reddish colour. This is the file; @PART[SSME]:NEEDS[ReStock,!WaterfallRestock]:AFTER[ReStock] { !EFFECTS {} } @PART[SSME]:NEEDS[zRealPlume,SmokeScreen,ReStock,!WaterfallRestock] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Cryogenic_LowerSSME_CE } PLUME { name = Cryogenic_LowerSSME_CE transformName = thrustTransform localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,0 speed = 1 energy = 1 emissionMult = 1 shockPosition = 0,0,0.3 shockScale = 0.4 plumePosition = 0,0,0 plumeScale = 2 plume2Scale = 2 } } Thanks in advance.
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