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Sky Kerman

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Everything posted by Sky Kerman

  1. The hype train has almost arrived at the station, take your belongings, and get ready to depart across the universe! It’s been fun hype train!
  2. I really like the rocket launch theme and I was wondering when it will be on a music streaming services?
  3. He better not troll us lol, I've been subscribed for 4 years and that would result in a unsub from me.
  4. People are still exited for this game right? Seeing all this negativity about it is kinda a downer.
  5. My mom calls KSP “Karbal Space Program” so let’s get in a Karbal Space Program 2 mood!
  6. Lol, this is pretty great, it’s pretty funny
  7. I have been looking and wondering for a while, how do I find said lore and worldbuilding stuff?
  8. Aw I thought it was out lol! But it’s probibly good you made a new thread! Can’t wait to see where this goes!
  9. I love the new parachute animations! They are so realistic!
  10. Wooooo! Yea finally! I’m gonna have a great time with this! Its grand tour time! Vid coming out this week!
  11. Oh that’s awsome! This mod is gonna be bigger then I thought!
  12. I’m sorry to see you go, but I just wanted to say, your mod was one of the best I ever played and loved it even before it’s release thanks for everything!
  13. Whoa! Yea that’s awsome! What class of red dwarf is Srobia?
  14. Oh my god, that’s so cool! Thanks so much and I super appreciate it!
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