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Sky Kerman

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Everything posted by Sky Kerman

  1. I think you should release the mod now then eve later gives it more time to get more popular and people will be exited when eve comes (also I wanna do the grand tour lol )
  2. Ok, so I have a few names for the grand tour craft, what do you want it to be? @MunDude ISV Strobie Surfer ISV Minotar ISV First Contact ISV StarSurfer
  3. Cool, happy you kept the night vision of the natives, now that Halo is a ocean world, does it still have land?
  4. Cool! Sorry if I keep asking, but when do you think it will be done?
  5. How’s the progress? Can’t wait to do the grand tour!
  6. Here you go! The Taz'eavo have a folklore that the eels are unborn children awaiting conception! Eating one is kinda like helping its journey to birth, by freeing it from its body. https://imgur.com/pS9DucL
  7. Cool! I'm defiantly gonna use that! Also what if Navaho had a native population? I made a little concept art for it! https://imgur.com/EPowTdN
  8. Cool, can’t wait! I love finding small mods like this!
  9. Cool! Also my channel name is Skythegoogletranslateguy
  10. OK, sounds good! I was just testing the mod out!
  11. I AM THE LORD OF THE RINGS! https://imgur.com/a/2NgMeMu Oh yea, also making a Grand Tour vid.
  12. This looks very cool! Can’t wait to play, how far away is Srobie from kerbol? Also is Navaho habitable because it looks to be?
  13. Oh yea! Don’t think I can get the vid out tonight, but here is the channel name “Skythegoogletranslateguy”
  14. Gonna do a grand tour, look out for that vid later today!
  15. Hey is mod still being made? Because I would like to report a bug, Temporia is completely white, even where the green is support to be, but other then that everything seems fine...
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