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Sky Kerman

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Everything posted by Sky Kerman

  1. I want to make some texture replacer stuff, so im just wondering how to make heads?
  2. Hey! Just a suggestion, but you should make a kerbal texture pack for texture replacer! Mabey some of the kerbals could have pure white skin (or a transitioning green to white color) to represent the adaption to frontiers climate. It would make more since because you can take the kerbals helmet off on Frontier. Just a suggestion tho, thanks!
  3. Will the capsule ever have a IVA? Because that would be awesome! Loving this mod by the way!
  4. Hey so all of my transfer windows are 7 to 12 years in the future? I've tried multiple mods and they all say the same?
  5. Well I don’t think so! I can’t wait for this mod to come out! On my hype list for shore!
  6. On the second day of Christmas Jedidiah gave to me, two kraken doves, and a rocket made of pear trees. (Could not think of anything better )
  7. Is BDB required? I can only find the giant version of the cryogenic upper stage. Nevermind, found it,
  8. oh, and do you have a good name for the movie? I was thinking about calling it "Massive" kinda hinting at Tempora, and Termania!
  9. Cool! Then I’ll start working on the Kerbin screens and other shots till your done! I will also send you a script
  10. Yea, kerbal kind it’s on its last leg, so they evacuate to the new system, but they are in such a hurry, they had no time to figure out what planets where habitable or not, so they go on this planet spree to try and figure out before the kerbal colonists die of starvation!
  11. Cool! Can you still breath the atmo? What and what kind of life is there?
  12. Cool! Can’t wait to see where this mod goes! If you remember, I’m gonna start work on that kerbal movie agian!
  13. Hey do you think you can make a homeswitch for Termina? Also that new planet sounds so cool! Is scatter support coming soon?
  14. Cool mod, do the planets have descriptions?
  15. Is this like a interstellar version of Endless expace homeswitch? What ever it is it is awesome!!
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