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Everything posted by Badoobicus

  1. Also unintentionally completed this mission after planting a flag on Tylo.
  2. Hello, I've got a couple suggestions that I think would make the VAB experience just a bit smoother. I've noticed these when playing post-0.1.5: 1. It's difficult to see inside built fairings in the VAB - they stay rather opaque unless your mouse is in just the right spot, which can make working on upper stages difficult if you've already built the fairing. 2. When repositioning one end of an already-built strut, the camera re-centers itself on the other end of the strut, which can be kind of annoying if you're only looking to move the grabbed end a little bit, since your camera is pulled somewhere else entirely. And another one for the map view/maneuver planning: 3. When planning a capture maneuver for any body, such as the Mun, you can't place down the maneuver at Mun periapsis when viewing the intercept trajectory in the Mun SOI. You either need to plot the capture maneuver on the craft trajectory from Kerbin's SOI (which may not be particularly close to the Mun's current location), or wait until your ship is inside the Mun's SOI, then plot the maneuver. This issue isn't specific to the Mun though - it's true of any capture burn in any SOI. And in the tracking station: 4. The behavior might be intentional (assuming my comment is actually correct), but I do find it unintuitive. I think it'd be helpful to unlock timewarp when switching directly from flight view to the Tracking Station, rather than needing to visit a go-between menu to unload the craft or reset the available warp speeds:
  3. I think this is because if you open the Tracking Station, it keeps the active vessel loaded, so you can quickly switch back to it if you want, which also means the timewarp stays locked to the active vessel. As a slightly faster workaround than what @Mushylog mentioned, I've found you can accomplish the same effect by going Flight View -> KSC -> Tracking Station instead of just Flight View -> Tracking Station - no need to launch a new vessel.
  4. I’m looking forward to building colonies on other planets and using them to build massive ships off-world.
  5. Does this craft accelerate sideways, relative to the direction you’d expect, at least?
  6. There's another simple solution that took my landing game from "20 km is pretty good" to "remember not to land on the target," that the Kerbal Engineer mod implements quite nicely: a big ol' target. From map view, the target appears on the planet's surface at the anticipated point of touchdown, taking planet rotation into account. So if the planet's going to rotate the desired landing spot out from underneath you, the target will make it pretty clear you won't be landing in quite the right spot. From flight view, you can visibly see the target on the planet's surface below you. The flight view target works great for fine-tuning your approach once you're too close for map view to be helpful, but still too far to really eyeball your exact touchdown location.
  7. We also now there’s going to be a sort of simulation-like practice mode where you’ll be able to step away from the main game and practice some specific game mechanic, then hop back to where you left off. Maybe there could still be autopilot, but it’s limited to the practice mode. So you can swap over and ask “show me how to land this craft.” Once you’re feeling comfortable, you can hop back in where you left off, but this time you’ll have to do it yourself.
  8. I wonder what interstellar ships with landers and surveying equipment would look like. The ship we see in the trailer orbiting Jool has no landers to be seen, unless it’s hiding something in those big cargo crates behind the habitation rings. We also see a pretty big lander detach from an even bigger ship to land on Merble at the end of the trailer. Was that a newly-arrived interstellar ship? Is the lander carrying the “city-in-a-box” Nate mentioned previously, enough to bootstrap an entire interstellar colony?
  9. We might also be thinking about this in the entirely wrong way. I imagine by the time you have the technology to land on an exoplanet or moon, the difference between 0.1g and 1g could be trivial. We don't know much about the new resource system, but perhaps the deciding factor will be what resources each body will offer, not surface gravity.
  10. I’m curious to see how an interstellar mission to Gurdamma would go... would you make a beeline straight for the surface, or would it be easier to build a factory on the lower-gravity Donk before making a trip down to the surface? I imagine the view from inside the rings will be something else.
  11. The screenshots look awesome! Do you have an overview of the different planets and moons, or some sort of guide for the solar system layout? This mod definitely looks cool, but I'd be curious as to what sort of challenges and game play I'd be getting myself into before I download it.
  12. I think it just means if you and your buddy are controlling Kerbals near each other you can have them wave at each other or whatever.
  13. I bet the 4 options beneath the symmetry selector will be 1. Select 2. Transform (move and rotate tools combined) 3. Root change 4. Launch subassembly That last one is new since you’ll be able to build on multiple assemblies within the same craft file, so this tool will let you select which of those actually gets sent to the launchpad.
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