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Wizard Kerbal

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Everything posted by Wizard Kerbal

  2. In game time is 3x slower than IRL so i'm only at 9 minutes into the burn
  3. My controller died I have a solution: Charge the computer which charges the controller
  4. Usually I wait 5 seconds before doing anything else, but I over-warped a bit and had to immediately burn. And If I leave the console alone for 2 minutes, it pauses the game. Here's my solution: It keeps the camera moving WAIT NO ITS GONNA BE AN ENTIRE HOUR BECAUSE THE IN-GAME TIME IS 3x SLOWER THAN IRL
  5. On console, if you exit warp too quick it stops you from warping again. So yeah!
  6. Oh no I don't have phys-warp due to a bug So yeah, what are y'all doing for 37 minutes?
  7. Ion users- You have my respect. I just did a 37 minute asteroid capture burn.
  8. AGH! I hate the quick-save kraken! Oh phew! The one time the persistent save came into good use was just now!
  9. I promise to never respond again. Anyway, @Spaceman.Spiff
  10. We're approaching it's birthday too fast with too few posts! MORE POASTS!
  11. When you only find out how to post you tube videos from console AFTER a challenge you wanted to participate in got closed. Can't be me. Anyway, my ctrl+v is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGgNdVya0Rk&t=1s A link to my VTOL test.
  12. The reason it's the Sparrow 2 is because I didn't realize it could VTOL until after I flew it. So I put landing legs on it and called it the Sparrow 2.
  13. They think i’m gonna reply on the guess who’s gonna reply next thread. Someone help
  14. PC: Oh, yeah, that feature sucks! Mod X will fix it. Console: We can hope for a bug fix in a bit. PC: I built a 1,000 part mega build! It runs at a few FPS! Console: I built a 250 part megabuild! It tuns at about 5 FPS. Yeah, we’re basically limited to under 300 parts and less than 18 engines active at a time. Although, 65 clydesdale runs at 15 FPS, and 128 Mastodons 3 Seconds Per Frame
  15. I just noticed the effects of light pollution. At my old house, the entire sky was lit up. Now, I can count the stars on my hands. I’m sad
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