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Wizard Kerbal

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Everything posted by Wizard Kerbal

  1. I just remembered that time my brother smacked me with american cheese in the middle of the night
  2. I don’t have a post truck, but i’d like to raise the number of posts on this thread by 1.
  3. So I made a new Sea-launch platform like Matt Lowne's, but I didn't bring it to sea because i'm lazy. The craft is carried horizontally, then raised on an alligator hinge and 2 pistons to a vertical, launch ready position. Once it's steady, it's fueled by fuel tanks on the barge. Then, Liftoff! Note: A small heat-shield protects the barge from engine-related damage
  4. I have a picture of my Saturn V launchpad, but it failed in a few ways 1. Couldn't move to the launchpad 2. Had too many parts 3. The Saturn V could lift the Launchpad I'll put the picture in a spoiler when it loads, right now it's blurred and giving me a frowny face
  5. I was watching a youtube video in a 1970s style, and there are intentional audio glitches in it that caused my mind to just go f̵̪̫̈́͑͗̏̕͝y̷̧̟̱͙̮̖̆̎ͅá̴͖̫̥̣̇̾̌z̸̢̘̲̙̭͛͘͝ơ̶͍̜͙̤̣̫̫̄̓̌͝͝u̵͈̖̩̥̖̠̇̃͑́̆́́͑ͅl̶̡̧͓̪̈͗̀̈́̾́̈́
  6. Ya ever just wanna NEYehH Hol' up. Is it my Xbox humming or my ears ringing.
  7. Hey llok new page, or should I say, "Hey lock new page" THE SPANISH INQUISITION
  8. I don't know what i'm expecting when I check on the Megathread, but . . .
  9. Reminder of the rules Provide translations for non-english posts Don't tag random people NO KSP CONTENT. Keep all posts where they belong, for posts that don't merit their own thread there is the "What did you do in KSP today?" in KSP Discussion thread, which I can't link because linking posts could make people start discussing KSP here, instead of there. Lastly, and most importantly, be respectful. As much as you may disagree with them, if we don't, the thread will be locked, maybe even permanently.
  11. It’s KSP related, but it is a random fact. I have only landed on the Mun (successfully) 18 times. I have only left 16 times Minmus, 5 Gilly, 3 Duna, 4 Ike, 2 ”Jool,” 1, but I didn’t leave I like The Mun, ok?
  12. Questioned attempting to be hired as a QA tester. The kraken doesn't just wobble my crafts apart, actually, they never wobble apart my crafts. They attack me psychologically, giving me hundreds of bugs I fail to reproduce when I try to. I severely want to bash my head into a wall when I make a cool craft and the game just NOPE!'s out on me
  13. I forgot my password to the bug report things, so if someone could report this it would be lovely. I just finished a burn to get a munar encounter, and wish to fine tune it. When I set up a node, my path continues to show a munar encounter, but the maneuver node's path shows my orbit if the mun just disappeared. Upon Munar SOI entry, it shows my path in blue, then a purple path going into the bottom of the planet. This glitch really ruins the fun of the game, and it's the reason for all of my rage quits. I have no idea what causes this or why it happens, it just happens.
  14. How are you even alive, Jeb? oh. Oh! OH!
  15. My first rocket was a true MASTERPIECE but I have no surviving photos. I'm gonna go re-create it I recreated it Of course, it never got past 6,000 meters. That last image was how I made my "farings." I'm disappointed with my past self.
  16. The all new Mustang SRB! Cost: 29,000 Weight: 150.37t Thrust(ASL): 2,948KN Thrust(Vac.): 3,300KN ISP(ASL): 210 ISP(Vac.): 235 Gimbal: 1.00° Burn time: 86 seconds ENGINE CANNOT BE SHUT DOWN! The Mustang booster: for all your in-atmosphere 3.75 meter needs! Decoupler, Seperatrons, and Flyback capabilty included! The Mustang SRB can also function as a strap-on booster, with some reassembly. Just don't tell them it's a Clydesdale in a fairing. Wait, shoot! Oh yeah, no craft file due to console limitations.
  17. I don't like NERVAs. I tried to capture an asteroid with them, and it didn't go well. So, my first joolian mission used a rhino engine and a small fuel tank for it's job, circularizing, doing the transfer burn and capturing. But it had quite the TWR. But of course, (I thought) it would be inefficient to capture at Jool with only my engine when it has 5 moons to do the job for me, specifically Tylo. It took me quite a while, but I set up the maneuver node in a, for lack of memory, stretched rubber-band shaped orbit. This would be a good orbit to deploy the 2 relays and the atmospheric probe. I looked at the DeltaV requirement: 200. I opened my phone to look at the DeltaV requirement for capturing with an engine burn: 160. For reference, I still had 300 DeltaV in the tank. With a sigh, I turned off the Xbox.
  18. I sent a mission to Jool, and I noticed my "connection laser" kept bouncing between Kerbin, a Duna relay and a Space station with relay dishes. Going straight to receivers on kerbin, I have a 83% connection. On the space station's relays, 75%. On the duna relay, 75%. Even though I have good connection with kerbin, it keeps bouncing my signal through the relays for a worse connection. "Just because you can (bounce my signal,) you shouldn't."
  19. What the title says. I like a medium-speed cursor, so I leave my sensitivity at about 40. But when i'm doing fine adjustments in maneuver nodes, I have to turn it all the way down to 5, resulting in a veeeeeery slow cursor. I think having 2 different sensitivities for the cursor and maneuver node maker would benefit the game very positively. That's all
  20. The boosters are contributing a lot of the thrust when they shut off, that sounds right. I would check if I have autostrut and rigid attachment on, but i'm interested in where this parachute is going.
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