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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. banned for using a cap (what is a cap)
  2. The goofiness of the Kerbals is really what makes the game fun (for me). So I don't really mind some of the technical inaccuracies.
  3. @GamingRoos Here are the instructions copied from the Kopernicus BE post on how to get it from CKAN.
  4. Thanks @RealKerbal3x whether I needed an account or not was unclear. With this knowledge, expect photos to be here by tonight!
  5. Alright. Since you don't have a very big mod list, I might recommend removing your mods and reinstalling them through CKAN. That should automatically update the dependencies. You may have to add the Kopernicus BE repository, but that is explained in the BE post. IF that's too complicated, then I'm kind of out of ideas. Just trying to help. It is not. Gameslinx has stated that it will be in the 1.2 release along with performance improvements. It is a very large download. If you can hold off, I would.
  6. Do you have latest version of Kopernicus? That log says you only have the v1.0.0 version. It also seems like you have an old version of parallax. Maybe it's just the log. EDIT: There are also a ton of NREs at the bottom.
  7. I agree that they need more lifelike physics and motion, but perhaps the animation could be changed so that as they level up (and become a more experienced pilot/astronaut) they would "resist the Gs" better than brand new ones. That way you have newbie pilots sloshing around while the 5-star pilots would be able to maintain some composure.
  8. @Souptimei'm overflowing with damns here; It's still broken! (for me at least) someone else try.
  9. @Dman979 He looks like he was a very good boy. I'm sure he is missed. I also hope that @adsii1970 is alive, because after 2020, the last thing we need is a zombie modpocalypse!
  10. I was not.... must have been another Calvin and Hobbes fan. I tried using google photos over the weekend, after I took a bunch of screenshots, but it didn't work. I tried google photos; it didn't work. I liked the shots I took though, so i'll probably try dropbox or discord this afternoon.
  11. Nope, you pinged me and interrupted my Eagles game! (I haven't been paying much attention anyway) I'll ping @Deddly for you as well
  12. You timed it right I guess while we're pinging mods i'll ping @Gargamel
  13. yeah but what's not a lie is that brooklyn99 is funny. also your give a damn button is broken
  14. yo. don't tag me for a bit i'm watching Brooklyn 99. @The Doodling Astronaut
  15. Thank you for the very insightful and informative post, totally-a-KSP2-dev. I expect one every week!
  16. Heck yeah @Dman979! I have very spoiled by NFLV and Restock+; They make Apollo style missions easy! Being on a laptop, I can see your Signatures now! Can we learn more about the doggy in the window your profile pic and sig? Anyways, @AlamoVampire
  17. This will likely be where I upload pictures of stuff that I've made in KSP! If you don't like it, blame it on @adsii1970, as he told me the community liked screenshots.
  18. Banned for requiring a specific location
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