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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. That is because of exhaust cooling stopping after you turn off the throttle. Try manually turning off the reactor
  2. Hi, welcome to the forum! When you download the mod you get a .zip file. You need to unzip it by selecting it and clicking “extract all” Once it is unzipped, look in the SystemHeat folder. There should be a Gamedata folder. Move that into your Kerbal Space Program folder. It might ask you to overwrite files, allow it to do that. After that, you should be almost ready. Go back to the system heat folder, and there should be a folder inside called Extras. In there, you will see several folders. Pick the part classes that you want to use SystemHeat for. Move those directly into gamedata.
  3. Have you tried it with RO? If so, what doesn’t work?
  4. What an excellent day! I have reached the significant milestone of 1,000 reputation. 

    Such a coincidence that this happens on the date of my birth. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kerminator K-100
    3. Spaceman.Spiff


      2.8x increase after one revolution around the sun. 

  5. Procedural wings would be nice. If there were to be procedural tanks, they could have a similar upgrade system to RP1
  6. It’s the best Re: the Landing engine. I think it’s probably not configured right. Do you have the latest ROEngines? Also, hopefully there will be RSS Parallax in the near future because it seems like Gameslinx has figured out to make that possible, so that will eventually provided the variation in terrain you’re looking for.
  7. Ah. That makes a lot more sense Maybe make it a hidden resource? and, not sure if this is possible, but display the mass of gel in the PAW.
  8. I wonder if that would work in a similar fashion to boil off, because you’d still be loosing usable propellant. It could even use EC in the same way as well, because heaters for RP-1 are definitely a real thing. (I think Falcon Second Stage has it for missions with a long coast period like GEO) It would be a funny feature to allow kerbs to use ethanol in the case of no LS supplies. They would just need to be set to tourist skill level for “realism”
  9. clcik clidkckclicklcicllikclcicikclikclikickcikckicclkckkcillikcckkicck hey llok new click
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