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  1. First: Time will tell. Let's wait for a real gameplay presentation, up to this point it's mostly idle speculation or reading tea leaves. Second: Praise the lord. I'm not against big publishers in general, but the Take2 actions in the past concerning KSP2 were not the proper way to behave. And third: I'm absolutely on your side. You need a coder in charge, not an artist.
  2. At first glance it looks promising, but "once bitten, twice shy". Will keep an eye on it, it can't get worse then KSP2.
  3. Mh, I don't know what I did wrong, but after reinstalling your mod and tweaking the value everything is fine now. Thanks for your help and keep on with this cool mod. I really like it.
  4. Thank you so much. Will try it when I'm back home later that day. EDIT: So I tried it, but unfortunatly it wont work. In my config file (installed via CKAN) line 82 is "METDisplayColorRed = 1,0,0.247,1", so I copied the config file from your github repo and changed the value, but the title bars is still in red.
  5. Hi Badly disappointed from KSP2 I'm back to KSP1 and tried your mod with a new career save. I really like the style of your UI, but there is one thing I'd like to change: the color of the top bar of the part-window. I'd like to change it from red to a dark grey, and I've looked into the assets of your mod but can't find a corresponding grafik file. Can you please tell me which asset it is so I can try to change it myself, or is it configurable in the config.cfg file? Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks for letting me know, that wasn't intended. It's just, I love KSP for the realistic approach to space and all the mechanics related to this, but I have the feeling that this isn't the scope of the actual KSP2 development anymore. And an clear statement would prevent speculations about this topic.
  7. So I read this posting by Nate, and there is just "...it's definitly a thing we want to revisit, but as always we're have to balance multiple prorities." No statement that it will be coming after 1.0. And just a short but clear statement was all I wish for. Here - not on discord. And for a game, that aims to be a physical space simulation, it's sad that something like commnet and occlusion is a "maybe".
  8. Mh, and not a single word about commnet and occlusion.
  9. As I wrote in another thread (which seems to has been deleted by a mod?) thank you for your effort. Looking forward for the next chapter, and thanks for sharing your drawings.
  10. @Dakota Is this on your list? Haven't heard anything official regarding this issue, a statemant from a dev would be highly appreciated.
  11. You are basically right, but after almost 7 years of KSP old habbits don't die... And I never managed to get the "warp to point" exactly to the SOI change. So it warps somewhere before the point, you want to speed it up manualy, do it to fast and it's all over. So an automatic fallback in time warp would be nice.
  12. Yeah, that's an idea. But as long as the whole seperators/decouplers are not always working as intended, it's not the best solution. And you can't put a decupler/seperator on every other part, for example not on the top of antennas. In KSP1 for example, I use an engine plate on the fairing intersection and then place my cube-sats on top with a hinge. Until now this setup is unfortunatly not applicable: https://ibb.co/jZ8qz0X
  13. Yeah, I'm absolutly with you. In KSP1, science was the drive that brought me through the whole game. Starting the first simple missions with a thermometer, and than go further and further with even more scientific instruments. First building a relay network (teaching resonant orbits), then mapping the bodys I want to land (SCAN Sat, of course) to find places with the less slope or an interesting anomaly to visit. Placing scientific intruments on the surface (hoping the ASLEP parts from Breaking Ground will come later) and gain more science. That said here's what I love to see: - Make the experiment durations drastically longer. You don't send a probe to another planet and the science is done in 6 minutes. A magnetometer scan or an atmospheric analysis need time to complete, and I'm talking about weeks or month, not minutes. Not to mention different results in different seasons (summer, winter, etc., as long as the body has an inclined axis). - As in reality, the more samples you collect the more science you will get. No scientist will say: "OK, I have one result, let's asume it is valid for the whole planet or biome." So let's perform the experiments in the same biome a couple of times to be sure the results are valid. And reward this with science points. - With the 0.2 update we have some new buildings. I want to see another one, where the science I collected is presented and explained. What are the results of the sample I took at a former river on duna (former life)? What is eves atmosphere made of (maybe CO2, N, SO2) and what is the conclusion of this experiment? In this building you can see the experiments you allready did and where you haven't been right now. As long as there is money to fly to the ULA in denver to build a vulcan rocket in KSP2 there sould be some money to pay some guys to write those explanations. - I (sadly) know, the devs want to go away from single science tools to combined tools, but nowhere is explained what those tools realy do. My hope is on awsome guys like @DMagic or @jplrepo to fill this hole with more dedicated scientific tools. Those are just my two cents, feel free to agree or disagree.
  14. Hi In KSP1, when you're entering the SOI of another celestial body, the time warp is reduced to 4x. In KSP2 the time warp stays at the current settings, and more than once my vehicle passes the SOI or the PE of the celstial body. I'd love to see this feature implemented in KSP2.
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