I agree with @Rejected Spawn and @herbal space program. With it moving away from the "building and flying rockets" vision that Nate has stated was a core feature, among other aforementioned reasons, the only way I ever see it happening is with a mod.
And HOW it happens in a way that makes sense and is worth having is another discussion entirely. I would be curious about how a good modder would solve certain issues if they took this on.
This is my belief and while not officially verified by an actual dentist, it was insinuated to be true by a dental assistant. So take it for what it's worth.
Alors tu devrais peut-être l'utiliser.
Add (Oops, almsot forgot forum rules. Translates roughly to english Then maybe you should use it. i.e. he is in a french restaurant. Man that ruins the joke )
Waiter! There is a lame joke in my soup!
LoL I remember that! Shoot, I remember coding 8080 ML too tho so... Yeah...
Good idea. I was thinking along the lines of a scripted mod to make it .. "foolproof" so to speak, but that will definitely do for what I have in mind. Thanx for the assist!
I like!
This makes me wonder if it would be possible to add a light/sensor that could detect when engine is running monopropellant, electricity, other with red, green, yellow colored hues. This is way out of my depth though (buh dum tish)