Your heart is filled with joy as you see everyone on this thread have wishes that are granted exactly as intended. You see the sun shining outside your window, you speak happily with friends family and coworkers alike as you feel content and one with nature. ColdJ's computer woes are over and his mods are famous perfections. Ben J Kerman's new Liebherr lego cranes never fail and his batteries never run out of charge. The world is such a happy place and you feel accomplished with the wish you made as you walk down a cherry blossom tree covered lane. It's a shame you don't realize this is all in your mind because you chose the blue pill and will live forever in ignorant bliss separated from reality.
I wish my dogs weren't so mean to strangers.
Granted but before he could type it out he got interrupted and all you read is "In the beginning, there was light...."
I wished I knew Deddly well enough to irritate him better.
When you do that, you have to be sure to put your left leg out. Then your left leg back in, then your left leg out, then you do the hokey pokey to get back.
Everyone knows there's only one diode on the left side of a human, or was that appendix?
I go for regular walks with a collar, whats more human than that these days?