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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. Banned for exceeding the number of allowed bans per day, per user, even though no such a rule exists.
  2. KSP lasted 10 years and is still going, so I don't agree with it being needed for the games longevity. But I would like a mission system similar to what @Black Dog is alluding to. I do think that being able to create/influence a mission that is given in some fashion could help with the story/canon the individual has going on their mind and I think would add to the game nicely if done right.
  3. Is that a cave/arch? Or just my mobile screen?
  4. Granted. Afterwards 1.12 final bugfix is released making all previous mods not work. I wish for teleportation similar to science fiction but works.
  5. Good point. Although the way I see the game so far leads me to not worry to much about the possibility of trolls in the games I play, however This. Especially since we have yet to hear solid multiplayer information, and you add to that the fact of some really great community members and modders that reside here, I would wager that even the devs will be surprised a year after release.
  6. "You got that right Said you got that right Sure got that right" -Lynyrd Skynyrd
  7. Granted now you do not understand that which you do. I wish to see how KSP2 actually plays at this moment.
  8. When you look for the transfer window in your cars touch screen for best departure date.
  9. Because the answer that is answered must answer the answer that answered. Why not blue?
  10. Banned for using Jovian time instead of Earths
  11. This because in the real world there are guidance systems. I was actually thinking of accidental base destruction due to just being Kerbal. That's alot of explosive rocket fuel coming in hot if a mistake is made.
  12. If that were to come to pass, it would be a mod. And if private user servers are the thing, you know what to expect before joining. Most you would likely need the password. So for me, no I'm not worried about it.
  13. Not yet. Last call for me. How about you @Caerfinon
  14. Granted, but to keep balance in the force the Wookies (Chewbacca) or oversized Ewoks which resulted in Chewie not being able to save Yoda thus Luke Skywalker was never trained to use the force. ALL HAIL THE EMPIRE! I wish to see real alien technology.
  15. Nyet Will @OrdinaryKerman Stop by?
  16. Time relativity isn't a thing in the congo. Why does a fan spin but a steering wheel turns?
  17. Hey Stormpilot! I have seen you a time or two 10/10
  18. Only if operating on vehicles counts TUBM has wind chimes on their front porch
  19. Banned for prejudice against realism.
  20. I can see it now, playing with @ColdJ or @Caerfinon and as I set up my first Duna base... Wait, what is that on the horizon? Oh no! BOOM
  21. This I didn't realize. It makes @intelliCom statement of 8 very likely at release. Good assumption. I am admittedly very bad at seeing what Intercept is doing and staff they have hired. As such I didn't realize that my own assumption of 32 players is a lot less likely to come to pass by release. This is a logical conclusion. Everything clicks in my head now I believe... seeing what they are working with, not realizing Unity limitations, coupled with all the dev diaries, I think the whole picture finally sunk in. They are not really being hush hush about MP, they simply have nothing of substance to show since it is currently a one man show. One of my shortcomings as far as KSP2 assumptions go, is my IRL time. Reading forums and such on mobile in 10-15 minute chunks can leave a lot to be desired. Thanks for clarifying things.
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