Granted. Nauka is very happy, until they reload the ISS and the rotating dock wobble of doom takes over.
I wish we (world) would begin outfitting the ISS and get on with its original purpose.
Tobacco 2.0
Puts smokable tobacco in the game. Will react if too close to fuel. Kerbals become addicted if they smoke more than their skill level divided by 1.33 in a given kerbal year. Once addicted a counter will be started if they don't have at least one tobacco item in their inventory. When the counter reaches 0 that Kerbal can't do anything until the craving is satisfied.
Added granted it's past you but you drop it and it breaks
Granted. Eureka! You remembered everything about V... And it's gone.
I wish everybody had more laid back and happy personalities
I do not get any of this money, only tips. Here let me get you a drink and a straw with that sir.
Waiter! There's a leftist with a rightist fetish in my soup!