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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. 3 hours ago, Master39 said:

    They didn't put a source to the article that, for the most part, seems to be written by some random guy who occasionally lurks here and not a direct interview.

    Very plausible.. the fellow who wrote it has credentials..


    However, as you point out he doesn't cite his sources for information. This freedom of the press leads to publications like The Enquirer being completely legal, even though the information is misleading.


    The smart person takes writing for what it is and not at face value. It could come out January of 2022 December of 2022 or Juvember of 2145. Based on my knowledge, when I read it and how it was written, it seemed very plausible that was a likely release time period. Thats where my money is.


    But alas, in the end you are right. I am not a dev so I do not know.

  2. 6 hours ago, The Aziz said:

    Hold your rockets, where did you get that "second half" and why people are believing a word coming from someone who's not a dev?

    Of course Im not asking to be believed. This is the internet. However i will cite my resource for info here...



  3. When I first started playing, docking seemed impossible and I nearly rage-quit. I watched and read all the tutorials and advice I could find on it. Now I can dock virtually anything, anywhere. I can even swing the docking ship around with ease if the ports are not facing each other. This comes in handy when equipped and using the grabber and you need to align to center mass.


    As a suggestion, maybe practice with the grabber for a while, since it is very forgiving as far as where on the other ship you touch? Definitely whatever you do, keep going! ;p

  4. Depends on the complexity of colonies. If they are half as complex as has been insinuated, I think biofuel would be a great addition to the recycling and reuse process of a closed loop colony. It can be used to fuel rovers, power plants, and to a lesser extent, probes. It could even spice up Jebs coffee, when he does something stupid and makes Bill mad.


  5. 5 hours ago, KerbalEngineer said:

    I see what you are saying but those mods are different than I am thinking it's not simply just a Program there is actual contents and space that you use and it would be for things that you set a course for and then you can leave them to do other things or even like ditched stages. I know about mods but this would just make the game better for those of us who cant or dont want to get mods. Like dual payloads to a planet where you drop one into the atmosphere the same time the other does a capture burn but you will lose one if you dont have this. The atmosphere probe will burn otherwise the other probe wont capture defeating the mission. Thanks.


    3 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

    Margin of error would make using the autopilot a terrible idea unless you want that margin of error to send you hurtling into the atmosphere and, as I said, newbies could just open sandbox to bypass having to rise up the tech tree and record data in the first place. I know I started with sandbox in 0.18 when there weren't a lot of alternatives and have never touched career mode too much since it first released. Thanks for listening, have a happy Easter.

    I understand, I am of the 'partial autopilot' myself. Having probes being programmable to a small extent and having and Kerbals both only able to perform certain pre-created maneuvers with varying margins of error.



    I understand its for ksp2, but other thread discussions get just as heated. All we can do is see if the ksp devs believe it adds enough to the game to go through adding it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Wizard Kerbal said:

    Yeah, i’ve started using #2, it’s just put yourself in this situation:

    You’re fine tuning your encounter, and suddenly, it disappears.

    You look back, and see the purple lines of an encounter. You sh$@!

    And on Xbox, we don’t have the predicted path further option to see where you’ll go after the Munar flyby, unless you make a maneuver node which can be finicky 

    I keep forgetting who runs PC and who doesn't.. so even option 1 wouldn't be open to you then, no mods.


  7. 8 hours ago, Wizard Kerbal said:

         My 2nd Minmus mission - Mun got in the way

         All gilly missions - Mun got in the way

         3/4 duna missions - Mun got in the way

    1/2 Duna return missions - Ike got in the way

         1/1 Jool missions - DUNA?! got in the way

    Two things to try

    1-many many cobalt based nuclear weapons

    2-launch a little earlier or later and use them as gravity assists

    What do you think? #2 sound possible at least?

  8. 1 hour ago, Hotel26 said:

    We didn't even have jet packs in my day.  Splash down (if you could, but always welcome after the f.i.e.r.y re-entry) and swim for it.  Lucky to get the occasional sachet of shark repellent, we were...

    Is that when they made the cadets do gravity assists around a neutron star in nothing more than an air tight glad bag?

  9. 2 hours ago, Master39 said:

    I love that with all the misplaced paranoia about what the lack of information means (as if the PR team decisions have anything to do with the actual state of the game) they decided to drop something as silly as this, or the Clouds.

    It's a good way to say "hey we're still here" without revealing anything that they don't want to reveal for whatever PR reason.

    Agreed. Possibly real in-game VAB and launchpad photos, but with the April Fool mystique. I thought it was perfect timing and is actually reassuring in my mind.


  10. 4 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

    Too give you the answer, even the devs think KSP is very complex/hard and you shouldn't have to leave the game to find the information on the rocket science, physics, and the 'how do I' without leaving the game.

    The answer is indeed in the post. The way it's presented, is as an optional view. Not something that interrupts normal game play. Playable tutorial/tutorial video... Potato potato so to speak. The devs from my take on it, are trying to prevent you from having to leave the game to learn it.

    Many games do this, my point was that normal gameplay and instructional videos, playable tutorials, and get together sing-alongs would disrupt normal gameplay and break the immersion experience if they suddenly pop in while you are trying to aerobrake in Duna. Leave them back at the main menu.

  11. 51 minutes ago, shdwlrd said:

    And is the reason KSP why people try it and say it's too difficult. For a game as complex as KSP is, some hand-holding would be helpful for player retention.

    I disagree. Tutorials are for hand holding, not the main game. I have no exact numbers unfortunately but everywhere I see someone saying 'its too difficult' it's because, well, it's rocket science.


    If tutorials are not enough (like ksp) then YouTube and mods fill in the rest. Don't want to fly? Load up MechJeb. Don't understand transfer windows? Check the infamous cheatsheet and watch someone do it on youtube. 


    1 hour ago, Bej Kerman said:

    but that seems to be because you just dropped the game in front of her without explaining that it's a LEGO set,

    I understand what you mean, but I think LEGOS is oversimplification of what ksp is and what ksp2 will be. Saying it's Lego and expecting them to fly interstellar with the proper amount of delta-v without an understanding of what it is goes to the other side of the spectrum.

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