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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. I personally do not use MJ, I do enjoy flying a ship and dare I say, after 900 hours, am quite good at it.

    The post wasn't mean to spark any sort of dissent, it was just a thought I felt could be worked into the framework of Kerbal Space to make the game more interesting and less tedious.

    Seeing that automated cargo flights in ksp2 is a possibility if you meet certain criteria seems to fit right into my original line of thinking. I have had over a hundred simultaneous flights happening at the same time in ksp1 before. It seems ksp2 opens up a real possibility that I may eventually see hundreds. Im not sure it's humanly possible to manage that many complex flights at once by one person. NASA certainly doesn't use just one person.

    That being said, @Brikoleur
    thank you for your opinion, I do respect it even if I am not grasping what the core issue is. I guess we just have to wait to see what the devs do and how they implement the auto-routes that has been mentioned.


  2. I could see making more use of airplanes for sure. Thats something I wished were in base ksp1.  But in RL, launching rockets from airplanes just can not compare to launching from a pad. Old tech rocket guidance was pretty bad and would not be made any better by launching from an airplane, it just makes it more costly.

    With that said, I would like the option to do so (such as contract). I think I can understand the "savoring" or enjoyment of lobbing explosives high in the air to figure out what works and what doesn't. It's just a fine line between playing earlygame for enjoyment and it suddenly becoming a grind.

    I think options of how fast you can research technology, similar to career and science modes in ksp1, work fine for that part of it for me. Just adding more uses for planes without tedium would be a great goal.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Meecrob said:

    I'm not sure of your exact scenario, but there are ways you can prevent this from happening. For example when I go somewhere new, I usually bring a lander and two relay satellites. I plot the intercept as normal, but at 1/4 distance to intercept, I decouple one relay sat and do a course correction burn. At the halfway point I decouple the second sat and burn, and at 3/4 I do the burn for the lander. Even if the burns are small, the large distance travelled at different speeds will spread out the arrival times.

    I will be doing this in the future for sure!:joy:

  4. I do understand the split feelings on it, I was just thinking maybe that's where the kerbal flying it would come in. And only if you (the player) were not there (i.e. craft selected and flying). 

    MechJeb is a bit too automated for my tastes, that's why I don't use it and wasn't thinking exactly of perfect flying. But if the success rate relies soley on all the conditions being met, pilot skill, etc., in my eyes it would be more kerbalistic. 

    Maybe to further explain, you are docking your latest piece of 'Muner Station' together, and while you are bringing it together, Val is coming in hot to a pre-created maneuver for a circular Mun orbit @ 50,000 , but wait, her skill isn't very high and well, since you were busy with the station, she ends up in an orbit Pe 42,000 and Ap 58,000, just as an example.

    I figured if it were an option people could choose to use it or not to. Admittedly I am not sure what the difference between it being dlc or base game would make. In original ksp you can F12 a craft into any orbit at any time or complete a contract instantly and thats base game. For me it's use it or don't.

    One thing is for sure, I mean no harm and I am of course willing to go with majority and devs final decision. I just thought something like this with risk vs benfits instead of perfect flying would fit into kerbal space and help at the same time.



  5. Juggling 4 Mun missions at once got me to thinking... I personally would like an option in the settings that would allow your kerbil pilots to automatically perform a maneuver that you have already created or preset when the time reaches the T -0 point.


    Hear me out, I don't mean complete computer control per se. I'm thinking it would only occur if the option were set, you were not in control of the craft, you had appropriate controls in the craft and you had a pilot in the control seat. Results of the burn/maneuver could be based on the kerbil pilots skill level. Such as 2% margin of error for top level, 4% for the next, 8% next, 16%... and so on. 

    I think it would add a dimension of play in pilot choice depending on mission, and could make for very interesting situations if the skill were too low. It would also help in the current situation I am in, where 3 crafts maneuver windows are within 1 minute of each other! :sad:

    Any thoughts? Or has this already been mentioned elsewhere?

  6. 4 hours ago, Boyster said:

    I think this is your problem but it was supposed to get fixed in the latest patch?


    I haven't encountered it myself but to be fair i have very few hours in the latest patch.

    That is it. Thanx very much for the link!


    I am playing PC v 1.11 and it still exists, I was hoping that it was fixed by now as well. ;.;

    But thanx to you @Boyster I have a link to watch now. Maybe this will help inform others who search for a solution to the issue. :wink:


  7. Sorry to necro this thread. I remember this bug from way back, was hoping 1.11 solved it. Found out bug still exists (No Mechjeb2 mod or anything similar) and didn't find another thread with this bug.

    When the bug occurs, I can't save, quit, I have to CTRL-ALT-DEL just as before, and shut down the game.

    Question is, does anyone have any more information on this issue? Any work-arounds discovered?




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