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Everything posted by wpetula

  1. The config for Maar should specify the correct liquid color (hex). I think someone mentioned that the blue might be caused by an incompatibility. What visual mods are you using in conjunction with Precursors (aside from Scatterer)? My suggestion for a fix: delete the mod cache for Maar, check the config to see if the liquid color is correct (if not, the color should be tan), then reload the game.
  2. I am really, really, really hoping this wasn’t actually in-game.
  3. I have a massive one flying through my test save, so apparently yes!
  4. Frontier used to have a massive set of rings. Now, some of those ring textures are used around Echo and Scourge. The remaining textures remain unused as of now.
  5. Something a little different.... While I was working on the upcoming patch for better terrain textures and a solution for the impossible contract issues, I thought it might be fun to explore Precursors' early development days. Approximately 2 years ago, I decided to start work on Precursors as my first ever planet pack. At the time, the mod was named Outer Rim and contained a completely different solar system. The planets and moons in Outer Rim underwent many iterations, many of which evolved into the worlds seen in-game today. Duat --> Fracture Duat shares a few similarities with Fracture: it has lava oceans, a boiling atmosphere, and chaotic, mountainous land. It served more as a proof-of-concept than an actual planet. Jeb died a lot here in testing. Reason for overhaul: Duat's terrain was low quality and made the planet feel smaller than it actually was. Tempest --> Echo Tempest evolved from a grey-skied jungle world into a lush, tropical planet. For a time, it was the home world for the mod. A color similar to Tempest's oceans is used now on Echo. Reason for overhaul: Again, the texture made the planet feel too small. Tempest's old texture became Duat. Odin --> Frontier Odin has a very different appearance than the typical ice world. Before it was removed, Odin was a supermassive terrestrial world with a massive set of rings and moons. Although most aspects of Odin were scrapped, extreme gravity became the signature challenge of Frontier. Reason for overhaul: Many of the moons orbiting Odin suffered from terrain and orbital problems (including Ran, which later became Abyss). Plus, Odin itself suffered from a condition that I would describe as, "island hell". Due to the way I made my height maps back then, Odin had terrain similar to TV static, which did not pair well with water. Rosea --> Sangu --> Scourge Scourge has the most extensive backstory of all the celestial bodies in Precursors. I always wanted to have a red planet in the mod, but I could never figure out how to make it look right. Rosea was my second ever planet, with the first being the gas giant in the background (Tenebris, the ancestor of Rage). Rosea was overhauled into Sangu when I revamped the entire solar system for the second time. Sangu was removed in the third revamp and reinvented as Scourge in the fourth and final revamp. Reason for overhaul: The ScaledSpace textures for both worlds lacked quality, and the surface scatters on Sangu refused to cooperate. I wanted stock red trees, but KSP always ignored my config settings and changed them back to green. --- I might make more something a little different posts in the future. Precursors' development history extends far deeper than what is included in this post, and there's more that I would like to share. If you have any specific questions about the development cycle, feel free to ask!
  6. This is a known issue. My advice is to use the cheat menu to finish these impossible contracts. Just teleport to sea level, get your science, and then leave. Or, just don't accept those kinds of contracts.
  7. Version 1.4.1 is released! VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS (PART 1) Change log: Removed specular and shininess from the gas and ice giants Removed ScaledSpace shininess from Frontier and Windswept Reduced ScaledSpace shininess on Icebound Updated splash screens that were rendered outdated by this patch Minor Scatterer atmosphere tweaks Minor config tweaks SCREENSHOTS
  8. Noted. I will look into the issue later today / this weekend. Thanks!
  9. That blue atmosphere on Frontier frightens me. Did you delete the stock folders out of Scatterer? That is a crucial step in fixing the problem. Because Frontier is listed as "Kerbin" in the game files (for modding reasons), the stock Kerbin config in Scatterer overrides the atmosphere color of the Precursors Kerbin/Frontier Scatterer config.
  10. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I am releasing a visual patch tomorrow. Here are a few screenshots of the improvements: Windswept and Frontier are no longer shiny from space Rage and the ice giants are no longer shiny from space either I still have a bit of tweaking to do, but these screenshots are a good representation of what is coming. Not at the moment, sorry. That is something for the distant future, especially since there are more pressing features to attend to, and implementing a home switch mode would require a lot of adjustments to existing content.
  11. Picture + what version of KSP and Kopernicus are you using?
  12. You misunderstood. Look at the OP. The order of the planets is as follows: Fracture — Echo — Windswept — Scourge — Frontier — Rage — Serenity + Tranquility PLEASE DO NOT POST MAJOR SPOILERS OUTSIDE A SPOILER BOX. Additional posts that include spoilers about specific lore without a spoiler box will be removed from this thread.
  13. …perhaps In the most recent update (1.4), it’s the 5th planet from the sun. What other mods are you using? You might be experiencing incompatibility issues. Likely because you are not using the most recent version of Scatterer. Atmospheres are generated differently in the newer versions.
  14. Version 1.4 is released! LORE AND STORMS UPDATE As the title suggests, this update focuses on the story content in Precursors. New story additions include: Huge sums of new science experiments Revised existing science experiments (no more filler experiments on the outer planets!) A new biome on some celestial bodies: SIGNAL ZONES Lots and lots of new lore to uncover Tired of the monochrome appearance of the outer planets? The STORMS aspect of the update spruces up the textures for all gas and ice giants in the system with: New textures for Serenity and Tranquility An updated texture for Rage SCREENSHOTS And finally, the LORE AND STORMS UPDATE contains general polish for the mod: An updated splash screen New loading tips An updated version of Solus' stock sun flare Minor config/description tweaks Thank you everyone for your continued support! More updates are planned for this summer. Happy flying
  15. The current mod update trajectory is: Lore --> Terrain/textures --> Surface scatters --> EVE support + Parallex (depending on if I ever figure out how to make a cloud map)
  16. All textures are 4096 x 2048 (4K in the world of planet textures). As for the black icon, I have no idea what you mean. All celestial bodies have a custom white icon as seen from the tracking station and map view. EDIT: ohhh I understand now. You mean terrain. Yes, the terrain textures need a major update. For now, I am focusing on improving more important elements of the mod.
  17. https://360toolkit.co/convert-cubemap-to-spherical-equirectangular + a little bit of messing around and photoshop tweaks
  18. I’m not familiar with resource maps and planet mining. As of Version 1.3.2, Precursors contains no custom resource maps. I’m not sure what the implications of this are, but it might be worth going down to Hydra and just checking it out. The moon isn’t very big.
  19. A sneak peak of the next update: world building and deeper lore All custom surface scatters are ported in from Blender, and all models are 100% original. So far, we have some spiky bois and anomalies on Char.
  20. Not yet, but I will consider adding some in the next update. Good suggestion!
  21. I have a GoFundMe now! If you like my work, a donation of just a few dollars would be much appreciated. Cheers, everyone! https://gofund.me/445b915b
  22. At the moment, I do not have a donations page set up. However, extra support is always appreciated, so I’ll look into creating a GoFundMe page. I’ll let you know when it’s up and running. Thanks!
  23. It's not at all rude, especially since you recognized the work might be a lot. I will add it to my list of potential future updates, but for now, I am more focused on custom surface scatters, EVE, and other world enhancements.
  24. Only one way to find out! Not yet, but this is a very good idea. Finally, something I can work on while in school. Uhhh...I'm not sure how you managed to land on Solus or Rage, but hats off to you.
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