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Everything posted by wpetula

  1. Not yet, but I will consider adding some in the next update. Good suggestion!
  2. I have a GoFundMe now! If you like my work, a donation of just a few dollars would be much appreciated. Cheers, everyone! https://gofund.me/445b915b
  3. At the moment, I do not have a donations page set up. However, extra support is always appreciated, so I’ll look into creating a GoFundMe page. I’ll let you know when it’s up and running. Thanks!
  4. It's not at all rude, especially since you recognized the work might be a lot. I will add it to my list of potential future updates, but for now, I am more focused on custom surface scatters, EVE, and other world enhancements.
  5. Only one way to find out! Not yet, but this is a very good idea. Finally, something I can work on while in school. Uhhh...I'm not sure how you managed to land on Solus or Rage, but hats off to you.
  6. I asked the Kopernicus Discord to take a look at the transparent terrain issue. Apparently, CTTP textures might not be suited for use with AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation. I'll try to switch the textures for stock or custom ones when I return home. In the meantime, I recommend following Aezon's example and using the cheat menu to complete impossible contracts. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. Thank you for your patience and feedback!
  7. Hmm. I looked into mods that would allow me to create custom contracts, but I've run into a few snags: It looks like it's possible to add new contracts, but I don't know if I can replace the stock ones I could try disabling a certain type of contract in Precursors, but that would require an additional mod, and then you wouldn't receive any ocean contracts I haven't seen a mod that specifically allows you to disable ocean contracts As a temporary solution, I saw this reddit post about eliminating certain contracts and adding more doable contracts to your game: Tuesday through Saturday, I will be at the FRC Championships competition, but I will try to research a better solution for this issue when I have time.
  8. Hehe...so funny story... You can't see it on the tracking station, but there is an ocean hiding under the terrain on all vacuum bodies. For whatever reason, vacuum worlds don't render correctly without an ocean. This was an issue a while back that I for the life of me could not fix, and the hidden ocean stuff was the only solution I could find. Is the contract error game breaking?
  9. *Deep breath* Okay, I think I found and fixed the issue. I am uploading another patch shortly. After installing this new version into KSP, make sure to delete the stock atmosphere folders out of Scatterer (Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Jool, Laythe). Then everything should work as intended.
  10. That's...mildly concerning. I'll look into it tomorrow. I tested the atmosphere multiple times on my setup as clean as I could, but I guess I'm still missing something.
  11. oh no, not again.... Are you using Scatterer, and if so, what version? I thought I fixed this, but maybe I missed a version or something. Thanks for letting me know! EDIT: Yup, a new version of Scatterer came out and broke Frontier's atmosphere again. The patch is out now on SpaceDock
  12. These days, learning how to make custom planets is (unfortunately) extremely difficult. I too had trouble finding up-to-date tutorials, but there are still plenty of resources that you can use for reference on your planet-making journey. https://kopernicus.github.io/wiki/ The Kopernicus Wiki is your best friend when it comes to understanding how to use configs and what all the variables mean. https://tangrams.github.io/heightmapper/ This is like Google Earth, but it's a height map. Do you ever wonder how planet pack authors make their planets look so realistic? They copy and paste exported sections of Earth's height map and combine them into something unique. (Video--see spoiler box) ^ This video is a good example of how you should use Tangram to make a height map (Gameslinx uses nebula as his height map. Trust me, stick with Tangram exports). It also gives some insight into how to create a config and render a planet in-game. GIMP and Paint.net These are free photo manipulation software. I used them to create my planet pack, and I recommend you do the same. Use GIMP to create your height maps and color maps. Notepad++ Use this for writing and saving your configs. Other people's planet packs Nothing helps you learn better than messing around with the configs and textures of an existing planet pack. Just remember, this would only be for learning. Publish only what is purely your own content (no major derivatives). The Kopernicus Discord Here, you can find all the best modders and ask for help. As far as I've seen, everyone is very willing to give you a hand and provide crucial feedback on your work. (KSP forum--see spoiler box) ^ This forum has a bunch of tutorials related to planet texturing (including how to eliminate polar seams). If you have any further questions, feel free to message me using the forums. Good luck!
  13. I am a complete beginner to making custom EVE content, and I want to use clouds to enhance my planet pack Precursors. I've been looking for a step-by-step tutorial on how to make an EVE cloud map for a long time, but I haven't been able to find anything. Every custom texture I've tried to make fails to load in-game. How do I make a cloud texture for use with EVE? What file type should I use? Do I need to use alpha channels? How exactly do I do that? Is this process supposed to be really easy? Where are some additional resources I can look at? I'm very stumped and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Thanks. For Mike, I see two major issues, although they might not be the source of the terrain squares you reported. The "Biomes" section should be inside of "Properties" The Normal Map should be .png (use KittopiaTech to generate it for you, then copy the file from the KittopiaTech folder into your mod map folder) As for the gas giant, the Normal Map not being .png is likely why the lighting is all messed up. The logs should be found in a folder inside the "Kerbal Space Program" folder.
  15. The issue is likely with one of the textures (color map or height map). I recommend checking the Kopernicus logs to see if any exceptions occurred during the planet loading process. If you want to put the logs and config in a spoiler box here, I’ll take a look for you. Good luck!
  16. In the recent KSP 2 video Interstellar Travel, one of the developers mentions how each star in the sky is simulated. The skybox in the pre-alpha footage looks absolutely stunning with hundreds of shimmering stars and nebula. This poses a few questions: Does the skybox change as you travel between star systems? If so, does the skybox slowly switch to another, or do the stars themselves actually move? Is it technically possible to fly to every star in the sky (even if there is no solar system associated with it? I hope the first two questions are true. It would be so cool to see constellations from the Kerbolar System morph into new ones as you travel to far-off worlds. Green background (Kerbolar System) Red/brown background (unknown system)
  17. After months of hard work.... Version 1.3 is released! MOAR PLACES TO GO With this update comes a tremendous amount of content. Gather your Kerbals and ready your ships: the Ignotum System has expanded! -Added 2 new outer planets -Added a new inner planet -Added 3 new moons -Loads of new science -More lore -New splash screens and loading tips -Minor improvements -Honestly, this thing has been in development so long that I can't remember everything I've implemented SCREENSHOTS
  18. Hello everyone, I've been trying to update the Precursors Planet Pack, but a few seconds into the uploading process, SpaceDock tells me I'm missing something and stops everything. I have never had this issue before, and I am very confused as to how to fix it. The zip file I am trying to upload is 0.5 G. All the fields are filled out, so I'm assuming I have to reduce the file size. Can anyone offer me advice on what to do? Thanks! EDIT: RESOLVED
  19. I do know what the coordinates are used for. I'll give their purpose away in the spoiler box, but if you want to speculate yourself, here's a hint: they might not be your traditional coordinate system.
  20. Here are some things I saw in the new video that I didn’t see in the repository. It’s possible that they are in there, and I just missed them. NEW BACKGROUND CLEAR SHOT OF KERBIN GURDAMMA? OVIN? DUNA? SOLAR SYSTEM WITH GURDAMMA IN IT?
  21. The repository is in desperate need of an update with the recent KSP 2 video. There were so, so many new celestial bodies, graphics, and more shown off in that video!
  22. KSP 2 in KSP 1…this is absolutely incredible work! Hopefully development is going well.
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