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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Not sure it mattered, considering the full play was simply "Angkor"? Kuala Lumpur
  2. The best advice I can give you on getting to the Mun is to watch the following video: And remember the name Mike Aben; his videos, although old, hold a verifiable cornucopia of information that is still highly applicable to doing all kinds of stuff in KSP. Watch the above, and you will soon find yourself heading towards the Mun.
  3. Little Miss Muffet sits on the tuffet, claiming the hill for herself. She wasn't afraid of the spider who played solitaire up on the shelf. Vogon Poetry Hill.
  4. Calling 911 because you are helping someone dig a rather large hole.
  5. All the world's a stage, and all the world's people not more than cheaters.
  6. Itaewon-dong (part of the Yongsan District in Seoul, South Korea) Itaewon-dong - Google Maps
  7. Granted, but the only way to have fun is to be involved in a rivalry. I wish to be the living embodiment of awesomeness.
  8. Soytainly, nyuck, nyuck! TUBM is a fan of the Three Stooges.
  9. Banned for continued ignorance of the game rules.
  10. The only place I've ever been that even comes close to that is GenCon way back in 1996. You know, when they still held it in Milwaukee. One of the worst weekends for gaming I've ever experienced. TUBM is a member of at least 3 PBP forums.
  11. @kerbiloid not being here is a sure sign of cheating.
  12. Ok, fine. Kitty is banned for not banning. You are banned for not playing along with the rules of the thread.
  13. Granted. You are the only one who gets blipped. Turns out, you are the only one who needed to be blipped. That's right, the universe settles into symmetry and harmony once you are gone. You are the lynchpin, apparently. I wish the DC movies were as good as the Marvel movies.
  14. Well, that's not as stupid as me not trying to do that before asking. >1000 hours playing, and you'd think I'd remember that. Which worked, BTW.
  15. I sent an engineer to Minmus this morning to repair a broken rover, and this is something I've done multiple times before. However, this time, the only thing that needs to be done is to put an antenna on the rover so it has a connection to the KSC. I put the antenna in the engineer's inventory so I wouldn't have to drag it around, but when I get to the rover and open up EVA Construction, I can't drag the antenna out of the inventory? I've tried left click, right click, hold and drag, shift, alt, ctrl...nothing works. Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a reason why I can't pull a part out of a Kerbal's inventory in EVA Construction?
  16. No, but I'm listening to it right now. I wish I could play guitar even half as well as Joe Perry. I mean, I can play, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm not even playing the same sport in the same galaxy.
  17. Granted. I mean, it already does. Technically, paper money is made of a combination of fabric and paper, both of which can be made from trees. So...yeah, no corruption needed here. Unless, of course, you don't stop cutting them all down to make more money. Oh, you didn't stop! Now you've eliminated the primary means by which CO2 is recycled into oxygen, thereby killing the entirety of the planet's life. Way to go! I wish money DIDN'T grow on trees, but rather could be planted and harvested like potatoes, or carrots. Oh, I made a funny! Money, carrots (karats)!
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