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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Actually, it is. 1st definition of the word includes the word "person". define user - Search
  2. One of my favorite sayings from being in IT is "Absence of an error is indicative of there being an error".
  3. It still available for sale on both Steam and Epic. But your statement about who the money goes to...dead on. Nobody knows.
  4. If you look at this thread, specifically SuperfluousJ's post from 2023, this should give you a start:
  5. I have a hard time believing this. "I know something, but I can't tell anyone unless I'm told I can, even though I'm sure they wouldn't mind but haven't told me I can yet." Why even bother telling us that you know something if you can't tell us who told you? It falls under the same category as the forum user who, last year, claimed they were in talks with Take Two to purchase the IP. Which, as we all know, turned out to be bunk. It's bad enough that we don't know who bought the studio (which, to me, is just more of the same "We know something but can't tell you" garbage). Unless you can give us actual details, please don't come out here and tell us you have it on good anonymous authority. I'll trust the actual post from the mods that validated it was only 6 months.
  6. Except KSP isn't abandoned. It was not in EA and it reached 1.0 years ago. Not to mention that the developers/studio came out and said they were done working on it with the release of 1.12.5.
  7. Probably best to ask in the thred dedicated to the mod.
  8. [snip] Wrong on 2 counts here. First, the forum hasn't been fixed; I've been getting 503's all day, including trying to respond to this thread. Secondly, the license has the forum extended until...well, I'm guessing March, based on when we were told it was extended for 6 months. Well, you've done a bang-up job consistently affirming what you think they are doing and why. Are you the only one allowed to do that? I've stated repeatedly that we don't know who the new owner is nor what they intend to do. Anything beyond that is your own speculation of what you think my words mean. Nice. Edit something you said personally to avoid the wrath of the mods. I'm not annoyed. You happen to think I am because I'm not drinking from the same mug of copium you are. I'm being entirely realistic about what has happened, and what the actual facts are. You, on the other hand, are dealing in conjecture and speculation as to what you think the new owner is/is not. Oh, I see what you are getting at now. Not that you ever clarified or stated it as such in your original post. But yes, based on your math there, the generated net revenue would be $250. However, if you think that's enough money for the new owner to say "You know what, I think we'll keep getting that easy $250 a month and keep the bad vibes on the product going"...well, you just keep thinking that. I highly disagree, but that's my opinion. [snip] To add to your argument, when I first got KSP I had no idea that it could be modded. I bought it for what it was, not what the community modded it to be. Except that companies don't market to the niche portion of their market (and that is saying something pretty strong considering that KSP is in and of itself a niche market). KSP wasn't originally developed to be marketed to people who wanted to create or use mods. And if only 25% of your client base wants that functionality, why would you look at the 75% and tell them that the 25% is more important? Patently wrong. Happens all the time in businesses. Look at all the petitions that have ever been created over products going in a direction or adding features that the majority of the client base/market didn't want. Just look at the gaming industry. You can read the following article that talks directly about this: Controversial Features Games Immediately Regretted And you are blatantly failing to see that companies don't market to the lowest portion of their customer base. Are mods great? Yes, they are. But based on the (in the context of this conversation) 25% of the market wanting it, you don't spit in the face of the 75% and say "Too bad".
  9. Calling 911 to get tickets to kangaroo boxing.
  10. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting audiobook about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to
  11. Wrong. I was here talking about this before the video showed up. The video didn't influence one way or the other. This forum was funded by Take Two, and that license runs out somewhere around March. If the new owners of the IP cared so much about it and/or us, they'd not only let us know who they are, but they'd either fund the forum OR let us know where we should be. The fact that they haven't done any of that to this point shows me that they don't care about us at all. Money that's being made on a lie. The game isn't being developed, and there won't be any development on it at all as far as we all know. And if they care about those 10 sales a month and are really that greedy, then they aren't any better than Take Two. Your math is so far off. The game is $50 a pop. 2 users refunding is $100, not $250. So the first part of your argument here is gone right out the window. Secondly, we still have no idea if the forum was part of the sale of the studio. Nor do we know who even bought it. The forum was stated as being funded for 6 months back in September, which means the current license runs out somewhere in March. And for all the asking that's been done both here and on Discord, nobody - NOBODY - can state with any certainty what is going to happen with the forum when that license runs out. Which, as I stated above, tells me that the new owner doesn't care any more about us or this place than Take Two does. As far as money to keep the forum up and running? If it means keeping the forum and the years of data around, I'll pay for the license myself. The bigger problem is the backend - database and server hosting. When Take Two decides to shut that off is when we are really screwed. And while I'd pay for the license cost (which would then get into a whole discussion about me becoming an administrator of the site, which nobody wants), I'd need someone else to pick up the backend tab. You gonna front that cost? Or are you going to continue making up numbers and sales figures to justify the new owner - who, again, we don't know - wanting Steam to keep the game listed even though it's dead?
  12. This has been debated to death on the forum. And the TL;DR is that the community has neither the money nor legal power to do this and win.
  13. I couldn't even finish watching the first video. I heard "The Intercept" twice and vomited. Like, get your entities right.
  14. Prove it. Prove that the new owner doesn't already have funds, or their own forum. You can't. You have no clue what the new owner does or does not have, and therefore cannot make a claim about what they may or may not do. I cannot speak to the state of Spacedock or Kerbal-X; I am under the impression that neither of those is official and/or part of the forum here. And if that is the case, you can't lump them in with this forum or money earned from selling the game. You also seem to forget that KSP1 is still listed and available, and that people recommend buying that instead of KSP2. So do the new owners not get money from those sales? Nobody gains or loses anything with the delisting of KSP2. However, Steam gets held accountable for not having this piece of garbage available, and then finally.gets held to their own EA standard. I don't understand how you think the new owner gets hurt by not having a game they didn't develop and isn't feature complete not listed for sale. Do you think the odd $50 here and there are going to matter to their plans in the long run? My theory is that they don't care. They knew what they bought, and whether or not the game is listed doesn't mean anything to them. Everyone who has it or who bought it is their current core audience, and we k ow all about it.
  15. And how does delisting the game that the current buyer didn't developer hurt them? If they had nothing to do with it, how is not having it available hurt them? How is the current mod scene even related to the game being listed on Steam? People don't generally.buy games just so they can play whatever mods are available. In fact, games should be able to stand on their own before you add mods, and not need mods to be playable. And yet, the question about whether or not to buy it comes up on Reddit weekly. People either don't read the reviews or they don't know about them. So to say that there is no way people aren't aware of this mess is patently false. If you don't believe me, go hit up the subreddit. This is immaterial. Nothing is going to help those of us that bought the game at this point Not sure how this is, tbh. So the game is no longer seen...but thay doesn't remove the forum threads, reddit topics, and news articles.
  16. Sir Deddly was listening to an audiobook about quantum, when suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door.
  17. All I really want for Christmas is for me, my wife, and our 2 cats to wake up happy and healthy, spend some time eating a meal, watching some football, and enjoying each other's company. This year might be the last we have with one of our cats; Mischa, who is just shy of 11 and whom we've had since she was 9 weeks old, was diagnosed with lung cancer 2 weeks ago. And while she is holding her own, we know that our time with her is limited. So we just want her to be happy and comfortable and know she's loved. That's it. That's all I want for Christmas this year.
  18. Sir Deddly was reading an audiobook loudly when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato chip came knocking vigorously at the door.
  19. Behold, i give you... THE SUPER TRANSMATIC ONIONATOR 5000! Simply.hild this small device as close to your face as possible, and just watch the tears flow! Next: An inator to turn on the lights.
  20. Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cheroo I would be happy if I could ban you....
  21. Calling 911 to talk to them about their car's extended warranty.
  22. Granted, but the only ability you have is to dig straight down. And you never find anything. I wish I owned Facebook.
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