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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. I'm not holding any grudges against the guy. I mean, I'm not going to ever be all "You are an [insert whatever expletive you wish] for jerking us around" if I ever run into the guy IRL. But that doesn't alleviate the fact that I feel he lied to us, or that he continued to promise communication and updates but then never produced. I am taking KSP2 as a learning opportunity with several lessons learned: Never buy into EA at full price again. I have to caveat that with the full price, because, should KSA be for something like $5, I won't turn that down. Never buy into anything Nate is ever associated with again. Even if that ends up being KSA or, lord help us, anything that comes out of Haveli/ex-Annapurna. Keep on trucking with KSP1. Like, why deviate from the original, especially when there are enough mods to make it into thousands of different games?
  2. So, one of my pet peeves is the use of the phrase "near miss". I know that in the current vocabulary it's an accepted phrase used to indicate when you barely avoid a collision. But isn't a near miss...actually a hit? If you nearly miss something, doesn't that mean you actually didn't miss but then did in fact hit the object?
  3. Wish I would have taken pictures, but... Every once in a while I go through old saves and try to refamiliarize myself with what's going on there. I do this because it helps me to fine-tune things I can improve at, while learning new skills without messing up the important saves I have. I've got like 30ish older saves of career games I'll never actually do anything with, and 3 saves that I flip between that I consider important. Each of those important saves are career games where I want to do something different with each one (one will end when I do a Jool-5, one will end when I land on and return from Eve, and the third is "build a space station so big that it could double as a planet"). Anyhow, this morning I opened one of the older saves, and it was pretty early career. I start looking through it to see what's up, and I realize that I still hadn't gotten credit in Mission Control for docking on/around Kerbin. And then I saw a contract there to rescue Gememone Kerman from orbit of Kerbin. And my mind went "Hey, we could pull this off; we can do this through EVA construction!". So I accepted all the contracts (3 in total; 2 to dock in Kerbin orbit, 1 to do the rescue), and built a craft to go up there. I need to point out that this save doesn't even have dual-capacity command modules, so I had to stack a Mk1 on top of the early plane cockpit, and then stack an OKTO on top of that. Why? Well, I needed: One seat for the Engineer (for EVA construction) One seat for Gememone (whom I'm rescuing) Probe core for SAS control at the very least on the way up (because Engineers can't fly by themselves, you know) So I create this ugly thing, then stick a cargo container on top of that, complete with a docking port jr. One on top of the craft, and one in the cargo container. I get up into orbit, and I rendezvoused within 10 meters of Gememone's craft. I let Bill go on EVA, then fire up EVA construction. Take the docking port out of the cargo container, stick it on Gememone's craft...and bingo! Docked! All 3 contracts completed when I touched down on the grasslands. Now, I don't really need the EVA construction practice. I had assumed I wouldn't get close enough with the rendezvous, which would have necessitated EVA maneuvering with Bill. And THAT I most certainly need practice with. However, even if I didn't need the practice, it is never a bad idea to work on rocket building skills. Take a bunch of contracts that don't look like they go together and try to cram a craft together to satisfy them. I'll always take that kind of practice.
  4. Can you target behind the actual target so that the missiles get closer? Maybe deploy a beacon of some kind to hiver above the target and aim for that? Are you isng any mods? BDArmory might have this solved.
  5. Banned for believing human understanding of physics is the end of understanding physics.
  6. That's an insult to those of us who aren't real-life pilots. It's akin to me telling you that playing a guitar through modeling amp is a crutch and that, because I know how to do it, you should also just use a boatload of pedals that you don't know how to use. Or to tell you that CAD software is a crutch and you should really draw in-depth architectural designs by hand. As I pointed out above, people get to play this game the way they want to. Whatever way is right for them, not what is right for you. Some of us - myself included - use MJ to do menial tasks that we already know how to do but have become bored with doing it. Like launch to LKO, or landing on the Mun or Gilly. We CAN do those things, but we choose to let the computer do them for us. That doesn't make us wrong, or that we are using some kind of crutch. Oh, and how did all those negotiations to purchase the IP go last year?
  7. I don't veer too far from Terriers and Reliants. Once those are unlocked I stick with them.
  8. Granted. It continues, but without you. I wish Exploro could figure out how to corrupt that last wish.
  9. Banned for not being an adsii1971.
  10. Granted. You are wholly depressed, with a side of serious melancholy. This goes far beyond sadness into utter and irrevocable despair. I wish I was capable of providing happiness to everyone.
  11. Nope. One of the beautiful things about this game is that we can all play in whatever way makes the most sense to and provides the most fun for ourselves. You do you, and don't worry how anyone else is doing them. Assuming this isn't rhetorical... You play KSP. That should be enough of an answer for you to determine whether or not you need to be institutionalized. No, you aren't. You are playing the way you want to, just as I play the way I want to (using MechJeb for Orbital information, launch assent, triggering nodes, etc.). We each get to play how we want to, which is neither better nor worse than anyone else.
  12. Send crew and get them home. Especially challenging on Eve, but if you can land a rover, you aren't that far off.
  13. Well, until the license expires, we don't really know if they are going to keep paying or not.
  14. Granted. I mean, I find this song pleasant. I wish Marilyn Manson would release new music.
  15. For how long, though? I'm not trying to be a doomer here, but rather I'm speaking from a place of practicality. The forums have had issues for months, with multiple periods of extended downtime. The license dies in a couple of months, and although the DNS thing is resolved, that is no guarantee that the forums will live on after the license expires. Again I go back to the fact that the new owners haven't even had the common courtesy to come out and talk to us, which never bodes well.
  16. The big issue here is that there are no known benefits. Yes, there is a new owner. But there still has been zero communication, and we don't know what is going to happen. So again, anything at this point is speculation. Which means that there are no currently known benefits. I will say that I hope things get better for this franchise. I just can't get my hopes up until they finally decide we are worth their time to talk to.
  17. Didnt think I'd have to explain it, but... You were talking about a new company for this specific franchise being built from the ground up, and your post is full of hopium and excitement. It is as if you believe it is a forgone conclusion it will succeed. So my counter to that is that for this very specific franchise that was done once already and failed. I am not talking about all of history, and neither were you. Stop trying to move the goalposts simply to make yourself seem smarter or right.
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